Home | All I Want | Pt.2 | Pt.3 | Pt.4 | Pt.5 | Pt.6 | Pt.7 | Pt.8 | Pt.9 | Pt.10 | Tristan Years | Pt.2 | Pt.3 | Pt.4 | Pt.5 | Pt.6 | Pt.7 | Pt.8 | Pt.9 | Pt.10 | Guilty Heart | Pt.2 | Pt.3 | Pt.4 | Pt.5 | Pt.6 | Pt.7 | Pt.8 | Pt.9 | pt.10 | The Will to Love | Pt.2 | Pt.3 | Pt.4 | Pt.5 | Pt.6 | Pt.7 | Pt.8 | Pt.9 | Pt.10 | All's Fair | Pt.2 | Pt.3 | Pt.4 | Pt.5 | Pt.6 | Pt.7 | Pt.8 | Pt.9 | Pt.10 | Rules Are Made to be Broken | Pt.2 | Pt.3 | Pt.4 | Pt.5 | Pt.6 | Pt.7 | Pt.8 | Pt.9 | Pt.10 | Truth Be Told | Pt.2 | Pt.3 | Pt.4 | Pt. 5 | Pt. 6 | Pt.7 | Pt.8 | Pt. 9 | Pt. 10 | Three Wishes | Pt. 2 | Part 3 | Pt. 4 | Part 5 | Pt 6 | Pt.7 | Pt. 8

Truth Be Told-Pt.7


"You are shameless" ~ Paris



Tristan and his family are standing in the front corridor of the Beach home waiting to be announced.


TRISTAN: I can’t believe you’re making me do this.


MR. DUGREY: That will be enough of that. Marcus Beach is an important business contact of mine and I will not have you screwing it up with your sour demeanor. Put a smile on your face.


With clear disdain for his father Tristan pastes a fake smile on his face for the approaching maid.


IMELDA: Follow me right this way please.


Doing as they are told the DuGrey family follows the maid into the living room where the rest of the guests are waiting for their hosts. Tristan scans the room and is surprised to see his friend Jeremy Braithwaite; purposefully he strides over to him.


TRISTAN: So you got roped into this night of torture too?


JEREMY: Nah. I’m here as Amy’s guest.




JEREMY: Yeah. We’re kind of doing that going out thing. Didn’t you know?


TRISTAN: I don’t really keep up with Amy’s doings, mostly because I don’t care.


JEREMY: Is that a hint of jealousy from the Tristan DuGrey?


TRISTAN: Way off base man...I really don’t care who Amy dates.


JEREMY: Even if it’s me?


TRISTAN: It’s not a competition Jeremy, why do you keep trying to make it one?


JEREMY: Maybe because…I don’t really like who you’re becoming.


TRISTAN: I don’t get it...what did I do to piss you off? I mean I know I haven’t been going out with you guys lately, but last I checked we were okay.


JEREMY: You would think that in your little oblivious Rory world.


TRISTAN: This is about Rory?


JEREMY: She’s changed you man and not for the better, you’re boring and a buzz kill, so I upgraded to a better friend.


TRISTAN: Like Anders? You really think he’s your friend?


JEREMY:  Anders is the man dude, he’s totally plugged into everything and he knows what having a good time is all about. Not to mention the Amy perk. That girl is wicked good at what she does.


TRISTAN: Anders doesn’t have friends Jeremy, he has workers. His friendship is all about what you can do for him.


JEREMY: What to take you down? You really are stuck on that “Ander’s is out to get me thing.” Believe me you’re a mere blip on the guy’s radar.


TRISTAN: He said that?


JEREMY: Oh man...you’re pathetic. He doesn’t even talk about you that’s how unimportant you are to him. Let it go.


As Tristan starts to respond more people start to show up and Tristan is relieved to see another familiar face...Paris. Spotting Tristan across the room Paris heads over.


PARIS: I think we need to talk.




Jeremy remains rooted to his spot.


PARIS: Alone?


JEREMY: What you and DuGrey have secrets now?


PARIS: You know Jeremy, I smelled cheap perfume when I came in, you should go check and see if that’s Amy.


JEREMY: Oh yeah...you’re hilarious. You should really try getting some Gellar it might loosen you up a little.


PARIS: I believe you were leaving.


JEREMY: Whatever, like I care.


Jeremy finally leaves and Tristan turns to Paris.


TRISTAN: What’s up?


PARIS: Okay…here’s the thing…I wanted to apologize.


TRISTAN: For what?


PARIS: For the last time we talked. I said some things I regret. I think the pressure was just getting to me.


TRISTAN: It’s already forgotten. We’ve been in each others lives for a long time and I don’t see that changing any time soon.


PARIS: No matter what I do?


TRISTAN: Let’s not go crazy. I have my limits too.


PARIS: About Rory...I overreacted. I know you didn’t manipulate her into anything. She truly loves you.


TRISTAN: It goes both ways. Rory is very important to me.


PARIS: I know.


TRISTAN: So we’re good?


PARIS: Yes. And I’m fairly certain I can promise no more freak outs.


TRISTAN: I’m going to hold you to that almost promise.


Having mended the rift in their friendship Tristan reaches over and gives Paris a half hug almost without thinking. Across the room Amy and Anders are standing with Jeremy watching the two with interest.


AMY: What’s that all about?


JEREMY: Who cares? Let them have their secrets.


ANDERS: Their secrets?


JEREMY: Yeah...she booted me so they could talk in private.


AMY: Her not wanting you to know her business doesn’t exactly mean they have secrets.


JEREMY: It’s not just that, it’s other things. Louise noticed it too.


ANDERS: Really? Like what?


JEREMY: The arguments they have had at school for one. Louise seems to think they are closer than they used to be too.


AMY: Louise is a bird brain. I can’t believe you dated her.


ANDERS: Sheath the claws Amy, I want to hear the rest of what Jeremy was saying.


JEREMY: That’s about it...Louise seems to think Paris has something on him.


ANDERS: Like what?


JEREMY: I don’t know...stuff.


ANDERS: And what she blackmailed him into being her friend? That’s hardly the Paris I know. She was never desperate for friends...she didn’t care who liked her.


A realization hits Amy.


AMY: Except for Tristan.




AMY: Tristan always mattered to Paris. She had like this huge crush on him in junior high. Remember?


ANDERS: I remember but who cares. So she liked him in junior high, so what, things change.


JEREMY: So what’s the big interest in Tristan all the sudden.


Amy and Anders realize they may be revealing a little too much and both instantly clam up.


ANDERS: It’s nothing...just trying to keep up with things.


AMY: (to Jeremy) Why don’t we go outside and get a little fresh air before dinner?


Anders interest in Tristan is all but forgotten as Amy leans in seductively to Jeremy and he follows her like any male hormonally charged teenager would out to the garden.


ANDERS: Good girl Ames...now I guess it’s time to go and re-introduce myself to Paris.


Paris and Tristan are having a friendly conversation as Anders walks purposefully up to them and puts his hand on Paris’ arm.


ANDERS: (cont) Paris...great to see you here. You look really great.


Tristan tenses up at Ander’s presence.


Blushing, Paris rewards him with a giddy smile.


PARIS: Thanks. It’s good to see you too.


ANDERS: You really surprised me when I came back.


PARIS: I did?


ANDERS: Yes...the Paris I remembered was an awkward, skinny girl that tagged along after Tristan like he was a God.


TRISTAN: She was fourteen.


ANDERS: Right and now she’s not, now she is mesmerizing and old enough to realize you’re flawed like the rest of us.


TRISTAN: Are you for real? Do girls really buy this crap?


ANDERS: Are you saying that Paris being mesmerizing is crap?


TRISTAN: That’s not what I said stop twisting my words.


PARIS: What are you saying then?


TRISTAN: I’m saying don’t fall for his act Paris. He wants something.


ANDERS: He’s right. I do.




ANDERS: I want you to sit next to me at dinner so we can catch up.




ANDERS: Yes. Is that a problem?


PARIS: A problem...no.no.


ANDERS: Great. I’ll just go and tell Imelda to rearrange some seating.


PARIS: Sure. That would be fine.


As Anders heads off Tristan turns to Paris.


TRISTAN: Are you out of your mind?


PARIS: Why? Because the cute boy wants to sit next to me and get to know me, and I said yes?


TRISTAN: Anders always has an ulterior motive. You know this.


PARIS: I’m a big girl Tristan. I can take care of myself.


TRISTAN: What about Jess? How would he feel about you flirting with Anders?


PARIS: Jess wants things uncomplicated, which means no exclusivity. I’m free to flirt with anyone I want.


TRISTAN: Fine...just be careful. He’s after something I can feel it.


As Paris starts to answer what she considers Tristan’s paranoia their host for the evening Marcus Beach clinks a fork against his glass to gather the attention of the crowd in the room.


MR. BEACH: Everyone I’d like to thank you for coming tonight. I know we’ve kept the reason behind the festivities a secret, but our guests of honor have arrived so please welcome to our home my good friend Anthony Aldecott, his lovely wife Bev and their two beautiful children Stephen and Presley back from Europe.


Across the room Tristan can feel the blood draining from his face and his heartbeat accelerating...Presley was here tonight?


With great fanfare the two double doors are opened to reveal the entire Aldecott family, but its Presley Tristan’s eyes are drawn instantly to, and almost as if she feels his presence Presley looks towards Tristan the smile on her face quickly fading as their eyes lock.


Not liking the implication of her quick demeanor change Tristan turns to head out a side door when he realizes Paris is still there.


PARIS: You okay?


TRISTAN :Yeah...I’m fine. Why wouldn’t I be?


PARIS: Oh I don’t know...maybe the fact that Presley is like mere feet away from you and you look like you want the floor to swallow you up.


TRISTAN: I said I was fine. I’m going to call Rory.


PARIS: I don’t think that’s going to be necessary.


Tristan follows Paris’ gaze and sees that Rory and her mother have just walked into the room, followed by her grandparents.


EMILY: I can’t believe you made us late Lorelai...but oh...their home is lovely...it really is. Don’t you think so Lorelai?


LORELAI: Lovely mom and I’m sorry the car wouldn’t start.


RICHARD: You should maintain it better.


LORELAI: I will.


EMILY:  And who is their decorator? I need the man’s number. I never realized our home was so sub par.


RICHARD: Our home is fine Emily.


Richard hands her a handkerchief.




EMILY: (taking the handkerchief) What’s that for?


RICHARD: The envy drool.


LORELAI: Good one dad.


EMILY: Very funny Richard. I am not jealous.


LORELAI: Don’t worry mom...you look good in green.


RICHARD: I’ll thank the both of you to stop that.


RORY: You tell ‘em Grandma.


EMILY: Thank you. At least Rory’s on my side.


Lorelai leans in and whispers into Rory’s ear.


LORELAI: Suck up.


RORY: You should try it.  


LORELAI: Oh man...


RORY: What?


LORELAI: Did you know he was going to be here?


RORY: Who?


Rory follows her mom’s pointing and sees Tristan across the room. A smile lights up her face.


RORY: (cont.) No. He didn’t tell me, I swear.


LORELAI: Looks like his parents are as good at the grounding thing as me.


RORY: Actually...this is like grounding to him...he hates the big dinner parties his parents make him go to.


LORELAI: Well at least we have that in common and to be fair to you Grandma did kind of shanghai us tonight with this party. Fine...go talk to him.


Rory reaches over and kisses her mom on the cheek.


RORY: You’re the best.


As if his situation couldn’t get any more uncomfortable both Rory and Presley begin walking towards Tristan at the same time.


Across the room Amy is standing next to Anders fuming.


AMY: What is Rory doing here?!


ANDERS: Chill Ames...dad invited her grandparents so they must have invited her.


AMY: She’s going to ruin everything.


ANDERS: Actually...I think this may just be getting good.


As both Rory and Presley approach Tristan doesn’t know what to do so Paris decides to help him by heading over to intercept Presley.


Paris gives her an awkward hug.


PARIS: It is so good to see you.


PRESLEY: Do I know you?


PARIS: Paris. We went to grade school and junior high together.


PRESLEY: Right...Paris. How are you?


PARIS: Good...Did you want to go somewhere and talk?


Presley looks at Paris like she’s crazy.


PRESLEY: Thanks for the offer...but uh...I was actually on my way over to talk to Tristan...so...rain check.


Not sure what else to say Paris is relieved to see that Rory has reached Tristan and the two are hugging.


PARIS: Okay...well. I’m off then.


PRESLEY: Wait...who’s that with Tristan?


Paris turns around like she really has no idea.


PARIS: Oh...that’s Rory.




PARIS: His girlfriend.


Paris can’t help but notice the crestfallen look on Presley’s face.


PRESLEY: Oh...he has a girlfriend.


PARIS: Yeah...they’re a really great couple. Totally in love.


Across the room Anders is a little steamed that Tristan came out unscathed again.


AMY: Oh yeah...that was beautiful. Why not rub their couple status in my face a little more.


ANDERS: I can’t help that Paris got in the way.


AMY: You know she’s over there right now telling Presley that Tristan is attached at the hip to that loser and you know Presley...she’ll never talk to him now.


ANDERS: Patience Amy...he’ll talk to her. You’ll see.


AMY: How can you be so sure? He’s seems pretty wrapped up in Rory right now.


ANDERS: Because I know him...and he wants to talk to her...it’s out of his control.


AMY: Then why is he leaving the room with Rory?


Anders watches as Tristan escorts Rory out a side door, but he doesn’t miss the backwards glance he shares with a disappointed looking Presley.




RORY: Where are we going?


With Rory’s hand in his Tristan hurries her down the corridor trying doors until he finds one unlocked, opens it and pulls her in behind him.


In the darkened room Rory can feel the heat of Tristan’s body next to hers as their eyes adjust and they realize they are in Amy’s bedroom. In the dimly lit room the sexual tension seems just a little more potent.


Although Rory loves looking at Tristan’s face the mysterious shadows that play across it in the semi-darkness are exciting to her too.


RORY: What are we doing here?


Tristan runs his fingers lightly over Rory’s cheek and down the sensitive nape of her neck.


TRISTAN: I brought you here to talk but suddenly that isn’t what’s on my mind.


RORY: And what is?


TRISTAN: Taking you right here and now.


Tristan presses Rory up against the door and starts to hike up her dress, his fingers expertly playing across her skin.


Her breathe already starting to come in ragged gasps she struggles to maintain a clear head.


RORY: We could get caught.


Completely caught up in his lust Tristan runs his mouth excruciatingly slowly towards her ear and in a sexually charged statement lets her know his intentions.


TRISTAN: I don’t care. I want to be with you. 


As Tristan wraps his fingers around the thin straps of her underwear she feels the snap of the fabric as it comes loose in his hands and knows she’s a goner. What Tristan wants Tristan will get. The only thought running through her head is that it’s what she wants too as he hikes her legs around him and sinks into her, his movements slow and sensual send her spiraling to a precipice that his more urgent and frenetic movements send her crashing over.




Everyone is sitting at the dinner table and two seats are noticeably empty, the one next to Lorelai and the one next to Presley.


EMILY: Do you know where Rory is?


LORELAI: You know what I’ll go check the garden maybe she went out there.


EMILY: Well hurry please it’s embarrassing.


Right as Lorelai is about to get up Rory comes into the dining room from one side and sits down only to be followed by Tristan from the other side of the room a couple minutes later.


LORELAI: Yeah...that’s sly...no one will figure out the two of you were together if you enter from opposite sides of the room.


RORY: Sorry I’m late.


EMILY: That’s fine dear, just put your napkin on your lap.


RORY: Right.


Rory places her napkin across her lap to appease her Grandmother but it’s her mother’s death stare she is desperate to avoid.


Across the table Tristan sits down between Paris and Presley his discomfort showing.


PARIS: You are shameless.


TRISTAN: I have no idea what you’re talking about.


PARIS: I think those are doing the talking for you.


Tristan follows Paris’ gaze to his pocket and sees that the remains of Rory’s underwear are peeking out of his pocket.


TRISTAN: Crap. Thanks.


Paris leans a little closer to Tristan to whisper.


PARIS: Did you tell her that’s Presley sitting next to you?


TRISTAN: I meant to. I got distracted.


PARIS: Got distracted or did the distracting? She’s going to find out sooner or later. You really should be the one to tell her.


TRISTAN: Point taken...thanks for the advice. I’ll take it into consideration.


Anders leans towards Paris.


ANDER: If you let Tristan monopolize all your attention...I might get jealous.


Paris turns quickly towards Anders.


PARIS: I was just helping him out.


ANDERS: You’re a good friend. I saw you running interference for him earlier.


PARIS: Was it that obvious?


ANDERS: Only to me. I’m having a hard time keeping my eyes off you.


Paris blushes unsure what to say.


Being this close to Tristan makes Presley shift uncomfortably in her seat. It’s been years since she’s seen him but she still feels the strong pull she has always had towards him and the desires she thought long gone resurfacing.


Equally as uncomfortable Tristan keeps his eyes on Rory not letting the long buried feelings he has for Presley resurface to wreck the havoc they could.


Across the table Jeremy is sitting on the other side of Rory.


JEREMY: Wow...that’s like a flashback. Only....I think she’s even hotter now.


RORY: What or who are you talking about?


JEREMY: Presley.


Rory feels her stomach drop at the mention of Tristan’s first love.


RORY: Presley?


JEREMY: Yeah...that’s her next to Tristan. You do know about Presley and Tristan don’t you?


RORY: Right. Of course I do. I just didn’t realize that she was back.


With an impending feeling of dread Rory looks across the room at Tristan sitting next to a stunning brunette with big blue eyes and feels her heart drop. She manages a weak smile but Tristan totally gets it...she knows.


Rory turns her attention quickly to her dinner not wanting to look over and witness any interaction between Tristan and Presley.


Tristan stares at Rory intently willing her to look up but she refuses struggling instead with the mix of emotions in her mind.


After a dinner that to Rory and Tristan took what seemed an eternity the guests are ushered back into the living room to have desert and after dinner drinks for the adults.


Tristan walks quickly towards Rory but is intercepted by Lorelai.


LORELAI: Not so fast Romeo...what did you do to Rory?


TRISTAN: Nothing.


LORELAI: Then why is she in such a hurry to get out of here?


TRISTAN: You’re leaving?


LORELAI: Yes...at Rory’s request. So give up the goods. What did you do?


TRISTAN: Can I please just talk to her?


LORELAI: She doesn’t want to talk to you. Seems she’s not very happy with you right now.


TRISTAN: Really?


LORELAI: That’s right.


TRISTAN: Will you give her a message for me then? Just tell her...we need to talk?


Rory walks over as Lorelai is giving Tristan the mom treatment.


RORY: It’s okay mom....I want to talk to him.


LORELAI: You sure.


RORY: Yes. I’m sure. But thanks.


TRISTAN: Can we go outside?


RORY: Sure.


This time when Rory and Tristan exit the room it is much different, she is walking ahead of him and they seem miles apart.


Outside Tristan ushers Rory over to a private spot.


Rory continues to keep her distance.


TRISTAN: I’m sorry.


RORY: You should be. I felt like an idiot. Why didn’t you tell me Presley was back?


TRISTAN: I didn’t know. It was as big a surprise to me as it was to you.


RORY: Really?


TRISTAN: I swear. I came here tonight with my parents. I had no idea this was a welcome home party for the Aldecotts.


RORY: She’s pretty.


TRISTAN: I guess.


RORY: So did  you two talk?


TRISTAN: Not a word.


RORY: What are you thinking right now?


TRISTAN: I don’t know...my only concern right now is you and that you understand that I was as blindsided by this as you.


RORY: I believe you.


TRISTAN: Good...so you’re not mad then?


RORY: No. I was more stunned than mad. It was hard seeing you sitting across the table with her.


TRISTAN: It’s nothing Rory...it’s my past...you are who I want to be with.


RORY: But don’t you and she have a lot of unresolved issues?


TRISTAN: I guess. I’m not thinking about that right now. I just want you to tell me we’re good.


RORY: We’re good.


TRISTAN: So then you’ll stay?


RORY: I think I’m still going to go. I’m kind of tired. And thanks to you I’m kind of going commando.


TRISTAN: Less chance of getting caught should we decide to christen another room.


RORY: You’re kidding.


TRISTAN: Follow me and we’ll see just how serious I am.


Rory willingly takes Tristan’s hand and follows him through the night in search of a private place to once again let the passion be their guide.