Disclaimer: I do not own the characters in my story. The characters belong to the producers and creators
of Gilmore Girls.
Authors note: Quite a few people have written me
asking if my story is finished, so I thought I would try and explain exactly what my intentions for this story are. I don’t
really write with a story format in mind. I write like an episode. The story doesn’t end until the television show does.
Story summary: It’s a fresh start for Chris and Lorelai…a new start for Tristan and Rory…and
time for Luke to come clean to Lorelai.
Lorelai and Chris are standing at the front door saying their goodbyes. Chris reaches over and brings her
into his arms. Lorelai melts into his chest and sighs.
LORELAI: I feel like we’re always saying goodbye.
CHRISTOPHER: I know what you mean. But at least this time we didn’t argue before I left.
LORELAI: We must be slipping.
Christopher takes his hand and tilts Lorelai’s chin up…he gazes into her eyes and slowly, deliberately
moves his mouth down to hers. His kiss is smooth and warming and it takes but an instant for Lorelai to respond back passionately.
As the kiss deepens Lorelai pulls Chris back into the house and Chris pushes the door shut with his foot. The two work their
way up the stars continuing to stay connected by the lips…they just can’t get enough of each other.
Rory walks out of her room to the sound of her mother’s bedroom door being shut.
Chris and Lorelai are on the bed kissing and clothes are flying. As things start escalating Chris pulls
away a little.
CHRISTOPHER: (very winded) I’m not sure I have time for this.
Lorelai pulls him back toward her.
LORELAI: Oh…you have time.
Chris pulls back up again.
CHRISTOPHER: Listen to me Lor…just for a second put the irresistible sexual heat that you have on
hold and listen to me.
Lorelai sits up at the tone of Chris’s voice and leans against the headboard.
LORELAI: Ooh…the serious voice. Go on.
CHRISTOPHER: I don’t want to do this.
LORELAI: Wow…much better than a cold shower. Way to kill the moment Christopher.
CHRISTOPHER: Please don’t make me the villain here.
LORELAI: Then start talking. You have exactly thirty seconds to assuage my wounded ego.
CHRISTOPHER: Ok…it’s not you. It’s me. I’ve had the best time with you. But I’m
still technically involved with someone and it feels wrong to keep hitting the mattress with you.
LORELAI: What about the couch?
LORELAI: There’s always the kitchen table…or the kitchen floor…no wait…it’s
been done. I’ve got it…bathtub…cool porcelain against our hot bodies. Picture it.
CHRISTOPHER: Oh…I am. Okay…stop now. It’s not the location…it’s the act itself.
I want to be able to be free and clear of Sherry the next time we do the body molding thing.
LORELAI: You are such a tease.
CHRISTOPHER: And you are highly irresistible. So maybe I should just say my goodbyes now.
Christopher leans over and kisses Lorelai…reluctantly parting lips with her.
CHRISTOPHER: I will miss you.
LORELAI: You just gave up the best sex of your life buddy.
CHRISTOPHER: Way to hit a guy where it hurts.
Chris hugs Lorelai and exits the bedroom. As the front door closes, Lorelai’s bedroom door opens.
It’s Rory.
RORY: I saw dad leave. Can I come in?
LORELAI: Do you have ice cream?
Rory pulls a carton of ice cream out from behind her back.
RORY: It’s only vanilla…you we’re on that kick were you thought you’re butt looked
titanic in your jeans.
LORELAI: Not my favorite of the 31 flavors…but it will do.
Rory walks over to the bed and sits beside her mother. She opens the ice cream and gives her mother a spoon.
LORELAI: You’re not having any?
RORY: I’m not depressed.
LORELAI: That’s no excuse not to wallow in my misery with me.
RORY: You know that normally I would. But I have plans tonight.
LORELAI: :Oh…you and Dean?
RORY: No…I’m going out with Tristan.
LORELAI: Tristan…could this day get any worse?
RORY: I know he’s not exactly you’re favorite person right now mom. But for me…could
you at least try and like him?
LORELAI: Oh…what the hell. What time is he coming by for you?
RORY: Actually…I’m going there.
LORELAI: To Hartford?
RORY: Yes. I don’t want Tristan here in Star’s Hollow until things are officially over with
LORELAI: And when exactly will that be. I’m getting very confused with this double life you’ve
been leading Mata Hari.
RORY: I know. But it’s just for a few weeks.
LORELAI: All I can say is he better treat you good. Because I know karate.
RORY: No you don’t.
LORELAI: As far as Tristan is concerned…I do. Got it?
RORY: It’s going to be okay mom. You’ll see.
LORELAI: Let’s just say…one of us will. I hope it’s me who is wrong here…but it’s
your heart I’m worried about little one. Men have a way of saying one thing…but not always following through.
RORY: You are far too jaded.
LORELAI: And you are far too naïve. You look good by the way.
RORY: Thanks.
LORELAI: It’s not your usual look…it’s more…me.
RORY: I thought I’d try something a little different tonight.
LORELAI: Just promise me clothes are the only different thing you will be trying tonight.
RORY: Mom!
LORELAI: What? I may be eternally hip and a babe we’ve been told…but I’m still your mother.
Rory leans over and kisses her mother.
RORY: I’ve got to go. I told Tristan I would be there by eight o’clock.
LORELAI: Go if you must. Hey if he’s not picking you up…how are you getting there?
RORY: I thought I would drive.
LORELAI: The jeep?
RORY: No. My car.
LORELAI: The car Dean gave you?
RORY: I wasn’t really thinking of it that way…but…yes.
LORELAI: Does Tristan know Dean gave you a car?
LORELAI: Oh…to be a fly on the wall during that revelation.
RORY: He won’t care.
LORELAI: Oh…so smart and yet so…not smart. You have much to learn my tender young one. Go and
seek life’s lesson.
RORY: Don’t start working on the Oscar speech just yet.
LORELAI: Critic! Obviously my talent is wasted here.
RORY: (looks at her watch) I’ve really got to go now.
LORELAI: Don’t be late.
RORY: I won’t .
Rory leaves the room and Lorelai digs back into the ice cream…shoving a gigantic portion into her
Luke is behind the counter and Jess is sitting at a table looking at his bandaged hand. Luke walks over
and hands him a coke.
LUKE: I’m sure you’d prefer something much stronger…but I’m still you’re
JESS: No worries. I can shoplift a beer from Doose’s later.
LUKE: You better be kidding.
JESS: Whatever helps you sleep better at night.
LUKE: I just wanted to make sure you were doing okay.
JESS: Better than you.
LUKE: Meaning?
JESS: Come off it Uncle Luke…you are not fooling anyone but yourself. And maybe possibly Lorelai.
LUKE: Lorelai…what does this have to do with Lorelai?
JESS: I may be nursing a cut hand…but you are president of the wounded hearts club…and I say
wounded only because I don’t think it’s fully broken yet. But if it does get broken…you have no one to blame
but yourself.
LUKE: You make no sense.
JESS: I make perfect sense. You have got this *jones* for Lorelai Gilmore. But you’re either too
stupid or too scared to do anything about it.
LUKE: You don’t know what you’re talking about.
JESS: That’s right…drive the denial bus…I hear it stops at pity yourself city…you’d
love it there. It’s on the way to the suburb of “It should have been me” town.
LUKE: You’re one to talk.
JESS: Excuse me?
LUKE: It’s easy to criticize from the sidelines.
JESS: If you’re eluding to me having an interest in Rory…way off base.
LUKE: I guess that denial runs in the family. So let’s make this our little secret.
JESS: A family secret…tempting. But let’s play this another way. I’ll admit I’ve
got a slight interest in Rory…if you admit you are addicted to the thought of Lorelai.
JESS: Then it’s your loss. She is not the type of woman to be alone for long. And if today’s
kiss with her ex was any indication…he’s moving in for the kill anyway.
LUKE: Lot you know. Her ex has a girlfriend.
JESS: One in the city and one in town…he’s a smooth one. Got all his bases covered.
LUKE: Lorelai is not interested in him…they’re just *close.*
JESS: Then go for it! Don’t let her get away.
LUKE: It’s not that easy.
JESS: Why not? It’s much less daunting than the feat before me. You’ve got one lousy ex to
contend with. I would have to pole vault over Dean to get to Rory and even if I managed that I would probably land smack in
the lap of her rich boy.
LUKE: So you do have a thing for Rory.
JESS: Maybe…a little. So you and Lorelai?
LUKE: (reluctantly) Maybe…a little.
JESS: Then the time for action is now.
Jess gets up from his chair and heads back to his room upstairs. Luke takes off his apron and heads out
the diner…to Lorelai’s house.
Tristan is standing in the driveway waiting for Rory when her car comes up the driveway to his house. Rory
turns the car off and gets out. Tristan comes over to meet her with a sexy smile on his face. He scoops Rory into his arms
and brings his mouth down to hers. Rory is being swept away, in an instant she finds her hands lacing around the back of his
neck pulling him closer. Tristan finishes the kiss reluctantly and looks into her face.
RORY: That was quite a welcome.
TRISTAN: More where that came from sweetheart.
RORY: Be still my heart.
Tristan takes Rory’s hand and leads her to the front door of his house. It looks very similar to
her grandparents but once she gets inside she is overcome by the air of perfection. Everything is completely immaculate and
almost showcase like.
TRISTAN: I know it’s a bit…overpowering. My dad wanted a house that his business associates
would revere and their wives would envy. It’s all a big game to him.
RORY: It’s nice.
TRISTAN: It’s cold. Impersonal. It’s nothing like you’re house. I would kill to live
in a warm…personalized house.
RORY: I’m sure you will.
TRISTAN: My room is the only place in the house my dad refuses to let anyone see. He tells them he is respecting
my personal space…but in reality…I’m too individual for him. My room doesn’t fit into his perfect
little mold. I’ll show it to you later if you like.
RORY: Sure.
Rory is amazed by the way Tristan has begun opening himself up to her. She looks over at him and just smiles.
Happy that she is with him. Tristan catches her smiling.
RORY: Nothing…just happy to be here.
Tristan gives Rory’s hand a little squeeze to show he appreciated what she said.
TRISTAN: This way then…to the entertainment room. It’s really one of the most comfortable places
in the house. I thought we could eat in there while we’re watching a movie.
RORY: Sounds great. Lead the way.
Tristan leads Rory into the entertainment room and she looks around in awe. It’s got this huge comfy
couch and a huge 72 inch television on the wall.
RORY: (pointing) Is that a television?
RORY: It’s so…huge.
TRISTAN: It’s suppose to be like watching a movie in a theater…surround sound speakers…the
RORY: Amazing.
Tristan brings Rory over to the couch and sits down with her, he takes the remote and turns on the television.
Flipping a few buttons he starts the DVD player. The movie Apollo 13 comes up on the screen.
TRISTAN: If you don’t want to watch this we’ve got about 200 other movies to choose from. It
was hard to know what you wouldn’t think was either too guy like or ultra cheesy. My mom loves the romantic comedies…so
we’ve got a ton of those.
RORY: No…this is good.
As Rory settles back on the couch Tristan gets up.
TRISTAN: I’ll be right back. I’m just going to get the food.
RORY: Do you need any help?
TRISTAN: No…I’m good. Just make yourself comfortable.
Tristan walks into the kitchen where Rosie the maid is busying
preparing two plates.
TRISTAN: So what do you think?
ROSIE: She is very beautiful master Tristan. And I think she
really likes you too.
TRISTAN: God…my palms are sweating.
Rosie throws him a dishtowel and he wipes the sweat off his hands.
ROSIE: You will be fine master Tristan. Just relax. I will be going now, but you can tell me tomorrow how
it goes.
Tristan hugs the maid.
TRISTAN: Thanks Rosie…for everything.
ROSIE: You have a good time master Tristan.
TRISTAN: You don’t want to meet her?
ROSIE: Not tonight. You go have good time. I will meet her when the time is right.
Rosie gathers up her coat and purse and leaves the kitchen. Tristan takes the elaborately prepared tray
and heads towards the entertainment room.
Lorelai is sitting in the living room flipping channels on the television when the doorbell rings. She
goes over and answers it.
LORELAI: Luke? Hi.
LUKE: Hi. So are you busy right now?
LORELAI: Um…not really. Why?
LUKE: You uh…alone?
LORELAI: Rory’s in Hartford. Again…why?
LUKE: I uh…I have a problem.
LORELAI: Is it Jess?
LUKE: Yeah…that’s it. It’s Jess. So do you have time to talk?
LORELAI: Sure. Come in. I was just channel flipping. Which after a few minutes gets pretty unfascinating.
Thrill me with your problems.
Luke and Lorelai sit down on the couch. Luke looks over at Lorelai…trying to work up his nerve.
LORELAI: (cont.) Would you like something to drink?
LUKE: Oh yeah. Suddenly my throat…very dry.
Lorelai walks into the kitchen and comes back with a glass of water.
LORELAI: Sorry. The only other thing we had in a liquid form was some soy sauce.
LUKE: No…this is good.
Luke takes the glass down in one swig.
LORELAI: Are you okay?
LUKE: Good…I’m good. Are you okay?
LORELAI: I also belong to the I’m good club. What’s going on here Luke? You look really…nervous…I
LUKE: I need to talk to you about something.
LORELAI: So you said. Got you in the door it did.
LUKE: I’m being serious here Lorelai.
LORELAI: I don’t think I’ve ever seen you not serious Luke….now if you said you were
joking…then…stand up and take notice time.
LUKE: So how are things with Rory?
LORELAI: Rory? She’s fi…did you really come here to talk about Rory?
LUKE: Probably not.
LORELAI: Okay…you are officially freaking me out. What is going on Luke?
LUKE: Okay…I’m just going to say it.
LORELAI: Please do. The suspense is killing me.
LUKE: Well…for a while now….I’ve been realizing some…some things.
LORELAI: Go on. Or is that the end of the story?
LUKE: I need you to focus here.
LORELAI: Sorry…this is me…focused. Not thinking about the shoe sale tomorrow morning in Hartford.
Even though…I love shoes.
Luke looks at Lorelai…frustrated…he can take it no more.
LUKE: Dammit Lorelai…I’m trying to tell you that I have feelings for you and you can’t
be quiet for like two seconds to even hear it.
Lorelai looks at Luke….completely stunned and speechless.
LUKE: (cont.) Great…now you have nothing to say.
The front door opens and Chris comes back in pulling off his jacket.
CHRISTOPHER: I missed my plane thanks to a lusty lady… Uh…Luke. Hi.
LUKE: I’m gonna go now.
Luke leaves the house and pulls his jacket close around him as he walks back to the diner. Back at the
house Lorelai is still sitting on the couch…stunned.
CHRISTOPHER: What’s going on? Why was Luke here…and why do you look like someone just told
you you’re best friend died?
LORELAI: This is not happening…not happening. (notices Chris finally) I thought you were flying back
to Boston.
CHRISTOPHER: I missed my plane. I have to take a later flight.
Lorelai gets up off the couch and starts pulling on her jacket.
CHRISTOPHER: Where are you going?
LORELAI: I have to go…fix something. I’ll be back.
Lorelai leaves the house wearing her jacket and bunny slippers. She heads towards Lukes.
Tristan and Rory are finishing up their dinners.
RORY: Those were really great enchiladas.
TRISTAN: They’re one of Rosie’s specialties. She wanted to make them for you.
RORY: Rosie?
TRISTAN: She’s our maid. You will really like her. She’s great.
Tristan picks up the trays and takes them back into the kitchen he comes back to find Rory curled up comfortably
on the couch. He walks over and sits down next to her.
Rory leans into him and he starts to play with her hair, feeling the smoothness. He moves her hair away
from her face and lightly brushes the side of her face with his lips. He gently angles her neck to give him access to the
sensitive hollow and starts to gingerly rain kisses up and down her neck…working his way to her earlobe he playfully
and sensually nips it with his teeth sending a delicious shiver through Rory. Rory turns to face him and he rewards her with
the softest kiss imaginable on her lips. It is teasing her with promise and every nerve in her body is working overtime to
catch up with the feelings Tristan’s presence invokes in her.
TRISTAN: I could kiss you forever.
RORY: Don’t let me stop you. Kiss away.
Tristan maneuvers his hand underneath Rory and manages to lie her down on the couch. He lays gently across
her small frame and moves his hand to her exposed stomach. His touch sets Rory on fire…the room is so hot to her and
her mind is being numbed with passion. Tristan begins to assault her with kisses again and Rory makes it known that this time
around she is a very willing participant. She moves her hands to the front of Tristan’s shirt and begins undoing the
buttons one by one. When she has it fully unbuttoned she begins to slip it off his muscular chest…planting kisses on
his shoulders and chest. Tristan is at first taken aback by Rory’s movements…but his surprise soon turns to delight
when he feels her lips once again on his. As Rory is kissing Tristan he begins the unbuttoning of her shirt. One by one the
buttons come loose…exposing creamy flesh. Tristan slowly and seductively removes Rory’s shirt from her back letting
it drop to the floor.
TRISTAN: If someone had told me at the beginning of the school year that Rory Gilmore would be half naked
on my couch….
RORY: You would have high-fived them and said “I’m the man.”
TRISTAN: Yeah…probably…so let me rephrase…half-naked on my couch…willingly.
RORY: Much more unbelievable.
Rory pulls Tristan back towards her and begins kissing him again. Once again his hands appear to have a
mind of their own as they begin to caress Rory’s naked torso….moving towards unchartered territory. As Rory becomes
emboldened by his touch she starts to let her hands wander too. As she moves towards the top of Tristan’s jeans…he
stops her.
TRISTAN: Rory wait.
RORY: Isn’t that suppose to be my line?
TRISTAN: Technically…yes. But I’m beginning to wonder if you are ever going to say it.
RORY: You want me to tell you no?
TRISTAN: No…but yes. You know I want you. I would have to be blind and void of emotion not to. But
I keep hearing your mom telling me I’m going to screw up.
RORY: You’re kissing me and hearing my mom? That is really…so not normal.
TRISTAN: It’s not like that. I just don’t want to rush this. And if you ever tell anyone I
said that…I will deny it.
RORY: I don’t understand. I thought this was what you wanted.
TRISTAN: It is…eventually. But if I have sex with you on our first date…not only would your
mother kill me…but you would always wonder if everyone was right…and that was all I was after.
RORY: I know it’s not. You don’t have to convince me.
TRISTAN: And you don’t have the slightest idea what having sex does to a relationship. It changes
things. I want to enjoy things the way they are right now.
RORY: So you don’t want to have sex with me. Well my mother will be relieved.
TRISTAN: I think we can both assume that sex is an inevitable thing between us Rory…it will happen.
RORY: I know…let’s not rush it. I get it.
TRISTAN: Rory…you are so different than any girl I’ve ever dated. If I did it with you on our
first date…it would be like I was saying you were exactly the same as all the rest…and you’re not.
RORY: You’ve had sex with every girl you’ve dated…on the first date?
TRISTAN: Some of them I wouldn’t even call dates…more like hook-ups.
RORY: That means…you and Cassidy.
TRISTAN: Oh…wait…no. Well…yes…but no.
RORY: So then if she’s going to expect you to act the same…you’re going to still…have
sex with her?
TRISTAN: No! Rory you have to believe me. It’s was just the one time…and if you hadn’t
been in the picture…I would have pulled my usual disappearing routine. I used her to make you jealous. God…I sound
like such a jerk.
RORY: Maybe because you are.
Rory grabs her shirt off the floor and starts frantically buttoning it. As she starts to get up off the
couch Tristan pulls her back down.
TRISTAN: Don’t blow this out of proportion Rory.
RORY: I’m no better than you. I’m doing the same thing to Dean.
TRISTAN: You’ve had sex with Dean?
RORY: No…not that. But I am using him. Tristan…I don’t know if I can do this. I’m
just not myself when you’re around. I keep thinking about what being with you would be like.
TRISTAN: That’s great Rory…it is. So let’s
take it one day at a time. And let’s not let the Cassidy’s and Dean’s keep us from believing that what we
have here is really good and really real.
Rory leans over and kisses Tristan. He takes her into his arms and the two lay back down on the couch to
watch the rest of the movie.
RORY: Thank you.
TRISTAN: What for?
RORY: For wanting me to be different.
Tristan kisses the top of Rory’s head and pulls her small frame even closer.
TRISTAN: You’re welcome.