Story Summary: Day three of the break up
is sure to be hell for Rory, but Tristan appears to be moving on just fine.
Disclaimer: I do not own the characters
in this story; they are the property of the new CW network.
She knew this day was going to be bad,
but the reality to Rory seemed so much worse. It had taken everything she had to get out of bed that morning after such a
draining weekend and now she was under the microscope as she walked to her locker...all eyes on her...Tristan’s latest
Walking as bravely to her locker as she
could she opened it and removed her Science book. Science was never her strong suit but she had transferred into it with Tristan’s
promise to help and he was surprisingly good at it...he just got it. Now she could kick herself for doing it because now not
only would she have to struggle to pass the class but she would have to do it under his watchful eye.
Lost in her thoughts Rory was surprised
when someone suddenly slammed her locker door and she turned quickly to face them. It was Vicky and Rory could tell she was
looking for a fight.
VICKY: I ever hear of you putting your
skanky lips on Dean again don’t think I won’t come after you.
RORY: I...
VICKY: And don’t bother denying you
did it cause Tristan told me everything.
RORY: Well he got it wrong. There’s
nothing going on with me and Dean. He came by as a friend, that’s all.
VICKY: I know...I called him. He’s
off the hook...but you’re not. I’m watching you and you try anything and you will answer to me.
RORY: I’m not trying to get back
together with Dean...we’re just friends.
VICKY: Keep it that way.
With her parting words Vicky takes
off down the hall, leaving Rory to wonder how much worse this was going to get.
It didn’t take long to get her answer
as the hallway grew quiet and everyone turned to see the foursome walking through the door...Amy, Anders, Presley and Tristan.
He didn’t have his arm around her or anything that obvious, but as they entered the building he leaned towards Presley
and whispered something in her ear...something that made her laugh. Rory had never felt more alone.
Not wanting Tristan to see her Rory picked
up her back pack and quickly ducked into the girl’s restroom to escape him, the beginning of tears starting to flow.
But her hope of salvation quickly faded as the restroom door opened and a laughing Amy and Presley walked in leaving her no
time to hide or wipe her tears away.
AMY: Oh...well this is awkward. I suppose
we should ask you if you’re okay.
Quickly Rory wipes her tears.
RORY: I’m fine.
AMY: Okay...well I tried. I mean you did
just lose the finest guy in school...heck maybe the planet...but I’ll believe you’re fine if you say so.
RORY: You got naked in the back of Tristan’s
car to try and make me believe he was cheating on me...forgive me if I doubt your sincerity.
AMY: Girlfriends have to stick together
in times of crisis.
RORY: We’re not girlfriends.
AMY: We could be.
RORY: Yeah...not so much.
Standing silent up till now Presley finally
speaks up.
PRESLEY: I know you don’t like me
and that’s cool...but I really am sorry about you and T.
Rory looks at Presley in disbelief.
RORY: You got what you wanted...let’s
not try and pretend you didn’t know exactly what you we’re doing.
AMY: Listen to you all acting all “blameless.”
Tristan told us about you and the grocery geek.
RORY: He did?
PRESLEY: He was pretty hurt by it.
RORY: Unbelievable he betrays me and he’s
the victim?
Without another word Rory pushes past Presley
and Amy...angry and ready for a fight.
He felt her presence before he saw her
or what was coming next as Rory walked purposefully up to him and his group of friends.
RORY: We need to talk.
Although her voice belied it Tristan could
tell by her stanch that she was mad....really, really mad.
TRISTAN: I have a class to get to.
He wanted so much to hate her but standing
there with her anger mounting, he just wanted his arms, in his life, and his heart. He had to stop thinking like would get him nothing but more heartache.
RORY: If you want to shut me out...that’s
fine! But stop talking about me! And stop making yourself out to be the martyr.
Slowly the group around Tristan begins
backing away, not wanting to be a part of the drama unfolding, but still managing to maintain within listening distance, not
wanting to miss any juicy revelations.
TRISTAN: I have no idea what you’re
talking about.
RORY: It takes two people to break up a
relationship...try and remember who started this.
TRISTAN: Are we through here? Because I
really do have a class I need to get to.
RORY: So that’s it? You can’t
even talk to me anymore?
TRISTAN: If you just plan on yelling at
me I don’t see the point in hanging around here to take it. In fact since you’re not my girlfriend anymore...I‘d
say that gives me a free pass to just walk away.
Around her the guys in the crowd start
giving Tristan claps of appreciation. Instantly Rory lowers her voice.
RORY: I’m not yelling...I’m
angry because you told everyone about Dean, including his girlfriend.
TRISTAN: Oh...was that supposed to
be a secret? I thought you were proud of it.
RORY: Everyone now thinks I cheated on
you, instead of the other way around. Is that really fair to me?
TRISTAN: Anyone who was at Presley’s
party that night knows the truth.
RORY: Including Dean who came over to tell
me to give you another chance and this is how you repay him by telling his girlfriend about an innocent kiss.
TRISTAN: It didn’t look so innocent
to me.
RORY: I kissed him. Not the other way around.
TRISTAN: I know....I saw the whole thing.
RORY: I ‘m not interested in Dean.
I was hurt and he was there for me.
TRISTAN: So then I was did
do it to try and hurt me.
As the overhead bell rings Rory reaches
out to Tristan to try and make him was never about hurting him it was about feeling like she would always
be second to Presley.
RORY: I’d don’t know...I guess
TRISTAN: I guess we’re even then.
Only difference is...I wasn’t trying to deliberately hurt you.
Hating the way this is playing out Rory
starts to step towards Tristan just as Presley and Amy walk up.
PRESLEY: We should get to class.
TRISTAN: Yeah...we’re done here.
Rory’s heart sinks as she watches
Tristan nonchalantly place his arm around Presley’s shoulder and the two begin walking away.
AMY: Bet you didn’t see that coming.
They’re together?
AMY: Cute aren’t they?
RORY: You’re enjoying this aren’t
AMY: It doesn’t suck.
Hurt Rory turns away from Amy and starts
walking the opposite direction of class, now in no mood to see Tristan.
As Tristan is preparing to walk into the
classroom a hand on his arms stops him and he turns around to see Paris.
TRISTAN: Hey. What’s up?
Is it true?
TRISTAN: Is what true?
I don’t even know which rumor to start with.
TRISTAN: I’ll help you out....yes
Rory and I broke up, yes I did go to Jeremy’s party to blow off some steam and yes I did end up messing around with
Presley. But it’s not a big deal.
You are delusional. Does Rory know?
TRISTAN: She was present at the break up...yes.
I meant about Presley.
TRISTAN: I’m sure she has her suspicions.
You have to tell her. You owe her that at least.
TRISTAN: What’s the point? She doesn’t
want to be with me why should it matter who I’m with?
You spent the better half of this year trying to get together with Rory and you’re going to let Presley screw this up?
Presley the girl who slept with your then best friend, ripping your heart out in the process?
TRISTAN: This isn’t about Presley
What then? Dean? Come know Rory is not interested in him.
TRISTAN: She has a funny way of showing
that then.
So she kissed him...big deal. Frankly I think you deserved that. You did a really stupid thing at Presley’s party.
TRISTAN: You can be a real bitch sometimes
you know that.
You weren’t expecting me to side with you were you?
TRISTAN: I kind of hoped you would.
I’ll side with you when you’re not being an idiot. Did you two even try and work it out?
TRISTAN: It s too late...she doesn’t
trust me.
Gee. I wonder why?
TRISTAN: What’s that supposed to
Swallow you’re pride and talk to her Tristan, fix this before you really mess it up.
As the bell signaling class rings Tristan
takes his seat and looks over at the empty seat next to him...somehow knowing Rory isn’t going to be showing up to class.
Against his better judgment he raises his hand, knowing he needs to find her.
MRS. AGATE: Yes Mr. Dugrey?
TRISTAN: Yeah...I need to use the restroom.
MRS. AGATE: Fine. The pass is by the door.
Tristan gets up and grabs the hall pass
off the hook by the door before exiting.
Ethan and Lane are sitting at a table eating
lunch, he has his arm around her and she turns to him he gives her a kiss on the lips making her blush a little.
Jess walks up to the table as the two continuing
kissing...impatiently he clears his throat. Reluctantly Ethan and Lane stop and turn to him.
ETHAN: This better be good.
JESS: Yeah...I’m shaking. Lane you
got a minute?
JESS: Yeah. I uh...I need to talk to you
about something.
LANE: Oh...kay.
Lane and Jess walk away from the table
and over to a corner.
LANE: What’s up?
JESS: How well do you know Paris?
LANE: Hardly at all...Rory and I have gone
to a couple of parties with her, but for the most part she’s pretty hard to figure out.
JESS: Tell me about it.
LANE: I thought you and Paris
weren’t going out anymore.
JESS: Why does everyone knows this but
LANE: She told Rory you weren’t
interested in a commitment.
JESS: Not exactly what I said. I told her
I wasn’t really that good at commitment.
LANE: Sounds like the same thing to me.
JESS: What about this guy she’s going
out with now, what do you know about him?
LANE: Oh my’re jealous.
JESS: No I’m not, I’m just...curious.
LANE: Then you should talk to her about
JESS: I don’t like going in blind,
tell me about this other guy.
LANE: I’m not comfortable doing that.
It’s between you and Paris.
JESS: Okay...what I’m about to tell
you is between you and me and no one else got it?
LANE: What is it?
JESS: She won’t return my phone calls.
I thought if I knew what the other guy was like I could see what he has that I don’t.
LANE: Oh...well you’re screwed then,
he’s tall, handsome and rich.
JESS: You don’t think I’m decent looking?
LANE: I’ll give you that...but you’re
also a tad bit on the short side and let’s face it...not exactly rolling in the technically he’s two
up on you.
JESS: You really aren’t very nice.
LANE: I told you I didn’t want to
be in the middle of it.
JESS: Yeah...I guess you did. Next time
I’ll listen.
After scouring the inside of the school
for Rory it finally hits Tristan exactly where she is and he hurries outside and over to “their” bench. As he
rounds the corner he sees her and for a split second turns around as he sees how upset she is... but before he gets the chance
she looks up and sees him, hurriedly she wipes at tears.
RORY: What are you doing here? Come to
finally finish me off?
Slowly and deliberately Tristan walks up
to her. He kneels down before her and gently takes her face in his hands.
TRISTAN: I came to tell you I was sorry.
Because I am Rory...I really am for a lot of things...and you’re right we do need to talk.
RORY: It’s alright...I get it now.
You and Presley are together...and I know I don’t have anyone to blame for that but myself. If I hadn’t been so
jealous of her we would have been okay.
TRISTAN: I’m not with Presley.
RORY: You’re not?
TRISTAN: No...But in the interest of full
disclosure...I was with her over the weekend.
Rory knows what he means...but she needs
to hear him say it in order to believe that he could do something like that so soon after they had ended.
RORY: Did you sleep with her?
TRISTAN: You and I were done.
RORY: You did. Wow that sure didn’t
take you long.
TRISTAN: That’s pretty judgmental
for someone who jumped into her ex’s arms less than 24 hours after we had a fight.
RORY: Huge difference.
As Tristan watches the reality sinking
in with Rory he decides to cut her a break and reveal how he’s really feeling.
TRISTAN: I don’t have feelings for
Presley and the truth is if I’m not going to be with you...I’m not giving my heart to anyone else.
RORY: Not even Presley?
TRISTAN: Especially not Presley. It was
what Presley and Anders did to me that scared me off commitment before. I have no interest in reliving that hell with her
RORY: You really don’t?
TRISTAN: I really don’t.
RORY: Why didn’t you tell me this
TRISTAN: Because you were right about one
thing... there is still a bond between me and Presley and the more you brought it up...well the less sure I was of what I
wanted from that bond.
RORY: And now?
TRISTAN: She’s cool...I really miss
things about her. She’s wicked good at bowling and she will laugh at the stupidest things but I’m not in love
with her and she knows that.
RORY: And she’s okay with that?
TRISTAN: No...she’s convinced herself
she still loves me and she’s fond of telling me that “she’s the best thing that will ever happen to me.”
But she wants to be friends so she’s dealing with it.
RORY: I can see where sleeping with her
might confuse her.
Tristan starts laughing.
TRISTAN: Okay...not that you deserve to
know the truth...but we didn’t’ sleep together, we did mess around and she wanted to...but it didn’t happen.
RORY: I can’t believe you lied.
TRISTAN: I can’t believe you think
I’m that much of a hound.
RORY: Old Tristan would have done it.
TRISTAN: Yeah...I’m trying not to
be that guy though.
RORY: Good, because I wouldn’t want
to see you become that guy again. You’re too good for that.
TRISTAN: There’s one more thing...
RORY: I guess I can handle anything at
this point.
TRISTAN: I want you back.
Rory can’t help but smile at that.
TRISTAN: (cont.) and I’m pretty sure
you want to be with me too.
RORY: I do.
TRISTAN: here’s the thing
in order for this to work you have to trust me.
RORY: I will.
TRISTAN: And I need to be honest with you.
No more secrets.
RORY: Okay.
Tristan takes a deep breath in...a little
scared to reveal his secret.
TRISTAN: This is harder than I
goes...when you and Dean were still together and you dumped me...I did something pretty stupid.
RORY: I don’t want to know.
RORY: I can tell it’s big and right
now I’m happy that you still want to be with me and if you tell me whatever it is your hiding...I know I won’t
TRISTAN: I can’t keep lying to you
RORY: Will you telling me make me feel
any better?
TRISTAN: Probably not.
RORY: So really its only going to alleviate
something you feel guilty about that maybe you shouldn’t even feel guilty about because we were technically apart.
TRISTAN: I guess.
RORY: Then I don’t care. I really
TRISTAN: You say that now, but what if
you find out somehow?
RORY: I’ll deal with it then.
TRISTAN: Okay no...I’m not going
to do this then. I can’t put my heart on the line again and then have you toss me for this somewhere down the line.
I need you to deal with this now. I’m sorry...but I do.
RORY: It’s that important?
RORY: Okay then...tell me.
Really? Was he really ready to tell her
the whole truth regardless of what the consequences might be? Tristan looked deep into Rory’s eyes, not wanting to have
to say this but knowing that the time had finally come to own up to his bad decisions. It was the only way they would be able
to move on.
TRISTAN: had sex with...
Tristan chokes up a little, unsure he is
going to say the name of the person who had oddly enough become one of Rory’s closest friends.
RORY: Okay...maybe that’s enough.
I don’t really need to know who it was; you’ve admitted it happened and that you consider it a mistake. We don’t
have to fill in the blank.
TRISTAN: It was Paris.
RORY: Paris?
TRISTAN: I’m sorry Rory.
Before Rory can really react, Amy who had
been hiding in the bushes after following Tristan to this spot steps out of the bushes completely flabbergasted. Her intent
had been to eavesdrop and report back to Presley but instead she now had a bomb for Anders and a way to get rid of his new
creepy interest Paris.
AMY: You had sex with Paris!
Holy hell wait till Anders hears this.
As Amy takes off down the walk to head
back into school Tristan doesn’t know what to do...he’s torn between heading off psycho Amy or staying with a
clearly shell shocked Rory.
Reluctantly he turns to Rory.
TRISTAN: I have to go after her. I have
to keep her from telling Anders. Do you understand?
Rory doesn’t say anything she just
keeps looking down at her hands.
Finally she chokes out a he
swears he can hear disgust in.
Not sure where they stand but knowing he
can’t stay Tristan takes off in search of Amy, hoping he won’t be too late.