Story summary: Rory and Tristan’s moment of happiness is shattered by Lorelai’s intrusion.
It’s a moment of truth for all three.
Story disclaimer: I do not own the characters in my story. The characters I use are the creation of the
writers and creators of the WB show…Gilmore Girls.
Christopher and Lorelai are still kissing when Christopher reluctantly steps away from her.
CHRIS: I can’t do this Lor.
LORELAI: Sure you can. (reaches for him again.)
CHRIS: No…Lor. I can’t. I…we…need to talk about something first.
LORELAI: Okay. What’s up?
CHRIS: Why don’t we sit down?
LORELAI: Freakin me out now Chris. You know how I hate the couch discussions.
CHRIS: Please Lorelai?
LORELAI: Headed for the couch…watch me go.
Lorelai walks over to the couch followed by Christopher who it is glaringly obvious is more than a little
stressed about something. Lorelai sits down and Chris immediately sits next to her taking Lorelai’s hand in his.
LORELAI: (cont.) A hand holding conversation. This is really serious.
CHRIS: Lor…I’m not exactly sure how to tell you this…so bear with me.
LORELAI: Whatever it is Chris…we’ll figure it out together.
CHRIS: I wish it was that easy. Lor…
LORELAI: Yes Chris?
CHRIS: You know I love you right?
CHRIS: Good. So you’ll understand why what I have to tell you isn’t easy for me.
LORELAI: Come on Chris…it can’t possibly be that bad.
CHRIS: Sherry’s pregnant. There I said it.
Lorelai expecting some superficial concern is completely shell shocked.
CHRIS: (Cont.) Lorelai…did you hear me?
LORELAI: Uh huh.
CHRIS: I don’t want this to change things for us Lor…I still want us to be together.
LORELAI: I think I need…a glass of water.
CHRIS: I’ll get it for you.
Lorelai gets quickly up off the couch.
LORELAI: No…that’s okay. You stay here. I’ll get it.
Lorelai hurries into the kitchen and over to the sink. She reaches into the cabinet and pulls out a glass.
She turns on the faucet and puts the cup underneath. After she fills the glass she brings it haphazardly up to her lips and
downs the water in one gulp. Hurriedly she fills the glass again and is downing it when Christopher walks into the kitchen.
CHRIS: Good thing that’s not vodka.
LORELAI: If we had it, it would be.
CHRIS: Can we please talk about this Lorelai?
LORELAI: You know what…I can’t right now. I need some time.
CHRIS: We need to talk about this Lorelai.
LORELAI: No…actually…you need to talk about it. You’ve had more than enough time to process
it…me…matter of minutes. It’s not enough time.
LORELAI: I think you should go.
CHRIS: Alright. I’ll call you tomorrow.
Chris tries to reach out to her but Lorelai shies away. Chris reluctantly turns and leaves as Lorelai sinks
into the kitchen chair and lets the tears start to flow.
Rory and Tristan are semi-clothed on the bed and they are making out like crazy. Hands and lips are roaming
freely. Tristan stops for a millisecond to watch Rory in the heat of passion. Her hair is wrapped in his hand and he lets
it slip through his fingers enjoying the feel of it against his skin. Rory shirt is somewhere in the fray and Tristan runs
his hand gingerly over her exposed flesh. The action makes Rory tingle even more and she opens her half-lidded eyes to take
in Tristan’s gaze. Rory smiles as Tristan’s lips begin their ascent towards her well kissed mouth. Suddenly the
spell in the darkness is broken by an insistent knocking at the door.
LORELAI: (OC) Rory…hon? I know it’s late…but I really need you right now. Can I come
Rory panics and practically pushes Tristan over in the hurry to get him off of her.
RORY: Holy crap! You have to get out of here.
Tristan tries to hurriedly get dressed as the door to Rory’s bedroom starts to open up. Rory rushes
off the bed and closes it again.
RORY: Hide!
RORY: I don’t care as long as it’s not right there in the middle of my room…in your underwear!
As Tristan is looking around for a hiding place he spies the closet and rushes over just as the door starts
to open again. Lorelai walks in to the darkness and tries the light switch.
LORELAI: What’s going on?
Rory, who is wrapped in her sheet, notices Tristan’s pants on the floor and tries to non-chalantly
push them to the side of her bed while turning on the light. As the room lights up Lorelai takes in Rory’s appearance
with growing suspicion.
LORELAI: Is everything okay in here?
RORY: Uh…Yeah. I was reading so I just turned the light off over here.
LORELAI: Uh huh. And the door?
RORY: I uh…tripped trying to open it. I’ve been a total klutz lately.
LORELAI: Right. And let’s not forget a completely lousy liar since birth.
RORY: And enough about me. What did you need?
LORELAI: Is that aftershave I smell?
RORY: It’s my new perfume.
LORELAI: I don’t remember you buying a new perfume.
RORY: Actually…it’s Lane’s. I borrowed it.
LORELAI: So when did Lane start wearing “Ode of Rich” I recognize the smell Rory…it’s
the same one your grandmother bought for your father this Christmas.
Lorelai starts walking around the room, checking things out. She spies the pants Rory is trying to hide
and quickly picks them up.
LORELAI: And I suppose these are Lane’s too?
RORY: Possibly.
LORELAI: Not likely. So here are the scenarios I’m coming up with…Freezing naked boy bolted
out the window…or…
Lorlelai heads over to Rory’s closet and stands with her hand on the knob.
LORELAI: (cont.) Half naked boy hid in the closet.
RORY: Mom…
Lorelai opens the door with a flourish to find a sheepish looking Tristan standing their in his Joe Boxers.
LORELAI: Time to come out of the closet Tristan.
Lorelai hands him back his pants.
LORELAI: (cont.) Get dressed. Rory…living room. Tristan…I expect you there when you are fully
Rory picks up a nightgown off the chair as she exits with her mother. Rory goes into the bathroom to change
as Lorelai walks into the living room and waits for the both of them to get there.
Rory walks out of the bathroom and practically into Tristan who has just exited her room.
TRISTAN: This isn’t going to go well…is it?
RORY: I’m thinking…no.
TRISTAN: I’m sorry Rory…I probably shouldn’t have come here.
LORELAI: (OC) I’m waiting!
Tristan and Rory walk into the living room and take a seat on the couch beside each other.
LORELAI: Okay…this has been the epitome of a crappy night. Rory what the hell where you thinking?
RORY: It’s not as bad as it looks.
LORELAI: And I am not a moron. Please remember that. The two of you were in your bedroom, in the dark,
in your underwear…how is that anything but bad?
RORY: Mom…can we please not do this…like this. Just let Tristan leave and you and I can sit
down and talk about it.
LORELAI: Fine. Tristan can leave. But not before I say this…you are not welcome in this house.
LORELAI: This is not up for debate Rory. You are my teenage daughter and I set the rules in this house.
Rules you have obviously decided to blatantly ignore. You are not an adult Rory and I won’t have you playing grown-up
just to please him.
TRISTAN: This is all my fault.
LORELAI: Finally…an ounce of truth.
RORY: That’s ridiculous. It takes two. Tristan didn’t do anything I didn’t want him to.
LORELAI: Good God. Who are you and what have you done with my sweet, innocent daughter?
RORY: I’m not a little girl mom.
TRISTAN: I’m really sorry Lorelai…I
LORELAI: Save it Tristan. You have nothing to say that I want
to hear. Rory is off limits. You have to see that you are no good for her.
RORY: I can’t believe you’re doing this.
TRISTAN: I should go.
LORELAI: Yes…you should.
TRISTAN: You know…I respect how you feel. But keeping
me and Rory apart isn’t going to solve anything. You should know that.
Tristan starts to walk over to Rory and Lorelai steps directly in front of him.
LORELAI: (pointing) The door is that way.
TRISTAN: I left my jacket in the room.
LORELAI: I’ll mail it to you.
Tristan turns and walks out of the house. Rory immediately turns on her mother.
RORY: You had no right to do that!
LORELAI: I had every right. I’m your mother!
RORY: You completely blew things out of proportion.
LORELAI: Really. I find my sixteen year old daughter in her underwear with an equally undressed boy and
I freak. How is that blowing anything out of proportion?
RORY: I wasn’t going to sleep with him.
LORELAI: Well thank God for small favors.
RORY: You can’t expect me to remain your little girl forever!
LORELAI: I can while you’re living under my roof. Oh my God…did I just say that? Do you see
what you’re doing to me? You’re turning me into Grandma.
RORY: What about what you’re doing.
LORELAI: And what is that?
RORY: You’re turning me into you! You’re suffocating me and backing me into a corner. Forcing
me to repeat your mistakes. Is that what you want?
Rory’s remark leaves Lorelai stunned. Rory takes the opportunity to head to her room where she slams
the door. Lorelai drops down onto the couch and buries her head in her hands.
Suddenly she realizes she never heard Tristan’s car start and she rushes outside just as he is approaching Rory’s
LORELAI: You never give up do you?
TRISTAN: It’s not in my nature.
LORELAI: Then it’s a response you need to learn. I don’t want you near Rory right now.
TRISTAN: I need to talk to her.
LORELAI: And I need you to leave…quietly. You’ve caused enough trouble for one night.
TRISTAN: You’ve got it all wrong.
LORELAI: I don’t think so.
TRISTAN: I love her.
LORELAI: This does not make me feel any better. Because you see…it isn’t about what you feel
for her…it’s about the consequences of your actions with her. No matter what she tells you, or the intense feelings
the two of you experience…Rory is not ready for a physical relationship with you…or anyone else. She has a lot
of growing up to do before that happens.
TRISTAN: Having a physical relationship doesn’t mean getting pregnant. There is such a thing as safe
LORELAI: Yes it’s called abstinence.
TRISTAN: What can I say to make you understand that I would never do anything to hurt Rory?
LORELAI: That you will stay away. Because by putting her in a position like tonight…you are hurting
her. She is a bright girl with a bright future. And sex will only screw that up.
TRISTAN: You can’t live Rory’s life for her.
LORELAI: I’m making sound decisions that your presence in her life isn’t allowing her to. She
needs someone to tell you to “Back off.” Let her be a little girl for as long as she can…don’t rush
TRISTAN: Nobody is going to rush Rory. No matter how hard you try to stop it…when Rory is ready…it
will happen.
LORELAI: Can you please just go now. I have a splitting headache and I’ve had enough bad news to
last me a lifetime.
TRISTAN: Fine…I’m going.
Lorelai walks over to Rory’s bedroom window and looks in. Rory is sitting on her bed crying. Lorelai
sighs and Rory looks up. She sees her mother in the window and walks over to it. Just as Lorelai is about to say something
Rory closes the window and pulls the curtain across shutting out her mother for the very first time in her life.