Home | All I Want | Pt.2 | Pt.3 | Pt.4 | Pt.5 | Pt.6 | Pt.7 | Pt.8 | Pt.9 | Pt.10 | Tristan Years | Pt.2 | Pt.3 | Pt.4 | Pt.5 | Pt.6 | Pt.7 | Pt.8 | Pt.9 | Pt.10 | Guilty Heart | Pt.2 | Pt.3 | Pt.4 | Pt.5 | Pt.6 | Pt.7 | Pt.8 | Pt.9 | pt.10 | The Will to Love | Pt.2 | Pt.3 | Pt.4 | Pt.5 | Pt.6 | Pt.7 | Pt.8 | Pt.9 | Pt.10 | All's Fair | Pt.2 | Pt.3 | Pt.4 | Pt.5 | Pt.6 | Pt.7 | Pt.8 | Pt.9 | Pt.10 | Rules Are Made to be Broken | Pt.2 | Pt.3 | Pt.4 | Pt.5 | Pt.6 | Pt.7 | Pt.8 | Pt.9 | Pt.10 | Truth Be Told | Pt.2 | Pt.3 | Pt.4 | Pt. 5 | Pt. 6 | Pt.7 | Pt.8 | Pt. 9 | Pt. 10 | Three Wishes | Pt. 2 | Part 3 | Pt. 4 | Part 5 | Pt 6 | Pt.7 | Pt. 8

Tristan Years-Pt.8


"Right…cause I happen to have a freeze dried motor right here in my back pocket…just add water, stir and start." ~Dean


Disclaimer: I do not own the characters in my story. All the characters in this story belong to the WB and its affiliates.


Story Summary: Rory and Dean’s relationship is on thin ice, but a minor problem could cause Tristan to second guess what Rory really wants. Meanwhile Chris and Lorelai’s relationship springs a leak with some unexpected news.





Paris is walking down the hallway and Rory runs to catch up with her. Tristan hangs back by the door of the bedroom…watching but unable to hear what’s going on.


RORY: Paris…wait.


Paris turns around and taps her watch.


PARIS: Can’t. I have to get back to the meeting. The search for you has already caused us to exceed our original twenty minutes.


RORY: Ok…but I just wanted to say…thank you.


PARIS: For what?


RORY: For not running straight to Cassidy with this information. I appreciate it.


PARIS: You think I’m doing this for you…or for him? Let’s think about that…not likely. I did a quick weighing of my options and it benefits me to keep silent…for the moment. And I like that you both owe me big.


RORY: Welcome to the world of power.


PARIS: It could be worse.


RORY: I don’t really see how.


PARIS: It could have been Cassidy who opened the door. Right?


RORY: You knowing…or Cassidy knowing. Somehow I have a feeling that either option was bound to make my life miserable.


PARIS: Let’s both at least admit that choosing to be with Tristan did that. If we were friends…and I know we’re not…but if we were…I would ask you “What the hell were you thinking?!”


RORY: The truth is Tristan is not a bad guy.


PARIS: He’s a Romeo Rory.


RORY: You’re wrong.


PARIS: I know a string of broken hearted girls who would back me on this. But I can see it’s already too late for you. You’ll just have to learn the hard way.


Paris walks down the hall away from Rory. Tristan who has been hanging back while they talked walks up to Rory and puts his arm around her.


TRISTAN: You okay?


RORY: No…Paris is so *frustrating* sometimes. Do you know what she said?


TRISTAN: I can imagine. Something along the lines of…I’m no good for you…I’ll only break your heart…I’m a Romeo.


RORY: Amazing.


TRISTAN: Not really…she’s been spouting my flaws…real or imagined to just about every girl I’ve ever shown an interest in.


RORY: And you put up with that…why?


TRISTAN: I got used to it. For all her faults, Paris has a good heart. She’s just has this funny way of showing it. When we were younger…I’d even venture to say…we use to be good friends.


RORY: What happened?


TRISTAN: She developed this massive crush on me.


RORY: But you didn’t feel the same way?


Tristan turns Rory so she is face to face with him.


TRISTAN: Okay…this goes no further than you or me. Understand?


RORY: Okay.


TRISTAN: When we were younger…Paris was a lot different…almost…now don’t let this scare you…but she was almost fun.


RORY: Impossible.


TRISTAN: No…really. She used to laugh and smile…a lot.


RORY: What happened?


TRISTAN: We grew up…she grew bitter. I knew she liked me…in a way…I liked her too. But none of my friends liked her…thought she was too uptight. And let’s face it…you’re friends don’t like her…it’s the kiss of death. So I started ignoring her.


RORY: You do realize how jerky that was.


TRISTAN: I was a kid.


RORY: No wonder she hates you. I’d hate you too.


Paris comes charging back down the hall.


PARIS: I am not interested in spending the rest of the night here…Are you coming or not?


RORY: Coming.


Rory walks away with Paris and Tristan starts back towards the game room. 




Lorelai walks in the front door of the inn and heads straight for the kitchen. Inside the kitchen Sookie is lip-locked with Jackson.


LORELAI: Oh…sorry.


Sookie and Jackson leap apart. Lorelai grins.


LORELAI: Oh come on…it’s not like I haven’t seen you two doing the tonsil hockey before.


SOOKIE: (blushing) This is so embarrassing. We were just…


LORELAI: Kissing…I know. No apologies necessary.


JACKSON: Sookie just had a little something on her lip.


LORELAI: Yeah…your lips. What’s the big deal guys?...It’s not like I’m going to bust you or ground you or anything equally as heinous.


SOOKIE: You shouldn’t be so understanding Lorelai…this is your place of business. And we stepped over the line.


LORELAI: Huh…if I didn’t know better I’d say you wanted me to discipline you.


SOOKIE: You need to do what is necessary…I understand that.


LORELAI: So…just for kicks. Did you have a particular discipline in mind?


SOOKIE: Now that you mention it…I think you should send me home to think about it. Without pay of course.


LORELAI: Right…because how stupid would I have to be to send you home to have *relations*  with Jackson and pay you for it on top of that.


Sookie looks at Lorelai with a pleading look.


LORELAI: Fine. (authoritative tone) Sookie St. James…this is a place of business…your manner this morning has been deemed very unprofessional and I’m sending you home for the remainder of the day to think about what you’ve done….blah…blah…blah. etc…etc.


Sookie, looking suitably wounded  picks up her purse off the chair and grabs her jacket off a hook. Jackson who has been standing by the door joins Sookie as she begins to leave.


LORELAI: Wait…one more thing.


SOOKIE: What sweetie?


LORELAI: I want all the gory details tomorrow.


Jackson turns pale at this request and Lorelai winks at him.


LORELAI: Just kidding.


A look of relief washes over Jackson’s face as he turns back around.


LORELAI (mouths to Sookie) Not kidding.


SOOKIE: (mouths back to Lorelai) I know.


Sookie and Jackson walk out of the kitchen leaving a smiling Lorelai there.




Rory and Dean are driving back to Star’s Hollow, the silence between them hangs heavy in the air. Rory can tell that something is bothering Dean…something with the initials TD no doubt.


RORY: So…thanks for taking me to my meeting. I’m really sorry it took so long.


DEAN: It wasn’t the length that bothered me, it was the company. Seriously Rory for someone you hate Tristan sure manages to be around every corner.


RORY: Uh huh.


DEAN: Which makes me wonder something.


Rory closes her eyes tight, waiting for the inevitable fight which will be fueled by the inevitable question.


DEAN: Rory?


Rory opens her reluctantly opens her eyes and looks over at Dean.


DEAN: Are you okay?


Rory senses this could be her window of opportunity to sway the conversation away from Tristan…a subject that not only makes her nervous but also guilt filled.


RORY: Actually…I’m really not feeling too well. Do you mind if I beg off tonight and just go home? I’m really tired.


DEAN: Okay. You do look a little pale.


Dean puts his one free arm around Rory and pulls her closer to him as he continues to drive home. Rory is clearly uncomfortable but doesn’t really know how she could extricate herself from the situation without sending up red flags to Dean. As Rory is contemplating this awkwardness she hears a loud popping noise and the car immediately swerves to the right, Dean pulls his arm from around Rory and immediately grabs the wheel to turn into the skid. The car swerves over to the side of the road and with a cough and a sputter dies. Dean mutters semi-curse words under his breath. Rory who is a bit shaken gets out of the car and stands over on the side of the road as Dean pops the hood of the car and starts looking underneath it. Rory gazes up into the sky as the first stars begin peaking out. She thinks about her mother who will be all but scouring the woods for her if she doesn’t check in soon. Rory walks over to Dean.


RORY: I should probably call my mother.


DEAN: Yeah…go ahead.


RORY: So what should I tell her?


DEAN: Not to expect you home tonight.


RORY: Excuse me?


DEAN: Motor is shot.


RORY: So fix it.


DEAN: Right…cause I happen to have a freeze dried motor right here in my back pocket…just add water, stir and start.


RORY: I’m confused. I thought you were the mechanic guru. Mr. I can fix any thing.


DEAN: Sure with the right tools and parts. This isn’t exactly an auto body shop in case you haven’t noticed.


RORY: Okay…we could argue about this all night or we can do something about it.


DEAN: Well…we could wait here till someone picks us up…or we could start walking. It’s your call.


RORY: Call…I can call my mom. Right.


Rory reaches into her jacket pocket and pulls out her cell phone. She dials her house and gets the answering machine…she hangs up without leaving a message and begins dialing her mother’s cell phone.




Lorelai picks up her ringing cell phone.






RORY: Mom…it’s me.




RORY: It’s me mom…Rory.


LORELAI: Is anyone there…because all I’m getting is static.


RORY: Great.


LORELAI: Okay…I’m hanging up now. Nice…not talking to you.


Lorelai hangs up her cell phone as does Rory.


RORY: No luck, she couldn’t hear me.


DEAN: How is that possible? I thought you had the state of the art model…able to hear from a million miles away.


RORY: Oh…um. That one kind of broke. My mom was making me live with  a cheapie to teach me a lesson. A parental decision she will now live to regret.


DEAN: I guess we should probably start walking then.


RORY: That does appear to be our only alternative. I saw a sign back there a little way that said the next town was only a couple of miles…I think.


Rory and Dean begin walking down the road towards the next town. Dean takes Rory’s hand in his as they are walking.


DEAN: You know…this isn’t exactly what I had planned for today…but I’m cool just being able to spend this time with you.


RORY: That’s really sweet Dean.


Dean brings Rory’s hand up to his mouth and kisses it. Rory looks at him and can see the depth of love he has for her shining in his eyes, illuminated by the moonlight.




Christopher puts the key into the lock of his apartment and turns it. Opening the door he walks into the darkness and sits his suitcase down by the wall, searching for the light switch he flips it on and is greeted by a chorus.




Christopher is stunned by the large gathering of people in his apartment. He looks from one familiar face to the next and in between takes in the faces of people he has yet to meet. As his confusion starts to lift he turns and sees Sherry standing there, she begins to walk towards him garbed in her finest party dress.


CHRIS: Sherry…what’s going on?


As Sherry gets closer to Chris she begins to unfold a banner that she has been holding in her hand…Chris keeps his eyes on Sherry until she opens the banner all the way.


SHERRY: Welcome home…Daddy.


Chris reads the word  *Daddy* on the banner and his mind begins to cloud over…thoughts of Lorelai begin circling in his head…he looks at Sherry in disbelief.

His heart breaking at the impact that one word is bound to have on his and Lorelai’s life.

Send reviews to: juana@cox.net

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