Story summary: Tristan and Rory’s relationship is strong, but his confidence is starting to shatter
as he begins to realize all actions have consequences.
Disclaimer: The characters in my story belong to the writers and creators of the WB show “Gilmore
Authors Note: Thanks laure
for the heads up on my “oops.” I will be making a hopefully subtle attempt to correct it. Also a big THANKS to everyone who supports me on this story. I know script format isn’t a reader favorite and a lot
of people will simply click off the story if they see it, so thanks for hanging in there with me.
Slightly frustrated at yet another display of affection between Rory and Tristan Paris walks over to the
couple and makes her presence known.
Could you do this later? Like in the solitude of your own homes and not on the paper’s clock?
Rory reluctantly breaks away from Tristan at the sound of Paris’ voice.
RORY: Right. I’ll just go get my article.
Rory walks quickly towards Tristan’s car to retrieve her notebook which holds her current article
for the paper.
TRISTAN: Judgmental much?
PARIS: What you do behind Rory’s back is none of my business.
TRISTAN: Nothing happened.
TRISTAN: And what’s that suppose to mean?
PARIS: Nothing. Forget it.
TRISTAN: What is your problem Paris? It’s one insult
after another and it’s getting old.
PARIS: Why should what I think matter to you?
TRISTAN: It doesn’t. But I don’t want your recent dislike and mistrust of me affecting Rory.
PARIS: Lucky for you then that Rory has a mind of her own.
TRISTAN: Yeah. I guess it is.
Unsure where to go with the conversation from here Tristan and Paris
are both thankful for Rory’s return.
RORY: Got it.
PARIS: Good then let’s go.
Rory starts to walk towards Tristan to give him a small goodbye kiss but Paris’
quickly cuts her off.
Paris turns in a huff and starts back towards the school building.
RORY: Okay. I’ll see you in an about a half hour when my chaperone lets me go.
TRISTAN: Chaperone?
RORY: Yeah…Paris wouldn’t let me come out to get
my article alone…she didn’t trust me…or maybe you.
PARIS: (OC) Deadline Rory!
RORY: I should go.
TRISTAN: If you know what’s good for you.
Tristan watches as Rory leaves to catch up with Paris his mind
beginning to spin with unanswered questions as to what happened to cause Paris’
clear change of heart regarding him.
Rory is sitting on the bed in her mom’s room while she tries on outfit after outfit quickly discarding
one after the other as not right.
RORY: If I didn’t know better I’d think this was a date.
LORELAI: Exactly the opposite is happening here little one…I’m searching for the outfit that
makes me the most unattractive I can be. Which…as you can see is not an easy task.
RORY: Clearly.
LORELAI: Advice?
RORY: Be yourself…don’t try so hard to be unimpressive.
LORELAI: I meant about my clothes.
RORY: Oh…I’d swear sweats.
LORELAI: Excuse me…but I look damn good in my sweats.
RORY: You’re hopeless. Can I go now?
LORELAI: Fine…dessert me in my time of need.
RORY: I’m working tonight. Luke can be pretty brutal if you come in late.
LORELAI: Luke? He’s a big teddy bear.
RORY: Okay fine…I just want to have a little boyfriend time before I have to go.
LORELAI: Ouch. You should have stuck to the brutal Luke theory…less believable but a lot less pride
RORY: A little less pride will do you good. Wear the sweats.
Rory picks up a ratty looking pair of sweats and hands them to her mother as she exits. As soon as the
door closes Lorelai leans over and picks up her nicer “Juicy” sweat outfit and starts putting it on.
Jess and Paris are standing across from each other, clearly
in a heated exchange.
PARIS: I’m certainly not your keeper!
JESS: That’s right…you’re not!
PARIS: A little respect goes a long way!
JESS: It was a glance Paris.
PARIS: An appreciative one.
JESS: Are you seriously trying to tell me that I can’t think another girl is good looking?
PARIS: You told me you were happy with me.
JESS: Okay…I can’t believe we’re having this conversation. You’re insane. Is this
what it’s going to be like?
PARIS: I’m trying to communicate my feelings to you.
JESS: No…actually you’re trying to dictate how I should feel and react. And its not gonna happen.
I knew this was a bad idea.
PARIS: So now being with me is a bad idea?!
JESS: The worst. You obviously expected some great guy when you hooked up with me and I’m not…I’m
average at best.
PARIS: So that’s it…that’s the whole act
you’ve got down? Don’t expect any thing from me…because that’s what I’ll deliver?
JESS: Look who’s talking…if you were trying any harder to push me away I’d be falling
PARIS: You’re wrong.
JESS: I don’t think so. For whatever reason you want out…so fine…I’m done.
PARIS: You think I want out?
JESS: Yeah…and it’s cool. We tried it…it didn’t work. End of story.
PARIS: Oh…I get it. Smooth move…you want out…so
you turn it around and make me think it’s me who wants things to end…that way you get to leave guilt free.
JESS: You’ve got to be kidding me…you’re the one who picked the fight.
PARIS: Right…I created the perfect opening and you jumped
at the chance to take it.
JESS: Wow…amazing…you’ve actually convinced yourself that I’m the bad guy here…that
I don’t have what it takes to make this work
PARIS: You’re the one who suggested ending things.
JESS: You’re the one who is making staying unbearable.
PARIS: Then maybe you should go…if I’m so unbearable.
JESS: I have no idea what you want…do you?
PARIS: I have every idea. But it involves a guy who cares enough
about me to think about my feelings all the time. Not just when it’s convenient.
JESS: That’s not a relationship…that’s a hallmark card. Guys are jerks Paris…we
make mistakes.
PARIS: A real man’s not above admitting he made one.
JESS: Is this about the girl again? Or is something else going on here that I’m just not getting?
What real man are you comparing me to?
PARIS: Forget it.
JESS: No…let’s explore this. Because obviously there’s someone I’m not measuring
up to.
PARIS: It was a figure of speech. Let’s just drop it.
JESS: Is it the guy you slept with?
PARIS: I said drop it. I get that our relationship can’t
be as perfect as some.
JESS: Enlighten me...who is having this perfect relationship?
Paris hesitates to say anything...sensing she’s entering
taboo like territory.
JESS: (cont.) Your silence is a very compelling argument....for my side.
PARIS: Fine. Rory is.
JESS: Rory and Tristan? You can’t be serious...those two couldn’t breathe without each other...that’s
not perfect...that’s frightening.
PARIS: You act like it’s a bad thing that Tristan cares
so deeply about Rory.
JESS: Paris...if you’re looking for someone like Tristan…you’ve
made a serious error.
PARIS: I’m not asking you to be like Tristan...just to
show some emotion. I have no idea how you feel about me.
JESS: This is about you saying the “L” word to me…and me not responding…okay. I
should have said something…but the thing is…I’m not in that place…maybe I will be someday…maybe
I won’t.
PARIS: And that’s what I’m supposed to hold on
to? A big maybe someday I’ll care?
JESS: I wouldn’t be here if I didn’t care about you Paris…but if you’re looking
for some full blown Rory and Tristan “in love” thing…I just…I don’t see myself going there.
PARIS: Ever?
JESS: Let’s just say…definitely not today. I have no idea what the future holds. But I have
to be able to breath on my least for now.
PARIS: And I need to be able to speak my mind.
JESS: I’d be disappointed if you didn’t.
PARIS: I’m not sure exactly why…but I think we
can do this.
JESS: You’re working against years of ingrained rebellion against real emotions.
PARIS: I thrive on challenge.
JESS: So am I going or staying?
PARIS: You can stay...for now.
With Paris’ final consent Jess brings her into his arms
and begins slowly kissing her…lowering her onto the bed as he deepens the kiss and lets his hands begin their exploration.
Tristan has joined Rory at the diner for her dinner break. The two are sitting at a table sharing a burger
and fries.
TRISTAN: Thanks for the burger.
RORY: Half a burger and all thanks go to Luke...he’s the chef.
TRISTAN: Do you think you’ll have to work your full shift? It’s pretty dead in here.
RORY: Hopefully no. I’ve been trying to sweet talk Luke into letting me go early all night. He’s
sort of hell bent on this own your punishment thing though.
TRISTAN: You’d think the guy was your dad.
RORY: In a lot of ways...he’s been there for me a lot more. My real dad being in my life more than
holidays is a recent development.
Tristan reaches out for Rory’s hand and notices that Luke immediately glares at him.
TRISTAN: He looks like he wants to kill me.
RORY: Treat me good and you should be okay.
TRISTAN: I think I can handle that.
RORY: So I have a question for you.
RORY: Have you noticed Paris acting different lately?
At the mention of Paris’ name Tristan shifts uncomfortably
in his seat.
TRISTAN: Her moods have always been a little hard to read.
RORY: I guess. I wonder if things are going bad with Jess.
TRISTAN: I’m sure she’s a lot to deal with, my sympathies to him.
RORY: That is not nice.
TRISTAN: We aren’t exactly friends lately.
RORY: Why? What is her problem with you?
TRISTAN: I have no idea. Can we please change the subject?
RORY: Okay...actually I do have something I need to tell you.
TRISTAN: Good...let’s hear it. As long as it isn’t Paris
related...I’m interested.
Christopher is sitting at the kitchen table across from Lorelai. Both sit just staring at the other.
CHRIS: Someone needs to start.
LORELAI: I know...I was kind of hoping you would.
CHRIS: You speechless...that’s a first.
LORELAI: And you without witty banter to fill the dead space...this is as comfortable as my naked in public
CHRIS: I could do without the visuals thanks.
LORELAI: I may regret this...but why are you really here Chris?
CHRIS: I told see Rory. I need her to still be my daughter.
LORELAI: She is your daughter Chris...that will not change. Genetics won’t let it.
CHRIS: I want her to share more than my genes Lor.
LORELAI: So then you’re really here just for Rory?
LORELAI: You were never a good liar Chris.
CHRIS: I know how you think Lorelai...and I can promise you I have no ulterior motive for being here.
LORELAI: Aha! There it is...the nose crinkle. You are so lying!
CHRIS: My nose did not crinkle.
LORELAI: It so did...major crinklage went on.
CHRIS: Will you please stop that. I am not lying (off Lorelai’s withering look) okay fine...I’m
lying. It’s not like it matters either way.
LORELAI: It matters to me. We don’t lie to each other. Remember?
CHRIS: Right. We discovered it was useless because we knew each others faces too well.
LORELAI: Exactly. So spill...and I want the truth this time. And be forewarned...I will be watching the
Sitting down on the side of her bed Paris reaches into the
nightstand and retrieves her journal, opening it to today’s page she sits back on her bed and begins to write.
JOURNAL ENTRY: I guess I deserve the path my life is taking. I’m finally falling hard for someone,
a time in my life I should be enjoying and all I can feel is this heavy load of lies, deceit and disappointment. I can’t
help wondering not only when this is all going to catch up with me but also what the repercussions will be...will Rory hate
me? I think it’s inevitable that the only female I’ve learned to trust and respect is the one destined to be shattered
by my unthinkable mistake. Damn Tristan for dealing so well...he lives everyday of his life untouched by how fatal an error
we made that day. Actions however have
Suddenly Paris’ door bursts open and Kelly comes bounding
in. Paris quickly shuts her journal.
KELLY: I like being your messenger service.
PARIS: Fine...give me the message and then get out!
KELLY: What are you reading?
Paris quickly shoves the journal under a pillow.
PARIS: None of your annoying business. Now what’s the
KELLY: Some girl named Rory called.
PARIS: What did she say?
KELLY: I don’t know...she was babbling on and I kind of tuned her out.
PARIS: Did she say to call her back?
KELLY: Probably.
PARIS: Do me a favor...come get me next time. I’ve lost
faith in your message taking skills.
KELLY: Right like I really want to walk in on you and that guy getting it on. Answer your own phone.
As Kelly leaves she slams the door just for the sheer fun of pissing off Paris.
Rory and Tristan are standing in the front of the diner and Rory is trying to calm down a very upset Tristan.
RORY: You’re making this into a bigger deal than it is. It’s only a few classes.
TRISTAN: You know how much I hate the guy Rory!
RORY: But what if he’s telling the truth?
TRISTAN: That he has no agenda? That he wants to be friends? Are you kidding me? Please tell me you are
not buying into his bullshit!!
RORY: I’m not. I know you have reason to question his sincerity and I am very aware of what his actions
may mean.
TRISTAN: His actions? Has he tried something with you?!
RORY: Okay...bad choice of words...he has not tried anything...I swear.
TRISTAN: Give him time...he will. This is it...this is his mission. He is going to worm his way into your
life and take you away from me. That is how he’s going to repay me for what I did to Amy.
RORY: Well it’s not exactly a foolproof see I have no intention of leaving you. I’m
happy right where I am.
TRISTAN: You know what he’s doing right now?
RORY: I’m sure I don’t know.
TRISTAN: He’s looking for my he can use them against me.
RORY: Yet another chink in the plan...because I already know about your past mistakes. So we’re good.
No worries.
Knowing this isn’t the truth only serves to heighten Tristan’s uneasy feelings.
TRISTAN: I have to go.
RORY: What? Where?
TRISTAN: I just...I need to get out of here.
RORY: Let me get my jacket and I’ll come with you.
TRISTAN: No...I have to go to my house for some I’m just going to stay the night there.
I’ll see you in school tomorrow.
Tristan hurriedly kisses Rory before heading to his car. Rory stands there not sure what to do, completely
confused by what appears to be his sudden desire to get away from her.