Home | All I Want | Pt.2 | Pt.3 | Pt.4 | Pt.5 | Pt.6 | Pt.7 | Pt.8 | Pt.9 | Pt.10 | Tristan Years | Pt.2 | Pt.3 | Pt.4 | Pt.5 | Pt.6 | Pt.7 | Pt.8 | Pt.9 | Pt.10 | Guilty Heart | Pt.2 | Pt.3 | Pt.4 | Pt.5 | Pt.6 | Pt.7 | Pt.8 | Pt.9 | pt.10 | The Will to Love | Pt.2 | Pt.3 | Pt.4 | Pt.5 | Pt.6 | Pt.7 | Pt.8 | Pt.9 | Pt.10 | All's Fair | Pt.2 | Pt.3 | Pt.4 | Pt.5 | Pt.6 | Pt.7 | Pt.8 | Pt.9 | Pt.10 | Rules Are Made to be Broken | Pt.2 | Pt.3 | Pt.4 | Pt.5 | Pt.6 | Pt.7 | Pt.8 | Pt.9 | Pt.10 | Truth Be Told | Pt.2 | Pt.3 | Pt.4 | Pt. 5 | Pt. 6 | Pt.7 | Pt.8 | Pt. 9 | Pt. 10 | Three Wishes | Pt. 2 | Part 3 | Pt. 4 | Part 5 | Pt 6 | Pt.7 | Pt. 8

Truth Be Told-Pt.6


"You delight in defying me…and I suppose you think you’ve won this time. But I’m still in charge here and another stunt like that will not fall in your favor next time. Do we understand each other?" ~ Mr. DuGrey


Story Summary: As Lorelai starts to come to grips with her daughter and Tristan having progressed their physical relationship, Rory and Tristan have to deal with being apart during his grounding.




Tristan is sitting on his bed his stereo turned up so loud he doesn’t hear the knock at the door which is why he is surprised when it opens and Rory walks in.


Tristan quickly reaches over and turns down the music.


TRISTAN: Man you’re a sight for sore eyes.


Tristan gets up off his bed and walking quickly over to her envelopes her in a hug.


RORY: You’ve seen me in school.


TRISTAN: It’s not the same, too many people around. I really hate my dad sometimes.


RORY: How many more days do we have left?


TRISTAN: Technically two more weeks, but my dad leaves on a business trip to Chicago on Monday, so really just the weekend.


RORY: You’re mom’s going to let you go out?


TRISTAN: More than likely. She thinks my dad is being too harsh about the beer.


Skillfully Tristan places his hand behind Rory’s neck and pulls her gently towards him for a lingering kiss.


Reluctantly she breaks away.


RORY: I should get going; I was just dropping off some stuff you left at my house.


TRISTAN: And the Gestapo let you pass? Surprising.


RORY: If by Gestapo you are referring to your father. He’s not home. You’re mom let me come up.


Tristan reaches out for Rory’s hand.




RORY: I wish I could but I promised your mom I’d give you the box of stuff and come right back down. I think she’s worried your dad will come home while I’m up here.


Tristan pulls Rory towards him.


TRISTAN: Screw him.


Looking into Tristan’s eyes Rory finds herself becoming just a little bit lost and against her better judgment leans in and the two begin to kiss, an action that fuels the hormones that both have had to keep in check since Tristan’s grounding.


Tristan knows he should be satisfied with their little make-out session but the feel of her in his arms has his body crying out for more and moving just a little faster and farther than he should, he skillfully unhooks her bra and his fingers seek out the naked flesh.


Breathless from his passionate possession Rory tries to voice her muddled thoughts.


RORY: This is a bad…bad idea.


Tristan knows she’s right, but the bad boy in him that wants what he’s been missing doesn’t care and he pulls her shirt purposefully over her head and discards it on the floor.


Passion overtaking her Rory wishes desperately for some sanity to take hold, for either her or Tristan to stop the fast moving trouble they are headed towards, but as more and more flesh is being touched and discovered less and less restraint is becoming a possibility…until the sound of doom penetrates the haze around them.


MR. DUGREY: (OC) Tristan! 


Panicked Tristan backs away from Rory and starts searching for his discarded clothing on the floor.


TRISTAN: Oh shit…I’m toast.


Rory hurriedly picks up her clothes and starts to get dressed as fast as she can and she succeeds just seconds before Tristan’s father barges in without knocking.


Quickly picking up the box of Tristan’s stuff off the floor she hands it to him.


RORY: Okay…so there’s your stuff. I think I got everything.


TRISTAN: Looks good. Okay…so I’ll walk you out.


Rory succeeds in walking past Mr. DuGrey a little shame-faced, but with one out-stretched hand he stops Tristan dead in his tracks.


MR. DUGREY: I think Ms. Gilmore can find the way out by herself.


RORY: Right. I’m fine. I’ll see you in school.


Before Tristan can respond Mr. DuGrey unceremoniously shuts the door in Rory’s face.




Lorelai is sitting on a kitchen stool moping while Sookie scurries around the kitchen preparing dishes.


With exaggerated effort Lorelai lets out a big sigh.


SOOKIE: I know that sigh…so spill, what’s up?


LORELAI: Do you ever think…”man this day sucks, how could it get any worse? “


SOOKIE: And then it does?


LORELAI: Exactly.


SOOKIE: So that’s the kind of day you’re having?


LORELAI: No. That would be the week I’m having.


SOOKIE: What’s going on?


LORELAI: Rory’s having the S.E.X.


SOOKIE: Oh my gosh! Are you sure?


LORELAI: Straight form the source. Rory is officially a dirty girl.


SOOKIE: And you’re okay with this?


LORELAI: No! Of course not…she’s sixteen and so help me if you say “I was sixteen when I did it” I will over-salt your cooking and hide all the real butter.


SOOKIE: I would never say that.


LORELAI: But you’re thinking it.


SOOKIE: No…well…okay…yes. But I would never say it. What I will say is she couldn’t be more prepared. I mean you’ve been giving her the S.E.X. talks since birth.


LORELAI:  Fat lot of good that did me. She has basically ignored everything I taught her and embraced everything I told her to shun.


SOOKIE: It’s like Eve and the apple.




SOOKIE: Forbidden fruit?


LORELAI: Still not following.


SOOKIE: Eve ate the apple, gave it to Adam…ringing any bells?


LORELAI: I know the story…I’m just not understanding the significance


SOOKIE: Tristan was Rory’s forbidden fruit silly.


LORELAI: And you know this because…


SOOKIE: He was too tempting.


LORELAI: Right. Okay…well that’s actually only problem number one.


SOOKIE: You’ve been busy.  


LORELAI: I went to see Christopher.


SOOKIE: Can I ask why?


LORELAI: Because he’s Rory’s dad and I thought he would understand.


SOOKIE: And did he?


LORELAI: Not so much.




Lorelai is standing in front of Christopher’s door contemplating whether she should knock or not when the door comes open and she is face to face with Christopher.


CHRIS: Lor…this is a surprise.


LORELAI: I hope not a bad one.


CHRIS: No of course not. Did you want to come in?


LORELAI: Yes, actually I did. I need to talk to you about something.


CHRIS: Sounds serious is Rory okay?


Lorelai comes in and Chris closes the door behind her.


LORELAI: I probably shouldn’t be here.


CHRIS: That’s stupid. Of course you should be here if something is going on with Rory of course I want to know.


LORELAI: Don’t be too sure.


CHRIS: Okay, you’re officially freaking me out.


LORELAI: I’ll bet I can freak you out even more.


CHRIS: The suspense is killing me.


LORELAI: Okay, well…here goes. Our sweet little girl is having sex.


Chris is momentarily stunned and sits down heavily on the bed.


CHRIS: I’m sorry…I thought you just said that Rory was having sex. But that can’t be what you said.


LORELAI: I did…and it is. 


CHRIS:  With who?


LORELAI: Tristan…her boyfriend. I thought that was implied.


CHRIS: Right…of course. And you’re sure about this?


LORELAI: 100% Rory confirmed.


CHRIS: She told you?


LORELAI: She trusts me.


CHRIS: Well that’s just great. So what did you tell her?


LORELAI: I told her I wasn’t happy about it, that I couldn’t support her on it…I don’t know there were a lot more words…but I was still in shock at the time.


CHRIS: You’re not condoning this are you?


LORELAI: Uh no…that’s parenting 101. Underage sex…big no no.


CHRIS: This isn’t a joke Lorelai. This is serious. We need to tell Tristan’s parents.


LORELAI: And alienate Rory forever? No thank you. Besides his parents are about involved in his life as you are in Ro…


Lorelai stops abruptly realizing what she was about to say, but it’s too late to stop her intended remark from hurting.


CHRIS: Go ahead…finish the sentence. I’m sure you’ve been holding that in for years.


LORELAI: I didn’t mean…


CHRIS: Yes you did. You’ve never really considered making me a part of Rory’s life. I’ve always been the after thought. I hear more about Rory through your mother than you.


LORELAI: I’m here now aren’t I?


CHRIS: Surprisingly yes. But I’m sure the ulterior motive will rear its ugly head soon.


LORELAI: I can’t believe you just said that.


CHRIS: Believe it. I’m tired of taking a backseat while you make all the decisions regarding Rory’s future. She’s my daughter too.


LORELAI: I don’t want to fight about this Chris, mainly because you’re probably right I don’t keep you enough in the loop about Rory’s life…and I’m sorry.


CHRIS: So am I.




SOOKIE: So you ended on a good note though right?


LORELAI: Not really. I think he’s terrified of being the only parent for his unborn daughter and I think he just wanted someone to take it out on. I was convenient.


SOOKIE: I’m sure he’ll come around.




MR. DUGREY: Why is it that nothing I say penetrates with you?


TRISTAN: She was dropping off some of my things I left behind.


MR. DUGREY: And she couldn’t just give them to the maid?


TRISTAN: I was up here and someone sent her up. It was harmless. I didn’t break any of your precious grounding rules.


MR. DUGREY: Having her come to you doesn’t change the rules. You were not to see her except at school.


TRISTAN: I can’t control who comes to see me.


MR. DUGREY: You delight in defying me…and I suppose you think you’ve won this time. But I’m still in charge here and another stunt like that will not fall in your favor next time. Do we understand each other?


TRISTAN: Loud and clear.


MR. DUGREY: Good. Now that we’ve cleared that up…I have accepted an invitation to a gathering at the “Beach” house this evening.


TRISTAN: Ander’s house? Not in this lifetime. I hate the guy.


MR. DUGREY: It is a family gathering and you will be there. I expect you dressed and ready by 7pm sharp. No excuses.


TRISTAN: I don’t want to do this.


MR. DUGREY:  That’s of no consequence. I’ve let the current misbehavior go, the least I am expecting of you tonight is to function like a respectable human being at this dinner...




Amy is sitting on her bed running a brush through her hair while Anders is pacing the room apparently waiting for something. Suddenly his phone rings and he immediately picks it up.


ANDERS: Yeah…okay….you’re sure about this. Great! Thanks. I owe you one.


Anders hangs up hi phone and looks at Amy.


AMY: Well?


ANDERS: Confirmed.


AMY: You can’t be serious.


ANDERS: Everything we need to take DuGrey down a notch will be here tonight. This is one dinner party I am looking forward to.








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