Story Summary: Mom’s out for the night and Rory and Tristan are determined to be alone for the night.
Disclaimer: The characters in this story do not belong to me. They are the property of the WB show “ Gilmore Girls.”
Authors Note: Happy New Year! Here’s to 2004!
Tristan is sitting with Rory on the couch. The two are trying very hard to ignore the fact that Ethan is
sitting on the other end of the couch using the remote to flip channels on the television.
Rory’s hand is intertwined with Tristan’s and he is running his finger very sensually across
the top of it.
TRISTAN: (in a low voice) Maybe we should go to your room.
ETHAN: Room’s off limits.
TRISTAN: You know actually…I was talking to Rory.
ETHAN: No? Really? And here I thought you and I had made a *special* connection.
RORY: Just ignore him. It’s easier that way.
TRISTAN: This is ridiculous Rory. I just want to be alone with you.
RORY: We could go in the kitchen.
TRISTAN: That’s your solution?
RORY: I have an idea. Stay here. I’ll be right back.
Rory gets up off the table and goes to her room. Tristan seizes the opportunity to try and reason with
TRISTAN: Guy to guy…can’t you cut me a break here? Get a pizza or something?
ETHAN: Sorry. Flat broke.
TRISTAN: That’s easily solved. I’ll pay.
Tristan hands a twenty dollar bill to Ethan.
ETHAN: Whatever you say rich guy.
TRISTAN: Are you going to go get a pizza or not?
ETHAN: Yeah…I’ll go order it right now. What do you want on it?
TRISTAN: Actually I meant to go *out* to get the pizza. As in leave the house. Are you following me?
ETHAN: Oooh…now see that *is* a problem. I don’t have my car with me.
TRISTAN: Take mine.
ETHAN: What if I crashed it?
TRISTAN: I’m insured.
ETHAN: And desperate. It’s one night dude. Suck it up.
TRISTAN: Look…I know you don’t want to be here. And believe me neither Rory or myself want
you here either. So why don’t you take the hint?
ETHAN: You call that a hint? Try more like a blunt statement.
TRISTAN: Fine. Can’t you take a blunt statement?
ETHAN: I’d love to help you man. But see…I promised my dad I’d stay put.
TRISTAN: It will be our little secret.
Rory comes back into the room before Ethan can respond to Tristan.
ETHAN: You hungry Rory? Tristan here offered to pay for the pizza.
Tristan gives Ethan an evil glare.
Lorelai and Ben are sitting at a table drinking wine.
BEN: So how are you doing?
LORELAI: I feel like the wicked stepmother in Cinderella.
BEN: If it helps…you’re much better looking.
LORELAI: Truly appreciate the attempt. But…okay yeah…that does help a little.
BEN: You did the right thing Lorelai.
LORELAI: Did I? Because right now…I’m not so sure.
BEN: You have to trust your instincts.
LORELAI: That’s just it. I’m not sure I am. Because honestly…my instincts tell me that
Rory is a good kid and that I should trust her.
BEN: She’s sixteen. Even the good kids have hormones.
LORELAI: I know but…I can’t help feeling like I’m punishing her for my mistakes.
BEN: Your mistakes?
LORELAI: Long story.
BEN: I could use a good story.
LORELAI: Trust me…it’s would classify as a definite *over share* on a first date.
BEN: Fair enough.
Lorelai picks up her wine and takes a big sip of it before setting it back down.
LORELAI: I had Rory when I was sixteen.
BEN: So you’re afraid that Rory’s going to repeat the pattern?
LORELAI: Well you have to admit. I wasn’t much of a role model.
BEN: Why would you say that?
LORELAI: She’s right where I was at that age. In love with a boy, and on the verge of committing
her mind, body and soul to him.
BEN: That’s not because of you. That’s because you have a beautiful daughter. Boys naturally
flock to the attractive ones. It’s human nature at this age.
LORELAI: How do you know the exact right thing to say?
BEN: Total fluke.
LORELAI: Well keep *fluking* it really is making me feel a lot better.
BEN: Excellent. So then is it safe to say we can start *our* night.
LORELAI: I’m all yours.
Lorelai and Ben pick up their wine glasses and clink them together.
BEN: A toast.
BEN: Getting to know each other a lot better.
LORELAI: I second that.
Rory and Tristan are at the coffee table playing at putting together a puzzle.
TRISTAN: So when do I get to be in on this brilliant plan of yours?
RORY: Patience.
The doorbell rings and Rory remains sitting next to Tristan.
ETHAN: Aren’t you going to get that?
RORY: It’s probably just the pizza. You go ahead.
ETHAN: Fine…but I get the first slice then.
RORY: Knock yourself out.
TRISTAN: Literally.
ETHAN: Funnnny….real comedian you’ve got there.
Walking to the front door Ethan opens it and prepares to hand the twenty to the pizza guy, which isn’t
the pizza guy.
ETHAN: (cont.) Lane?
LANE: Ethan…wha…how…I didn’t know you were here.
ETHAN: Yeah…you’re a big surprise too.
LANE: I should go.
Rory comes around the corner.
RORY: Lane…what a surprise. Come in.
LANE: What’s going on Rory?
RORY: It’s just so good to see you.
Rory ushers Lane into the house, much to Ethan’s dismay.
Tristan comes around the corner.
LANE: Hi Tristan. Rory…can I talk to you for a minute? In the kitchen?
RORY: Sure. (To Tristan) I’ll be right back.
Rory and Lane exit to the kitchen.
TRISTAN: You don’t look too happy to see her.
ETHAN: Yeah…that’s really none of your business.
Lane immediately turns on Rory as they get into the kitchen.
LANE: How could you do this to me!?
RORY: Do what?
LANE: You didn’t tell me that Ethan was going to be here when you called.
RORY: I thought I would surprise you. You don’t like my surprise?
LANE: You know I hate surprises.
RORY: I figured this would be the exception.
LANE: Well you were wrong.
RORY: I don’t understand. The other night when Tristan and I rescued you from the church…you
and Ethan seemed to be getting along pretty well.
LANE: I thought so too. But when I called him and tried to talk to him…he got all mute on me. So
you can see why this is a little…oh I don’t know…*awkward.*
RORY: Yeah…I’m sorry.
LANE: So I think I’m going to use your back door to make my exit if you don’t mind.
RORY: And miss this opportunity?
LANE: What are you talking about?
RORY: Ethan is stuck here…get him to talk to you.
LANE: With you and Tristan here?
RORY: We’ll make ourselves scarce.
LANE: You would do that for me?
RORY: Well to be honest. You’d be doing us a favor too.
LANE: Right. You two probably want to be alone anyway.
RORY: Right. It’s a win…win situation.
LANE: Let’s do it.
Lorelai and Ben are walking holding hands.
LORELAI: Thank you for dinner. It was really good.
BEN: My pleasure.
LORELAI: So…now it’s your turn. Tell me something about you.
BEN: Something about me…let’s see.
LORELAI: Tell me about Sookie.
BEN: You want to know about Sook?
LORELAI: Sure…Like for instance…what attracted
you to her?
BEN: My shallowness. She was the popular cheerleader. Great legs, dynamite smile.
LORELAI: Really…a leg man.
BEN: Definitely.
LORELAI: I’ll have to start the thigh master again. This is very bad news.
BEN: Relax…it’s your personality that intrigues me.
LORELAI: Ooh…kiss of death. “She’s got a great personality”
BEN: Believe me Lor…you’ve got the *whole package.*
Lorelai feels as if her breath has been knocked out of her in response to Ben’s shortening of her
name she can’t help but think of Chris…and the way his face always looked so loving when he used the familiarity.
BEN: (cont.) Are you okay?
LORELAI: I…uh…yeah…I’m fine.
BEN: Really? Because you look like you’ve seen a ghost.
LORELAI: It’s a…it’s another long story.
BEN: A woman of intrigue.
LORELAI: I’m sorry. It must seem like I’ve got like a thousand secrets.
BEN: It’s okay…when you’re ready…you’ll share.
LORELAI: You are unbelievable.
BEN: Thanks. I think.
LORELAI: No…yeah…it’s good…very good.
BEN: So we both have our pasts. That’s a given. Here’s to *our* future.
Ben brings Lorelai into his arms…gazing into her eyes for what seems like an eternity before he brings
his lips down to meet hers. Heady with the anticipation Lorelai swears she can see fireworks…and she definitely feels
Ethan is sitting on one end of the couch and Lane is on the other. Rory and Tristan are nowhere to be seen.
ETHAN: Did you want to watch TV?
LANE: Okay.
Ethan picks up the remote and begins flipping the channels.
ETHAN: Any thing in particular?
LANE: Anything is fine.
ETHAN: Okay.
Silently the two sit as Ethan begins flipping the channels yet again.
Tristan and Rory are standing in each other’s arms just inside of the bedroom.
TRISTAN: Alone…at last. I can hardly believe it.
RORY: Yeah…I hardly know what to do.
TRISTAN: I’m sure we can think of something.
Tristan wraps Rory tighter in his arms as he brings his lips down to hers letting his passionate nature
loose. Struggling to catch her breath but not wanting to break the bond Rory returns his kisses coupling them together.
Slowly Ethan and Lane have worked their way closer to each other. Trying to be nonchalant Ethan casually
places his arm on the back of the couch, trying to inch it towards Lane’s shoulder. Giddy Lane maneuvers to help him
ETHAN: Good movie.
LANE: Yes…it is.
ETHAN: So…how long have you know Rory?
Lane turns towards Ethan to answer his question and the two lock eyes. Ethan shyly smiles and begins to
turn away…until Lane stops him with a gentle hand on his chin.
LANE: I really like you.
ETHAN: Okay.
LANE: Okay? That’s it?
ETHAN: I’m sorry. I wasn’t expecting you to say that.
LANE: I’m freaking you out. Aren’t I?
ETHAN: A little.
LANE: I’m going to go.
Lane starts to get up off the couch but Ethan steps up to stop her from leaving.
ETHAN: Don’t.
LANE: Why not?
ETHAN: Okay…this is officially the weirdest conversation I’ve ever been a part of …but
here goes. I…I…I like you too.
LANE: You do?
ETHAN: You definitely have your *intense* side. But…yeah…I think you’re really cool.
LANE: Nobody has ever said anything that nice to me before.
ETHAN: So you’ll stay?
LANE: Sure.
ETHAN: Cool.
Standing in front of Lane Ethan realizes this is one of those “seize the opportunity” moments
and leans in for a kiss. Lane reciprocates…deepening the kiss.
Rory and Tristan are laying on her bed side by side completely wrapped up in each other. Tristan slowly
begins undoing the buttons on Rory’s shirt exposing just a little more flesh with each button. Finishing the task Tristan
slowly begins moving the material off of Rory’s shoulders.
TRISTAN: (breathy) Is this okay?
RORY: Too much talking.
Rory brings Tristan’s willing mouth back to hers as she feverishly begins the task of pulling his
sweatshirt over his chest and head to expose his lean, muscled torso.
Spurred on by Rory’s boldness Tristan begins to explore Rory’s semi-clad body eliciting little
gasps of pleasure from her.
TRISTAN: I love the way your skin feels underneath my hands.
Rory and Tristan’s eyes lock in the heat of passion…and the feeling of being swallowed up by
desire over takes the both of them.
TRISTAN: (cont.) We can stop.
Enveloped by the heat of her desire and the smoldering look in Tristan’s eyes Rory knows this is
the opportunity she should take to cool things down…but the words that come out are much different.
RORY: Not yet.
A little stunned by Rory’s response Tristan is hesitant to continue things…knowing the territory
they are on the verge of is dangerous ground.
TRISTAN: Ror…babe. We can’t do this here. You and I both know this. Let’s be sensible.
RORY: I don’t want to be sensible. I want you.
Reluctantly Tristan sits up.
TRISTAN: I know I will hate myself for this tomorrow. But…this isn’t going to happen.
A little upset Rory sits up pulling the covers up.
RORY: I thought this was what you wanted.
TRISTAN: Okay…you need to get dressed and I need to get some cold water, and then we’ll talk
about this. Okay?
As Tristan starts to get off the bed Rory grabs on to his arm.
RORY: Please. Don’t go.
Reluctantly Tristan sits back down on the bed. Outwardly groaning as Rory lets the blanket slip a little
when she reaches her hand out to bring him closer for a kiss.
Seconds before their lips meet Tristan tries to warn her one last time.
TRISTAN: This is a bad idea.
Without answering Rory brings their lips together willing Tristan to lose himself in the kiss…which
he gladly does, also allowing his fingers to once again begin the journey over Rory’s body.