Story summary: Rory and Tristan spend some time together while Ethan and Sookie try to get to some answers.
Author’s Note: This chapter is to put Roxy’s mind at ease…here’s
what the car ride was all about.
Disclaimer: I do not own any rights to the characters in my story. The characters
belong to the WB show “Gilmore Girls”, its writers and creators.
RORY: Where are we going?
TRISTAN: To a surprise destination.
RORY: Why all the secrecy?
TRISTAN: Because that’s what makes surprises fun.
RORY: Ha ha…very funny.
As Tristan continues down the road towards his destination, he sees what he
is looking for and pulls into a parking lot.
TRISTAN: Here we are.
Rory looks out and sees a beautiful lake in front of them. Tristan has gotten
out of the car and is busy pulling stuff out of the trunk. Rory lets herself out of the car and goes around to the back to
see what he’s doing.
RORY: Anything I can help you with?
TRISTAN: No…I’m good. Follow me.
With his one semi-free hand Tristan takes Rory’s and leads her down a
gravel path until they are sitting right in front of the lake. Tristan lets go of Rory’s hand and sets down the basket
he is carrying, he pulls out a blanket and spreads it across the grass.
TRISTAN: (motioning for Rory to sit) For you.
Rory takes a seat on the blanket and Tristan quickly sits down beside her.
TRISTAN: Are you comfortable?
RORY: Yes.
Tristan reaches inside the basket and pulls out a bottle of what appears to
be champagne.
RORY: Is that champagne?
TRISTAN: No…just harmless sparkling apple cider. I know you don’t
RORY: Do you drink?
TRISTAN: I have.
RORY: But you’re only sixteen.
TRISTAN: Yeah…but I’m rich. Money has a way of making age a non-issue.
RORY: Is that really true?
TRISTAN: Absolutely.
Tristan has moved into a semi reclined position and is running his hand casually
up and down Rory’s back. Very aware of his touch Rory is having a hard time relaxing. Something that
doesn’t go unnoticed by Tristan.
TRISTAN: I promise you I didn’t bring you here to ravage you. I just wanted
to be alone with you.
RORY: I know…it’s just this is…so *not* what I expected.
TRISTAN: What do you mean?
RORY: I guess I thought that your idea of a date was less…*romantic.*
TRISTAN: Ouch…that hurts.
RORY: I’m sorry…that came out all wrong. It’s just your reputation
sort of precedes you.
TRISTAN: Fair enough. But I think it’s also fair to say that nothing about
you and me follows my prior reputation.
RORY: True.
TRISTAN: So now will you relax?
Tristan pulls Rory down onto the blanket until she is lying right next to him,
nestled into his arms…facing him. Something about his ease with her works the magic and she begins to meld into his
TRISTAN: ( cont.) Much better.
Intent on the conversation he brought her there for Tristan tries really hard
to concentrate but loses the battle as he looks into Rory’s eyes and ever so slowly his gaze wanders to her lips. From
one second to the next everything has changed…Rory and Tristan are locked in a sensual kiss…warming to each other’s
touch and feel.
Lane is in her bedroom frantically dialing her cell phone.
LANE: Come on…pick up…pick up.
When Lane receives no answer she dials another number.
LANE: Lorelai…hi it’s Lane. Is Rory there?
LORELAI: Actually no Lane…I just got back from the airport and I found
a note that said she was going for a ride with Tristan and to please tape “I love Lucy” for her…not sure
what that’s about. Hey you don’t happen to know what time or channel that’s on do you?
LANE: Sorry no. So is she expected home soon?
LORELAI: Hard to say, but I will definitely give her the message that you called.
LANE: Thanks.
Lane hangs up and starts pacing around her room again.
Sookie is sitting at the kitchen table getting ready to dial a number when Ethan
walks into the kitchen.
SOOKIE: There you are. I was starting to get worried.
ETHAN: Sorry. I just went around town checking things out.
SOOKIE: Oh that’s good. Did you have a good time?
ETHAN: Yeah…actually I did. Ran into your friend Rory…not
a real friendly sort. But she did have a friend with her…she was pretty interesting.
SOOKIE: That would probably be Lane.
ETHAN: Yeah…that’s her. She’s a bit out there…but in
a sweet…kooky sort of way.
SOOKIE: That’s definitely Lane.
ETHAN: I’m going to dinner with her tomorrow.
SOOKIE: On Valentine’s Day?
ETHAN: Yeah…it’s not really a date…just a get together…two
single people…trying not to look not so single for the night.
SOOKIE: I know what you mean. I use to dread Valentine’s
day until Jackson came along. My friend Lorelai still
hates it. Says it’s a holiday invented by Hallmark…so she boycotts Hallmark.
ETHAN: And Lorelai would be?
SOOKIE: Rory’s mother.
ETHAN: Rory is starting to make a lot more sense now.
SOOKIE: So it’s been a whole day and we really haven’t broached
the *big* subject here.
ETHAN: You mean the mom thing?
SOOKIE: Yes…that would be it.
ETHAN: What do you want to know?
SOOKIE: Well for starters…Who your father is.
ETHAN: Benjamin Carter.
SOOKIE: I’m sorry…did you say Ben Carter?
ETHAN: Yes. So you do know him?
SOOKIE: Ben was my high school boyfriend…I was a lot younger and well…thinner
As Sookie is taken back to her high school years by the mention of her old boyfriends
name the phone rings and rings and rings.
ETHAN: Should I get that?
SOOKIE: Sure…go ahead.
Ethan walks over to the phone but by the time he picks it up it has stopped
SOOKIE: Ethan…we have to talk to your dad.
ETHAN: I already did. He’s going to be here tonight.
SOOKIE: Tonight? Ben Carter is going to be here…at my house…tonight?
ETHAN: That’s okay isn’t it?
SOOKIE: Sure…yeah…it will be good to see him…and get this
all cleared up.
ETHAN: Can I ask you one question?
ETHAN: It’s obvious at this point…that my dad was less than honest
with me…Do you have any idea who my real mom might be?
SOOKIE: No sweetie…I don’t. I’m sorry. Can I ask you one question
ETHAN: Seems fair.
SOOKIE: Why now Ethan? What prompted you to search for your mom now?
ETHAN: My dad met this lady…Beverly…and now she wants to move the
entire family to some rickety old town in Maine.
SOOKIE: I’ve been there…it’s beautiful
ETHAN: It doesn’t matter…I don’t want to leave Conneticut.
Almost if the experience had been hers…Sookie
fully understands Ethan’s need to stay in Conneticut.
SOOKIE: Because this is where your mom knows you are.
ETHAN: Exactly…but my dad doesn’t understand that. All these years
he’s told me what a wonderful mother I had and how she wanted to keep me but her parents wouldn’t let her. So
I always sort of imagined that if she loved me that much…
SOOKIE: She’d come back for you. Oh honey…that’s so sad.
Tristan has wrapped Rory in a blanket and she is sitting between his legs and
he has his arms loosely wrapped around her.
TRISTAN: I swear that was not why I brought you up here.
RORY: Yeah I guess that promise not to ravage me went right out the window.
TRISTAN: It was a semi-ravage.
RORY: To your credit…yes…you did show a modicum of restraint.
Tristan leans towards Rory’s earlobe and whispers lightly into it.
TRISTAN: No thanks to you.
Rory is smiling as she turns to face him.
RORY: So why did you bring me up here? What’s the big mystery?
TRISTAN: Actually…I brought you up here for two reasons.
RORY: Such as?
TRISTAN: Okay…well…I wanted to ask you…if you would be interested
in…being my girlfriend.
Rory is a little stunned at first by Tristan’s words. Not sure what to
do with the silence Tristan continues talking.
TRISTAN: (cont.) I mean…I wouldn’t want to just assume that that’s
what we are. Because you’ve never really said that.
RORY: You want me to be your girlfriend?
TRISTAN: Yes…very much so.
RORY: Are you sure?
TRISTAN: Completely. So? What do you say?
RORY: Yes! Of course…yes.
Tristan gives Rory a sexy smile…a teasing…grin.
TRISTAN: So then…I guess its official as of (Tristan looks at his watch)
7: 10pm February
13th…we are a couple.
RORY: Yes…we are.
Tristan gives Rory a sweet…lingering kiss.
RORY: So what was the second thing you wanted to ask me?
TRISTAN: If you’ll go to dinner with me tomorrow night
RORY: Dinner with my boyfriend on Valentines Day…yeah I think I can arrange
Rory and Tristan are beyond happy as they look into each others eyes and start
kissing again. The comfort zone in which they find themselves belies the short amount of time they have been together.
TRISTAN: I could stay here with you like this all night.
RORY: Romantically that’s a beautiful thought…realistically my mother
would kill us both.
TRISTAN: Only if she could find us.
RORY: Oh she’d find us…count on it.
TRISTAN: Well we don’t have to go right now do we?
RORY: As long as you have me home by midnight we’re good.
TRISTAN: Because that’s when you turn into a pumpkin?
RORY: Hairy troll actually…not a pretty sight.
TRISTAN: I’ll try and remember that.
Tristan runs his fingers through Rory’s silken hair, brushing it back
to kiss her ever so slightly on the neck which sends waves of pleasure throughout her body. With everything still so new Rory
knows she should set some boundaries but with Tristan’s hands and lips roaming her body everything is cloudy and intense
and just feels too damn good.