Story Summary: With the party fiasco behind
them Rory and Tristan have to find a way to move on...but with the trust between them broken it may just be too late.
Disclaimer: I do not own the characters
in my story for the most part they are the property of the WB, which is now the CW network.
Tristan is lying in bed the first stages
of waking up coming on, stretching he turns and reaches over for Rory...only to find the bed empty. Sitting up, he runs his
fingers through his hair, as the events of the past night come flooding back to him he looks over to see a note lying on the
pillow, fearing the worst he picks it up and begins to read it.
RORY: (VO) Tristan...I shouldn’t have come back here with you last night. It was a mistake...all of it. The keys to your
car are by the front door, I’m taking a cab home.
Frustrated Tristan crumples up the note
and tosses it on the floor, memories of the previous night now fading images in his mind.
Tristan is sitting on the couch his head
in his hands. He looks over at Rory who is sitting in a chair across from him.
TRISTAN: What can I say to make this
better? How can I fix this?
RORY: I don’t know if you can.
TRISTAN: I did not cheat on you!
RORY: So I’m just supposed to stay
until you do? Because the bond is there Tristan...whatever you and Presley isn’t over..
TRISTAN: I can’t keep telling you
how ridiculous that is Rory.
RORY: I want to believe you. But actions
speak louder and your actions were doing a lot of talking tonight.
TRISTAN: I’m screwed any way you
look at this Rory. If I try to be honest with you about what may be going on in my head regarding will just be
RORY: Try me.
TRISTAN: I’ve told you repeatedly
that it’s you I want to be with Rory. Why isn’t that enough?
Tristan gets up off the couch and goes
to the chair pulling Rory to her feet, the closeness of him immediately invading her senses.
TRISTAN: (cont.) How about actions then?
You seem to think those speak the loudest.
In an instant Tristan presses his lips
down on Rory’s, insistent, looking for a reaction a bending of wills if you will. Running his hands slowly, gingerly
down the nape of her neck his fingers searching out the sensitive spots. Sighing at his expert touch Rory melts into him, actually needing the melding of their bodies to wipe away the hurt and pain if only for that moment. Feeling
her surrender Tristan deftly scoops her into his arm and carries her into the bedroom to make love to her.
Tristan grabs his jeans off the floor and
quickly pulls them on, his mission clear to find Rory and fix this stupid mess.
Presley and Amy are sitting at her table
when Anders comes walking in and sits down too reaching for the coffee in the middle of the table he pours himself a cup.
ANDERS: You throw one crazy party Presley.
Your parents should go out of town more often.
PRESLEY: I don’t know what party
you were at but the one I was at was a disaster. Tristan will probably never speak to me again.
AMY: Oh...he’ll do more than speak
to you. I guarantee it.
ANDERS: I’d take odds on that.
Behind him Paris looking a little rumpled
comes in.
I think your celebration is a little premature...I wouldn’t count Rory
out just yet.
Presley and Amy can’t contain their
shock at seeing Paris there.
PRESLEY: You stayed here all night? With
AMY: Kill me now.
ANDERS: Ignore them they’re always
shrews in the morning. Coffee?
I need to go actually. But thanks.
ANDERS: Okay...I’ll drive you home
Anders gets up putting his arm around Paris
and the two head for the front door. As soon as they exit Amy turns to Presley and the two burst out laughing.
Outside Anders leads the way to his car
and opens the door to get in, a little embarrassed but clearly with something on her mind Paris
turns towards him.
I’m really, really sorry about last night.
ANDERS: It’s cool.
You say that, but is it really?
ANDERS: It really is.
I mean…I’m just not “that” girl.
ANDERS: I get it. I do. And to be honest
with you…it makes you even more intriguing to me.
ANDERS: Timing is everything Paris…and
well…last night just wasn’t our time.
So you still want to go out with me? I mean…any other girl would probably have happily done…”that.”
ANDERS: You say it like it’s a dirty
word. Have you ever had sex? Was that the problem last night?
can’t help but blush at Anders candid questions.
I have…once.
ANDERS: Okay…I think I get the picture
You do?
ANDERS: Yeah…you’ve been initiated…just
not fully shown what you’re missing.
I just need it to be special the next time around.
ANDERS: So the first time…not so
special? Interesting. You don’t strike me as the type of girl to give it up to someone just to get it over with.
I didn’t…it’s complicated.
ANDERS: Fair enough. It can be a story
for another time. Right now…we should get you home.
Lorelai is in the living room reading a
magazine when the doorbell rings. Reluctantly she puts it down still trying to read the article that has caught her interest.
LORELAI: Coming...coming...I’ll be
right there.
Rory comes out of her room looking tired
and messy her bedcovers wrapped around her.
RORY: You want me to get that?
Lorelai finally tears her eyes away from
the article to look at her broken hearted daughter.
LORELAI: No...I got it. You go ahead and
crawl back into bed.
RORY: Okay.
Lorelai shoves Rory back towards her bedroom
before going to answer the door her look of shock at who stands there saying it all.
LORELAI: You’ve got some nerve...I’ll
give you that.
TRISTAN: I take it Rory filled you in then.
No need for long lengthy explanations.
LORELAI: As if you have that long to live.
You and I...we’re not good.
TRISTAN: I appreciate your honesty, but
I can fix this if you’ll just let me in to talk to Rory.
LORELAI: Not on my watch mister.
You had your chance and you blew do-overs.
TRISTAN: You’re really not going
to let me in?
LORELAI: Really not going to.
Tristan takes his cell phone out of his
TRISTAN: I can just call her on her cell.
LORELAI: She won’t pick up.
TRISTAN: Please. I’m trying to do
the right thing here and apologize to her. I can fix this is you’ll just let me.
LORELAI: And I’m trying to do what’s
best for Rory and right now that isn’t you.
Tristan can’t help but get depressed
by these words.
TRISTAN: Is that what she said?
LORELAI: She’s a mess right now Tristan…she
believed in you and you let her down. You need to give her some space.
TRISTAN: I can’t just walk away without
clearing this up.
LORELAI: Last I checked you didn’t
have a choice.
Stepping back into the house Lorelai gives
the door a hearty shove to make her point with out actually slamming it.
Rory looks cautiously around the corner.
RORY: That was him?
LORELAI: That was him, but I don’t
think he’ll be bothering us anymore.
RORY: How did he look?
LORELAI: Seriously?
RORY: I just need to know he’s okay.
You seriously are a saint and I’m beginning to believe no daughter of mine (off Rory’s look) Fine...he
looked destroyed but determined...and he smelled kind of good. But that’s not important, what is important is that he’s
gone now. Are you hungry?
RORY: No. I think I’m just going
to go back to bed if you don’t mind.
LORELAI: Sure honey...go ahead.
Rory walks back into her room closing the
door. Sighing she heads over and lays back down on the bed just as her cell phone starts ringing. Opening it to see who is
calling she quickly closes it after seeing Tristan’s name.
Leaning up against the side of the house
near Rory’s bedroom window the full impact of their situation begins to sink in for Tristan as he tries yet again to
call her.
TRISTAN: (dialing the 2nd time) Dammit
Rory...pick up.
As Rory lays on her bed listening to her
cell phone ring the front doorbell rings, followed a couple of minutes later by a knock on her door.
Slowly the door to Rory’s room opens
and her mother pops her head in.
LORELAI: There’s someone here I think
you might, maybe want to see.
RORY: I’m not really up for visitors
right now mom.
LORELAI: This I know, up half the night
consoling you I was, but he seems pretty sincerely worried about you.
Lorelai opens the door the whole way so
that Rory can see who is standing there with.
RORY: (cont.) Dean?
Rory sits upright at the site of him.
Dean walks into Rory’s room, just
as her cell phone starts ringing again.
Lorelai walks over to the cell phone and
answers it.
LORELAI: Sorry wrong number.
Quickly she hangs it up.
LORELAI: (cont.) That was oddly satisfying.
Rory takes the cell phone away from her
RORY: You’re heartless.
LORELAI: I’m a mother, protecting
from evil comes with the territory.
Before Rory can answer Lorelai heads back
out the door, closing it behind her.
DEAN: Was she like that when we were
Pulling her legs up to her chest Rory motions
for Dean to sit down and Dean complies.
RORY: It’s good to see you.
DEAN: too.
On the side of the house Tristan walks
towards Rory’s window determined to get her talking to him, but he pulls back quickly when he looks inside and sees
Dean sitting next to Rory on her bed.
TRISTAN: Great, he didn’t waste any
RORY: Why are you here?
DEAN: You know I asked myself the same
thing all the way over here. I mean there’s a part of me that definitely feels like I don’t owe you anything…but
then there’s the part of me that still gives a damn about you...that part won.
RORY: I’m glad.
DEAN: You should probably know though...I
was there last night before you got there. I saw Tristan with that other girl...and I wasn’t going to tell you. I was
just going to let him be the dick I always knew he was and let you find out the hard way.
RORY: I guess I deserve that.
DEAN: No you don’t. No one does.
It hurts like hell to lose someone you care about.
RORY: You’ve earned the right to
say I told you so Dean, I wouldn’t blame you.
DEAN: I’m not going to. I’m
trying to be the bigger guy right now....which is the reason I came here.
RORY: I don’t understand.
DEAN: It would be so easy to just go off
about Tristan and his obvious flaws, but if I’ve learned anything from what you put me through it’s that Tristan
really means something to you.
RORY: Dean I’m sorry for hurting
you. I truly am.
DEAN: I didn’t come here for an apology
Rory. I came here to talk to you about you and him.
RORY: came here to defend Tristan?
DEAN: Not exactly. I mean if there is any
one person I truly owe nothing’s him. But you...and your happiness, well they still mean something to me.
RORY: That’s really nice.
DEAN: Hold the gratitude...I don’t
want it to be this just is. What you did still hurts and I’ll never be okay with it...but I’m trying
here so you need to just listen.
RORY: I’m sorry...I’m listening.
think you need to give him another chance.
RORY: And exactly why would I do that?
DEAN: Because you told me you loved him...or
was that just another one of the many lies you fed me?
RORY: I’m beginning to think love
isn’t enough.
DEAN: Sometimes it has to be. If it helps
any I can promise you it wasn’t anything more than a physical thing for him, his connection....much to my disliking,
is with you.
RORY: So I’m supposed to be okay
that it was just physical? I’m sorry but I’m not.
DEAN: Then maybe I was wrong...maybe you
don’t love him....because I did love you and when it was me in your position...damn I would have forgiven you anything
if you’d have just stayed.
RORY: Dean...
DEAN: Don’t Rory...knowing that then
wouldn’t have changed anything for us. By the time I found out about you were already his.
RORY: What if it was a mistake...choosing
DEAN: You’re only saying that because
you’re hurt. (a beat) So answer me this...are you really ready to see him with someone else? Because let me tell you
if you think you’re in pain only gets worse.
RORY: How could it possibly get any worse
than this?
DEAN: Because odds are he would start dating
that girl. Vicky tells me it’s his ex?
RORY: is.
DEAN: The “ex” pull can
be pretty strong. If you let him go you leave the door wide open for her. Are you ready to see him with someone else?
RORY: You know you’re the only one
who thinks I should forgive him; everyone else thinks I should dump him.
DEAN: Don’t get me wrong. I still
don’t like him and I still think he’s going to break your heart.
RORY: Good to know.
DEAN: But despite all that...I know he’s
who you want to be with…no matter how stupid that is.
RORY: Yeah...he is.
DEAN: So figure out what you can get past
and what you can’t. I have to go...I’m late meeting Vicky, but I’m here for you if you need to talk or something.
Rory reaches over giving Dean a hug as
Tristan watches through the window. In that instant Tristan can almost understand what it was Dean felt when he had punched
his fist through it that night....only now he was the one on the outside...not Dean.
As Dean starts to pull away Tristan watches
as Rory does the unthinkable and goes in for a kiss, in complete disbelief Tristan turns to avoid torturing himself any more and comes face to face with Lorelai
who is holding a garden hose and without warning she aims it at him drenching him from head to toe. Wiping the water from
his eyes and shaking the water from his hair Tristan looks at Lorelai flabbergasted.
TRISTAN: What the hell?
LORELAI: I told you to leave, now you’re
trespassing. I thought a little wake up call might help you see the light.
Dean backs slowly away from Rory after
the kiss.
DEAN: Why did you do that?
RORY: I don’t know.
DEAN: Well don’t do it again.
RORY: I won’t. I’m sorry.
DEAN: I’m done being your second
choice Rory. And although the thought of payback for Tristan is somewhat appealing...I’ve moved on and I’m not
interested in going back down this road with you.
RORY: I know...I’m sorry. I’m
just not thinking very....
Before Rory can finish her sentence the
two are interrupted by a shriek from Lorelai and head quickly outside to investigate.
Outside Rory and Dean see Tristan and Lorelai and they are soaking from head to toe, Tristan has the garden hose now bent in his hand to keep the water from coming out and they are staring each other
TRISTAN: Are you ready to play nice, or
do I let this go again?
LORELAI: Fine. Truce. Give me the hose.
TRISTAN: Not in this lifetime.
Lorelai backs slowly to the side of the
house and turns off the garden hose.
LORELAI:’s useless.
You can let the hose go now.
Reluctantly Tristan drops the hose expecting
a trick, but tiring of this stand down all the same.
TRISTAN: I just wanted to talk to Rory.
Rory walks over to her mother.
RORY: Mom...I can handle this.
Standing behind Rory, Dean decides this
is his cue to leave.
DEAN: Rory, I’m going to go
now. You okay?
RORY: Yes. Thank you.
TRISTAN: Wait aren’t you forgetting
something bag boy?
DEAN: Don’t mess with Tristan.
TRISTAN: I just think you wouldn’t
want to leave without kissing her goodbye right? ( a beat) just did that in her room. Congrats
move fast. I mean our relationship hasn’t even been officially pronounced dead yet.
RORY: You should just go Dean.
TRISTAN: Right...cause she’ll be
here later so you can finish what you started.
DEAN: You’re way out of line man.
TRISTAN: And hitting on my girlfriend
that’s not?
DEAN: Seriously? You want to go there with
TRISTAN: Rory was gone way before I stepped
into the picture. You were just too dumb to know it.
RORY: Leave him alone Tristan!
Rory turns to her mom and Dean.
RORY: (cont.) Mom, go inside. I’ve
got this under control and Dean...for what it’s worth I’m sorry it took me this long to realize that you really
were a great boyfriend and I should have treated you a lot better. I appreciate you both....I really do, but I need to do
this on my own. Okay?
Lorelai gives Tristan an evil glare.
LORELAI: All right. I’m right inside
toweling off if you need me though.
Reluctantly Lorelai heads inside the house.
DEAN: And I’ll be just a phone call
TRISTAN: So go already.
Rory reaches up and hugs Dean good bye.
RORY: Thanks.
DEAN: Anytime.
Dean smirks at Tristan before turning and
walking away, leaving Rory and Tristan alone. Immediately Rory turns toward him.
RORY: Was that really necessary to
attack him like that?
TRISTAN: I can’t believe how wrong
I was about you. It’s not going to work with him you know...he’ll always be your second choice.
As Rory realizes what Tristan is thinking...that
she’s gotten back together with Dean...her anger mounts at his lack of belief in their relationship...their bond and
decides not to let him off the hook so soon, a decision that may turn out to be breaking point in their relationship.
RORY: At least I’d be able to trust
TRISTAN: Yeah...but will he be able to
trust you? Or will he just have to hope you’re over me?
RORY: I can get over you.
TRISTAN: Sounds like you’re done
fighting for us.
RORY: Seems like you feel the same way.
Part of Rory wants to stop him right there
to tell him he’s got the wrong idea about her and Dean, but the other part of her wants him to feel just a little bit
of the pain she is.
TRISTAN: Just answer me one thing Rory...why
didn’t you just stay with him and leave me the hell alone if you had no intention of putting any real work into our
RORY: That’s not fair.
TRISTAN: The only thing that isn’t
fair here is how easily you gave up. You had no intention of sticking this out, you were just waiting for the first sign of
trouble so you could bolt.
RORY: I’ve stayed through plenty
and my feelings have never wavered.
TRISTAN: Then why now? God...I can’t
believe I was such an idiot over you. I actually thought you really loved me.
RORY: I do love you.
TRISTAN: You love me but yet you won’t
forgive me. You can see where I’m having a hard time understanding why we’re falling apart so fast.
RORY: Maybe it’s because you didn’t
trust me enough to tell me the truth.
TRISTAN: What truth?
RORY: That you’re not over Presley...that
there’s still something there for the both of you.
TRISTAN: You really believe that don’t
Rory hesitates a second before answering
but decides it’s now or never for the truth to come out.
RORY: Yes. I do.
Instantly Rory regrets it as she sees the
look on Tristan’s face.
TRISTAN: Then I can’t do this anymore.
You want this to got it. I’m through. You can run back to Dean and pretend that’s what makes you happy.
Rory chokes back her tears as the
realization of what she just let happen sinks in.
RORY: So I guess now you’re free
to date Presley.
TRISTAN: It’s what you expected me
to do isn’t it? But why should you care if you’ll be boning the bag boy anyway.
RORY: Okay can we not do this? Can
we at least refrain from trying to see who can stick the knife in deeper?
TRISTAN: I don’t want to do this
period! Yesterday I had a girlfriend who meant everything to me, today I see her lip locked with her ex. I don’t downshift
as fast as you apparently do Rory.
With every ounce of strength she has Rory
is fighting to hold the tears in.
RORY: And yesterday I had a boyfriend who
told me I meant the world to him and last night I found him wrapped around his ex girlfriend. If I downshifted it was to keep
myself from feeling any more pain.
TRISTAN: Or maybe it was to try and hurt
RORY: I would take it back if I could.
TRISTAN: can’t. Just like
I can’t take back what happened with me and Presley.
Then...without warning...
TRISTAN: (cont) I wanted this to work Rory…I
really did…but you’ve just made it too hard. I can’t be the perfect guy you’re looking for…I’m
way too flawed.
RORY: I don’t need you to be perfect…
TRISTAN: You don’t trust me Rory…and
maybe I don’t deserve for you to. I don’t know…I just…I don’t want to do this any more…it’s
not fun. I don’t like being jealous…and I don’t like fighting.
RORY: I don’t like it either.
TRISTAN: I stayed away from commitments
for a reason. And I’m beginning to see the beauty in that. No one can hurt you.
RORY: Are we breaking up?
TRISTAN: I think maybe…we just
need some time apart.
Unable to hold back any more Rory lets
the tears begin to fall, but Tristan’s mind is made up...anyone else he might be able to get past...but the image of
Rory with Dean just hurt too much...much more than he would ever let on to her.
Needing to gain some space between him
and Rory, Tristan turns and without even a goodbye walks away...Rory breaks down and Lorelai who has been watching the whole
exchange comes running out to her.
LORELAI: Oh’s going
to be okay.
RORY: This isn’t what I wanted. I
didn’t want to lose him.
LORELAI: I know…hon…just let
it out.
Rory turns into her mother and lets the
tears continue to flow.
Tristan is driving aimlessly on the road
when the full reality of the situation begins to hit him and he pulls over quickly to the side of the road...choking back
the lump in his throat and trying to ignore the gnawing feeling in the pit of his stomach he lays his head down on the steering
wheel and tries to keep breathing deeper in an attempt to calm himself down and keep from letting go.
Suddenly he realizes...this is where it
started....the very road where he had first kissed Rory. The picture vivid in his mind of Rory pressed up against the car...his
body pressed up against hers...their lips meeting for the first time....the feel of her skin underneath his hands.
What was once so great was now his worst
fear realized...he was never going to have those things again...Rory and he were over. As the tears threaten to fall Tristan
starts up the car again and reaches for the strength he needs to harness the enormous pain his heart was enduring in that
He wasn’t going to lose it over Rory...he
wouldn’t give her the satisfaction of breaking him.