Story summary: With the stage set and all the players present the Dance is about to become a life changing
Disclaimer: I do not own any rights to the characters in my story. The characters
belong to the WB show “Gilmore Girls”, its writers and creators.
The group has finally made it to the limousine and are headed towards the dance.
Tristan is sitting on one of the side seats with Vicky trying to do his best to ignore Dean’s arm around Rory’s
shoulder and the little whispers he keeps giving to her. Equally as strained are Rory’s emotions as she is subjected
to Vicky and her *wandering hands*.
On the other side of the limo is Jess and Paris, just about the only couple happy to be where they are. Henry and Lane
are still far too awkward with each other to really be able to have a conversation.
JESS: (to Paris) This should be an interesting night…don’t
you think?
Paris takes in the scene before her…affectionate Dean
and oversexed Vicky and nods.
PARIS: I feel like we are in the middle of a hurricane about
to happen.
JESS: Actually…I was referring to us. Don’t get me wrong I enjoy a good tragedy in the making…but
the *triangle* isn’t really what is on my mind tonight.
Paris suddenly begins to blush.
JESS: Are you…blushing?
PARIS: No…of course not.
Jess leans a little closer and puts his hand on top of Paris’.
JESS: Actually you are. Trust me.
PARIS: I’m not blushing!
JESS: What ever you say. Nice dress by the way… (slow and sexy)really…nice.
Paris blushes even more at the tone of the words and the sexy glance that Jess is giving her.
Over on the other side of the limo Tristan is in some serious trouble. After being sent back to the limo
Vicky consumed some liquor from a small flask that she brought with her. Well
on her way past tipsy…Vicky’s hands are all over Tristan and she is continually kissing the side of his face as
he keeps trying to turn away from her.
TRISTAN: Vicky…there are other people here.
VICKY: So what. Just because I’m the only non-virgin in this car I’m suppose to act like one?
Vicky boldly moves her hand up Tristan leg causing him to jump a little. Whether he likes it or not…Vicky
definitely has the upper hand here with her experienced hands moving slowly over his body.
TRISTAN: Oh God…please. Try and control yourself…(begging tone) Please.
In the back of limo Rory is having some problems of her own. Dean is being overly affectionate and her
blood is beginning to boil as she is subjected to the Tristan and Vicky show.
As Vicky becomes bolder the entire group starts to become a little uncomfortable.
PARIS: For the love of God…Tristan could you put a leash
on her or something?
Vicky turns at this comment and glares at Paris.
VICKY: Who asked you?
PARIS: It’s a limo Vicky…not a brothel. So save
the pseudo sex show for your paying customers.
DEAN: Relax Paris…they looked like they were just having
PARIS: Truly…unbelievable.
The one and only time you speak is to support this?
Before Dean can answer the limo pulls to a stop in front of Chilton.
TRISTAN: Were here…thank God.
As the chauffer comes around to open the door Tristan finally manages to extract Vicky from his side and
heads out of the limo. As he exits he sees Rory with Dean glued to her side and the look on her face says it all…she’s
not happy…not with him, not with Dean and certainly not with Vicky or the situation.
Sookie has recovered from her shock and is sitting at the kitchen table with Ethan. Ethan looks to be about
eighteen with dark hair and midnight blue eyes.
SOOKIE: So…I’m sorry about earlier. You really caught me off guard there.
ETHAN: I know…I’m sorry. I thought a million times about what I was going to say to you and
then…well that was all that came out.
SOOKIE: Right…about *that*…hon…it’s just not possible. I would know if I had a
child I had given up…and I don’t.
ETHAN: Ms. St. James…you are my mother. My father told me so.
SOOKIE: I understand sweetie…I do. But the thing is…I’ve never had a baby…ever.
ETHAN: Why would my father lie?
SOOKIE: That’s a really good question…which I’m sure has a really good answer.
ETHAN: I can’t be wrong about this. All the facts point to you.
Before Sookie can answer Jackson comes through the front door
yelling her name.
JACKSON: Sookie! Sook!
SOOKIE: In here Jackson.
Jackson comes walking towards the kitchen pulling off the cap
he has on.
JACKSON: I’m sorry I’m late, there was a delivery
mix up and I know how you hate…(noticing Ethan) Hi…
SOOKIE: Jackson this is Ethan.
ETHAN: Her son.
JACKSON: Her what?
SOOKIE: Hold the phone…Ethan…I appreciate your enthusiasm…but again…*not* your
mother. Although you are a handsome young lad…one any woman would be proud to call son…
JACKSON: I’m sorry did I miss something here?
SOOKIE: Short recap…Ethan thinks I’m his mother.
JACKSON: His mother? Why?
ETHAN: My father told me that she was.
SOOKIE: You certainly are right there with the fill in the blanks… Look sweetie. I’m sure there
is a logical explanation.
ETHAN: Such as?
SOOKIE: Honestly…not coming up with anything right this minute…but maybe the drive will help.
ETHAN: The drive?
SOOKIE: Well…I’m a chef.
ETHAN: I know.
SOOKIE: (impressed) You do?
ETHAN: I told you…I did my homework.
SOOKIE: Right. Anyway…I have some food I need to get out to Hartford
to a dance. If you want you can join us on the drive.
JACKSON: He can?
SOOKIE: Well we can’t just leave him here.
JACKSON: Why not?
SOOKIE: Jackson!
ETHAN: I would like to come along if you don’t mind.
JACKSON: (sarcastic) Sure the more the merrier. In fact were
stopping a couple of towns over to pick up some more of Sookie’s illegitimate children and some orphaned puppies.
Ethan looks at Sookie with a bewildered look.
SOOKIE: He’s kidding. To the car!
ETHAN: Right.
The group have entered the dance which is in full swing. Paris
is beaming as she notices some of the Chilton girls checking out Jess. Millicent Denton,
a rich, snobby socialite in the making walks up to Paris and Jess.
MILLIE: So Paris…good job on the date.
PARIS: Thanks.
MILLIE: Is this a first or second cousin?
Paris is taken off guard by Millicent’s comment…but
not Jess.
JESS: No relation. I saw her walking down the street and I just had to have her.
Jess pulls Paris really close to his side.
MILLIE: Bit tacky don’t you think, picking a girl up off the street?
JESS: Well…the limo was being serviced and frankly I couldn’t take my eyes off of her. Right
PARIS: Right.
MILLIE: (condescending) You…have a limo?
JESS: Actually…it’s my fathers. But someday it will be part of my enormous inheritance I’m
MILLIE: I didn’t catch your last name.
JESS: I didn’t give it.
MILLIE: Right. Oh…isn’t that Suzanne Portman over there. I really must be going. It was stimulating
meeting you.
JESS: Right back at ya.
As Millicent walks away Paris
turns to Jess with an appreciate smile.
PARIS: You didn’t have to do that.
JESS: Actually…I *enjoyed* doing it.
A slow song comes over the loud speaker
PARIS: Did you…did you want to dance?
JESS: Sure.
Jess takes Paris’ hand and leads her towards the dance
floor. Dean has also corralled Rory and is taking her out to dance…purposefully he stops right by Tristan and his date.
DEAN: Tristan sure seems to be enjoying himself.
Rory, who up to this point has been avoiding watching Vicky with Tristan can’t help but turn. Vicky
has one hand on Tristan’s butt pulling him closer and the other is wrapped in his hair…she leans in and whispers
something in his ear. When he turns to answer her she plants one on him. The kiss catches Tristan off guard which slows his
response making it appear that he is *into* the kiss too. Livid Rory turns her head to look the other way.
Lorelai has been watching the little stage play from across the room and chooses this opportunity to get
up to head over.
CHRIS: Where are you going?
LORELAI: To get a better view…what do you think? I’m a chaperone…I’m going to…Chap.
You coming?
CHRIS: Someone has to keep you out of trouble.
LORELAI: Who better than you?
Lorelai walks purposefully over to Tristan and Vicky.
LORELAI: Hi…excuse me.
Vicky who has been nuzzling Tristan and running her hands rampant over his body looks up as Tristan answers.
TRISTAN: Lorelai…hi.
LORELAI: Yeah…hi. So I was wondering…mind if I cut in?
VICKY: You want to dance with him? Aren’t you…I don’t know…a little old?
LORELAI: Look Missy.
VICKY: It’s Vicky.
LORELAI: Yeah…that’s important. So…I just need him for a minute and then I’ll bring
him back. Christopher will dance with you.
Christopher gives Lorelai a look like “how could you” as Vicky gives him the once over followed
by an appreciative smile as she steps away from Tristan.
VICKY: I can live with that.
Lorelai and Tristan begin dancing.
LORELAI: Okay…what the hell are you doing?
TRISTAN: This is not my fault.
LORELAI: Fault or not…hyper hands Vicky is digging you a deep hole. I suggest you handcuff her or
TRISTAN: She’d like that.
LORELAI: I so…did not need to know that.
TRISTAN: Sorry. So what am I suppose to do?
LORELAI: I don’t know but you better do it quick. Rory is likely to get the wrong impression and
Gilmore Girls tend to overreact when things don’t go our way.
TRISTAN: I know. It’s a lesson well learned.
LORELAI: Maybe you should talk to her.
TRISTAN: How? Dean is her bodyguard tonight.
LORELAI: I can’t believe I’m going to do this. I’ll distract the body guard…I mean
Dean…just be ready to seize the opportunity.
TRISTAN: Thanks Lorelai.
Lorelai gives Tristan a smile…still not quite sure why she is helping him…but convinced she
is doing it for Rory.
LORELAI: Hey…what are moms for?
TRISTAN: You didn’t have to do this.
LORELAI: Yeah…I know. And it probably won’t ever happen again. So enjoy it while you can.
Lorelai finishes the dance and heads back over to Christopher who is dancing with handsy Vicky.
LORELAI: Okay…time’s up. Give me back the hunk.
Vicky reluctantly lets go of Christopher.
VICKY: I really like the way you dance.
CHRISTOPHER: ( a bit awkward) Thanks.
As Vicky walks away Lorelai turns to Christopher with a mischievous grin on her face.
LORELAI: So was that like all your fantasies all rolled into one, trampy, school girl, liquored up and
CHRISTOPHER: Don’t forget the pigtails.
LORELAI: Or the Harley.
CHRISTOPHER: You owe me big Lorelai Gilmore.
CHRISTOPHER: Let’s just say if her hands were any friendlier she would know that I have a $1.57 in
change and a breath mint in my pocket.
Lorelai walks into Christopher’s arm and slowly slides her hand into his pants pocket.
LORELAI: I count a $ 1.56.
CHRISTOPHER: You are a wicked woman…and the chaperone. Somehow that combination is truly…erotic.
LORELAI: Down boy…high schoolers at 10:00 pm.
Christopher looks up as Lorelai steps away from him just a little due to some gawking couples.
CHRISTOPHER: And that my friends…is what we *won’t* tolerate happening.
STUDENT: Thanks for the visual.
LORELAI: (smiling sweetly) My pleasure. (to Christopher) Okay…I’m done here. I’ll see
you on the other side.
CHRISTOPHER: Where are you going now?
LORELAI: To save the day.
CHRISTOPHER: Why does this worry me?
LORELAI: Don’t worry…I have a plan.
CHRISTOPHER: And yet…I still have concerns…imagine that.
Lorelai walks over to Dean and Rory who are sitting at the table. Dean has his hand clasped in Rory’s
and is holding on tight.
LORELAI: Hi you two.
RORY: Mom…hi.
LORELAI: So…I hate to break up the good time you two are obviously having…but Dean…I
need to talk to you.
LORELAI: Yeah…Rory can use this time to *freshen up.*
RORY: I’m still pretty fresh thanks.
LORELAI: Nonsense Rory…you really should go to the bathroom and *freshen up.* I insist.
RORY: Oh…okay. I’ll be back in a few minutes.
DEAN: I can walk you there and wait for you.
RORY: No that’s okay…stay with my mom and talk.
LORELAI: Seriously Dean…she can do this on her own.
Rory walks away and heads towards the restroom. Lorelai sits down at the table.
LORELAI: So how are you doing Dean?
DEAN: I *was* doing fine.
LORELAI: You don’t think your slightly overcompensating tonight?
DEAN: Look Lorelai…I appreciate the concern…I do. But this may very well be the last chance
I have to show Rory what she means to me…what would you do?
In the Girls Restroom Rory has finished applying a fresh coat of lipstick and exits the bathroom…as
she walks down the hall back towards the dance she is grabbed from behind by a familiar pair of arms. Instantly she knows
its Tristan but the element of surprise still makes her tense a little.
Tristan has pulled Rory into the darkened teacher’s lounge.
RORY: You have seriously got to stop doing that. If you want to talk to me…just ask.
TRISTAN: Sorry…but your sidekick Tonto is super-glued to your side.
RORY: You should talk. If Vicky was any closer she’d be your twin.
TRISTAN: You sound a little jealous.
RORY: You’d like that.
TRISTAN: I admit jealous Rory is a bit of a turn on.
Tristan pulls Rory into his arms until their faces are inches away from each other. He brings his hand
up to the side of face and lightly, tenderly caresses it. Rory closes her eyes at the sensual feelings warming up inside her.
TRISTAN: Okay…maybe more than a bit.
Tristan leans his head down until the two sets of lips mesh together in fireworks of pleasure. As the kissing
deepens Rory can feel her heart racing and every fiber of her being crying out for his touch. Tristan is equally involved
and begins to run his hands over her bare skin…lingering by the soft hollow of her neck.
TRISTAN: Could you be any more enticing? I swear ten more seconds with you and I’ll got tell Dean
everything myself.
RORY: And what would that accomplish?
TRISTAN: At least you’d be single…and I could ravish you without any inhibitions whatsoever.
RORY: I wasn’t aware you were letting Dean inhibit you in any way.
TRISTAN: If you weren’t with Dean…I would tell *everyone* that you are mine…both in actions
and words.
As he is speaking Tristan is lowering the zipper on Rory’s dress until his hand is touching her bare
back. He rubs his fingers lingeringly up and down her skin and begins raining kisses on her neck and shoulders.
RORY: Whew…somehow I think I would be a lot safer with the inhibited you.
Tristan looks up and smiles a seductive smile at Rory.
TRISTAN: We should probably stop…before I lose all my senses and do something Saint Nick might not
approve of.
RORY: Yeah…got to watch out for that coal in the stocking.
Tristan slowly zips Rory’s dress back up and brings her into him in an encompassing hug.
TRISTAN: How much more tortured can you make me?
RORY: How long are you planning on living?
TRISTAN: Ouch…I think you owe me one more kiss for that.
RORY: I think that can be arranged.
Rory takes charge this time and brings Tristan lips down to hers. The kiss of a thousand emotions. For
the first time in her life Rory knows what it feels like to never want to let go. Tristan’s kisses are the stuff dreams
are made of…her knees are weak, her heart is racing and her mind and body are his completely.
Outside the lounge window Dean is taking it all in. Rory wrapped in Tristan’s arms, their bodies
molded together, their closeness so evidently something they have practiced on many occasions. Dean puts his hand on the knob
of lounge door but as his heart is being shattered into a million pieces he just can’t turn it. With one last look at
Rory and Tristan still immersed in each other he turns and walks back towards the dance.