Story summary: Rory is engulfed with guilt over her time with Tristan and Tristan is determined to make
sure that Rory knows once with him will never be enough.
Disclaimer: I do not own the characters in my story. The characters are the sole property of the WB and
its affiliates.
Tristan’s SUV is parked on the wrong side of the road. There is no sign of either Rory or Tristan.
A Police car comes down the road and spotting the deserted looking SUV pulls up behind it.
Tristan and Rory are in the backseat of Tristan’s SUV making out. As the make-out session starts
to become heated Tristan maneuvers Rory down on the seat into a horizontal position. Expecting Rory to object, Tristan hesitates,
but he is pleasantly surprised to see that Rory is still very much into this. As Tristan becomes a little bolder and starts
letting his hands begin to wander there is a knock on the side window. As if waking from a drugged state Rory bolts upright.
RORY: What was that?
TRISTAN: Nothing…it was nothing.
POLICE OFFICER: (OC) Anyone in there?
RORY: Oh my God. (looks at Tristan and his disheveled appearance) This is not
happening. This did not happen.
Another insistent knock. Tristan reaches for the door.
RORY: Wait! Don’t open that.
Rory hurries to fix her blouse and try and smooth down her hair.
RORY: (cont.) I am living my worst nightmare.
Amused Tristan put his hand on the door.
TRISTAN: Ready yet?
RORY: (annoyed by his amusement) This is not funny.
TRISTAN: Whatever you say. (points to a missed button on her shirt) You might
want to fix that.
Exasperated Rory quickly pulls her Chilton sweater closed over her blouse.
RORY: I so hate you Tristan.
TRISTAN: Yeah…that would be the expected response.
Tristan opens the door to the police officer.
POLICE OFFICER: Okay son…step out of the vehicle. You too miss.
Tristan steps out of the vehicle first with Rory directly behind him.
TRISTAN: What can we do for you officer?
POLICE OFFICER: Well for starters you can tell me what you’re doing parked here on the wrong side
of the road.
TRISTAN: I uh…I was trying to patch things up with my girl here…she was a little miffed at
me. If you know what I mean. (gives officer a knowing wink)
RORY: Unbelievable.
TRISTAN: It’s okay Rory I’ve got this under control here.
The police officer notices Rory’s slightly disheveled appearance.
POLICE OFFICER: Everything okay here miss. Did you need some help?
RORY: No officer…I’m fine. Are we in any kind of trouble here?
POLICE OFFICER: No…no trouble. But it’s getting late so you two kids should probably head home.
RORY: Thank you officer we will.
As the Police officer heads back to his squad car Tristan and Rory get back into the front of the SUV.
Tristan looks at Rory who is sitting sullenly on her side of the car.
TRISTAN: So are you really okay?
TRISTAN: Can I do anything?
RORY: Don’t you think you’ve done enough?
TRISTAN: I think you’re overreacting here. It’s not like we got arrested.
RORY: No thanks to you. We shouldn’t have even been here…like this. I…this is not me
Tristan. That girl in the backseat…not me.
TRISTAN: Looked a lot like you.
RORY: I’m serious Tristan. We have to just forget this ever happened.
TRISTAN: You don’t want that.
RORY: Yes…I do. Tristan I have to…I have a boyfriend.
TRISTAN: Right…farmer Dean.
RORY: Please don’t make fun of Dean…not after what happened today.
TRISTAN: You mean that thing you want me to forget ever happened…don’t you?
RORY: Tristan…I’m sorry.
TRISTAN: (irritated) Save it Mary. It’s your loss.
RORY: So it’s back to Mary. Fine. It’s probably better that way anyway.
TRISTAN: Whatever you say.
Tristan guns the car and takes off towards Rory’s house.
Lorelai and Sookie are in the kitchen. Lorelai has her finger in her mouth and is chewing on her nail.
SOOKIE: Lorelai…sweetie…that’s a nasty habit.
LORELAI: (in her own little world) It’s not like her to do this Sookie.
First she lies to me…to me…her best pal. And now she isn’t home yet…even
though school ended hours ago.
SOOKIE: Maybe she had to stay after. We should try not to panic here honey. Its Rory…we trust her.
LORELAI: Right. You’re so right. We do we trust her. I’m sure there is some really logical
and probably even comical explanation why she is acting like a pod person from “Invasion of the Body Snatchers.”
SOOKIE: Ooh…I loved that movie.
LORELAI : (getting all excited) Me too. The part at the end was the best…
SOOKIE: Where the pods all nail Donald Sutherland as an imposter…yes…so good.
Lorelai looks over at the answer machine which is blinking.
LORELAI: A message! There’s a message Sookie! My pride and joy left me a message!
Lorelai hits the play light on the recorder expecting…hoping to hear Rory’s
RECORDER: Hello Ms. Gilmore. This is Principal Benson from Chilton Preparatory. I was calling to inform
you that we have rules at this school and all parents are expected to follow them…without fail.
LORELAI: Can’t help feeling that somehow I’ve
been a very bad girl.
RECORDER: If Rory is going to be missing class you must call in on that day. Since this is her first absence
we will accept a note, but in the future Ms. Gilmore please remember that rules are made to be followed. Good day Miss Gilmore.
LORELAI: (stunned) Rory ditched? It’s not possible. Sookie?
SOOKIE: Ooh…I’m in a mental block here sweetie. I’m afraid I don’t know what to
say…and I don’t want to say the wrong thing.
Lorelai walks over to the kitchen window in a daze…but only for a minute as she spots Tristan and
Rory out the window…by the tree she first saw her talking to Dean at.
LORELAI: Sookie! Quick come here!
SOOKIE: What? What is it? Are you’re neighbors doing something interesting?
LORELAI: Uh…my neighbors live on the other side of the house.
SOOKIE: Oh yeah…right.
LORELAI: It’s Rory…and she is with a disarmingly handsome young cad.
SOOKIE: Really?
Sookie tries to peak around Lorelai, who is blocking the entire window.
SOOKIE: Scooch honey…I can’t see a thing.
Lorelai moves over to give Sookie some viewing room.
SOOKIE: (cont.) Who is the blond god?
LORELAI: I don’t know. But if I was a betting woman…and I am…I would wager that blond
Adonis is none other than the irritating and annoying Mr. Tristan DuGrey…Rory’s words…not mine.
SOOKIE: She doesn’t seem so irritated now.
LORELAI: No…she doesn’t.
Lorelai and Sookie have their faces pressed almost up against the glass of the kitchen window.
Tristan and Rory are standing in the bushes by the kitchen door. Tristan has decided to walk Rory to the
door…against her wishes.
RORY: (annoyed) I told you…you don’t have to walk me to the door.
TRISTAN: I want to make sure you get home safe Mary.
RORY: Do you live to annoy me?
TRISTAN: Am I annoying you? What could I possibly be doing that is annoying you Mary?
RORY: Fine…Tristan if you need to be this total jerk then do it somewhere else because if you take
one more step forward I am going Kung-Foo on you…got it!?
TRISTAN: Can’t keep your hands off me…is that it?
RORY: God…you are so…
TRISTAN: Please tell me that your Albert Einstein IQ has something better than “annoying” to
add here, because you are wearing that word to death.
Rory looks at Tristan like she is just dying to come up with a scathing comeback…but suddenly it
dawns on her that the last thing she wants to do is hurt him.
RORY: Tristan…I’m sorry.
TRISTAN: (letting his defenses down) What?
RORY: I said…I’m sorry. I didn’t handle the events of today well at all.
TRISTAN: So then you’re willing to admit that you played a pretty major part in today’s outcome?
RORY: Yes. I could have stopped you…I should have stopped you. But I didn’t. And that’s
my fault.
TRISTAN: You still don’t see the point here Rory.
RORY: No…I do. But it doesn’t change the fact that I am completely in love with Dean.
TRISTAN: You are living in a dream world Rory. You would have never let me kiss you today if that was true.
RORY: It was a moment of weakness Tristan. One I will regret
for a long time.
Tristan is stung by her words.
TRISTAN: You can’t tell me that farmer Dean makes you feel alive, like being
with me does.
RORY: Dean and I have a good relationship.
TRISTAN: But is it passionate? Does he make you weak at the knees when he kisses you? Does the mere thought
of his touch send your heart racing. When he looks at you…do you want him?
Tristan’s words are ringing a little too close to home for Rory.
RORY: I think you should probably just go home now Tristan.
TRISTAN: Why won’t you answer my questions?
RORY: I don’t think mine and Dean’s passion quotient is something I really care to discuss
with you.
TRISTAN: Or lack thereof.
RORY: Fine…think whatever you want…just go.
TRISTAN: I will leave on one condition.
RORY: What?
TRISTAN: That you give me a goodnight kiss.
RORY: Tristan…
TRISTAN: That’s my offer…take it or leave it.
RORY: And if I don’t?
TRISTAN: I’m sure Dean would love to know about today’s little capade.
RORY: You’re blackmailing me? That’s low.
TRISTAN: My heart bleeds. So what is it gonna be Rory?
RORY: I can’t figure you out…one minute you are so sweet and disarming and the next you are
this anti-Christ with one mission in life…to get what you want.
TRISTAN: It’s just a kiss. Unless of course you’re afraid that kissing me again would only
further cement in your mind exactly how little passion you have with Dean.
As Tristan drops the gauntlet and offers up the challenge an emotionally exhausted Rory sets out to prove
him wrong. Rory puts her hands around the back of Tristan’s
neck pulling his mouth down to hers. It’s meant to be this kind of *screw you* type of kiss…but it quickly becomes
something more and Rory realizes she has waded into deep waters and is quickly drowning in the passion that Tristan has ignited
in her. Tristan knowing he has won this battle pulls her even closer and begins running his hands through her hair and down
her back.
LORELAI: Good Lord! Where did he learn to do that?
SOOKIE: I was wondering the same about her.
LORELAI: What should I do Sookie? If I go out there…I become my mom. And if I don’t…He
will continue to take liberties with my daughter that she seems unable to say no to.
SOOKIE: Maybe she wants to say no. But she’s just being polite.
LORELAI: Yeah…that’s it. I just raised her to be too polite and he was obviously raised in
a barn. I’m going out there!
Lorelai starts to head out the kitchen door when the front doorbell rings.
LORELAI: (hand on the kitchen door) Sookie…keep an eye on her. I will be right back.
SOOKIE: (completely wrapped up in watching them) No problem. I don’t think I could look away if I
wanted to. It’s like that Turbo cooker commercial. You know you aren’t really going to buy the thing…but
you watch from beginning to end anyway.
LORELAI: Actually I almost bought it once…but then I remembered…I don’t cook. And no
where in the commercial does it mention the ability to toast a pop-tart. So it didn’t seem like money well spent.
SOOKIE: I know what you mean.
Front doorbell rings again and Sookie turns her attention back to the outside activities.
Lorelai opens the door and upon seeing Dean standing there immediately slams it shut. As Lorelai is leaning
up against the door…Dean rings the doorbell again.
Lorelai opens the door.
LORELAI: Sorry Dean…this uh…this uh huge breeze blew through here at the exact moment I opened
the door and I would have re-opened it right away but damned if that devil breeze didn’t knock me right on my as...You
felt it too right?
DEAN: Uh…actually. No.
LORELAI: Right. So what can I do for you Dean?
DEAN: I’m here to pick up Rory. We have a date.
LORELAI: Really? On a school night?
DEAN: It’s Friday.
LORELAI: Oh…right…it is. But technically you did go to school today…thus making this
a school night. Right?
DEAN: Yeah…I guess. Are you feeling all right?
LORELAI: Fine…never better…Sookie get in here…now!
Sookie comes around the corner half in conversation.
SOOKIE: You’ve got to come here Lorelai…he has really mastered the nibbling technique…Dean…hi.
SOOKIE: I was just watching this uh…cooking show. Right Lorelai?
LORELAI: Right. You know Sookie she lives and breathes cooking…and cooking shows of course.
SOOKIE: The uh…chef…is a master nibbler. You have heard of nibbling haven’t you?
DEAN: I don’t think so.
LORELAI: Really? Wow you should it is completely fascinating. Sookie why don’t
you explain niblets to Dean.
SOOKIE: Nibbling.
LORELAI: Yes that’s right nibbling…the action that niblets do…and I will go take care
of our little kitchen dilemma.
Rory’s head is swimming and she is fighting to remember why she didn’t want Tristan to kiss
her when her mother’s voice breaks in.
LORELAI: Hi…excuse me.
Rory and Tristan break apart and a stunned Rory looks at her mother a guilty look covering her face.
RORY: Mom…I can explain.
LORELAI: Oh…and you will. But for now…bigger problems. The
six foot two kind.
RORY: Dean is here?
LORELAI: He’s at the front door. Sookie is putting him to sleep with her nibbling explanation.
RORY: Huh?
LORELAI: Never mind. I will explain later…just get in the house.
Rory looks at Tristan and starts to say something but Lorelai gives her a “don’t even think
about it” look and Rory turns and walks in the kitchen door.
TRISTAN: So…I should probably go now too.
LORELAI: Not so fast.
TRISTAN: How did I know you were going to say that?
LORELAI: I’m guessing because you’re a bright boy. So bright boy…listen
up. I am the coolest mom you will ever meet, but that said…Rory does not belong in your world.
TRISTAN: Not following you.
LORELAI: I know your type…
TRISTAN: (smiles) Tristan.
LORELAI: (extends her hand) Tristan hi…I’m Lorelai. Now where was I?
TRISTAN: You know my type.
LORELAI: Right…I know your type. I was in love with your type. You’re dangerous and reckless
and you take no prisoners. It’s all or nothing with guys like you…and Rory is too young to *all* with anyone.
TRISTAN: Are you through?
LORELAI: Yes. I think so…know your type…love your type…dangerous…reckless…prisoner…all
or nothing…too young. Yes. I’m done.
TRISTAN: The motherly concern…it’s sweet. But contrary to what you may think…or Rory
may have told you. Rory isn’t just another girl to me. I really care about her.
LORELAI: That’s a pretty fairy tale…but take it from a teenage mother…caring about someone
is a lousy form of birth control. Rory is not going to be like me and the reason that she isn’t is because I’m
going to do everything I can to keep her from repeating my mistakes.
TRISTAN: Like keeping her away from the likes of me…right?
LORELAI: I’m sure you have your admirable qualities…but this is my baby girl.
TRISTAN: I get it…but in all fairness to you…I don’t think Rory wants me to stay away
from her.
LORELAI: Yeah…I get that. But here’s the deal…so pay attention. I am not going to stop
my daughter from seeing who she wants. I won’t be that Mom. But if it turns out to be you and you in anyway jeopardize
her future or step over any clearly marked lines in the quest to change her Mary status…I will hunt you down and remove
parts from your body…important parts. Comprende?
TRISTAN: Loud and clear senorita. So…I’m pretty sure we’re done here…because lets
face it how are you going to top threats of dismemberment. Please let Rory know that I will call her.
LORELAI: Yeah…I can do that.
Tristan extends his hand toward Lorelai for her to shake.
TRISTAN: I think I see where Rory gets it now. It’s been a pleasure.
Lorelai shakes Tristan hand and Tristan turns around and walks off. Lorelai starts to turn to walk towards
the house but turns and watches Tristan walking to his car instead.
LORELAI: Hubba. (out loud to herself) Rory hon…that one is trouble.