Disclaimer: I do not own the characters in my story. The characters belong to the writers and creators
of the show Gilmore girls.
Story summary: Tristan and Rory have their first date as Lorelai worries about losing her daughter and
her diner bud all in one night.
Luke is hurrying down the street back towards the diner. Lorelai is sprinting to catch up with him…losing
one of her bunny slippers on the way. Finally she catches up with him. Completely out of breath she can barely say his name.
LORELAI: (winded) Luke…wait.
Lorelai bends over and clutches her side. Luke sees her just as he is about to go into the diner. He walks
over to her hunched over form.
LUKE: Lorelai…are you okay?
LORELAI: (starting to catch her breath) Good…I’m good. (starting to stand up straight) You
know you walk amazingly fast for a man of such large stature.
LUKE: High school track.
LORELAI: Really…I can almost picture it…but then this image of you in those polyester gym shorts
appears…and well it’s blocked.
LUKE: It’s probably best that way.
LORELAI: Ooh….there it is again. Tight…polyester shorts. You have very hairy legs.
LUKE: You know this is really weird. So I’ll just be going.
LORELAI: No…wait…I think we should *talk* about what was just said back at my house.
LUKE: Yeah…I don’t think so.
LORELAI: Luke…you can’t just throw something that huge out there and expect me not to react
to it.
LUKE: It’s not huge…it’s less than huge. In fact I’ve already changed my mind.
So problem solved. See you tomorrow for coffee.
Luke starts to walk back towards the diner. Lorelai puts out her hand and stops him. Luke turns back around and looks at Lorelai…waiting for her to say something. But she doesn’t…because
she doesn’t know exactly what to say.
LUKE: Let me make this easier for the both of us Lorelai. I know you don’t feel the same things.
I’ve known it for a long time. But I had to at least give it a shot. So no harm done here. Goodnight.
LORELAI: I’m sorry.
LUKE: Nothing to be sorry about.
LORELAI: It’s not like I couldn’t have feelings for you Luke.
LUKE: Let’s not do this. You don’t have to pretend for me. I get it.
Lorelai frantically keeps talking…trying to say the right things.
LORELAI: You’re one of the best people I have in my life Luke…You care so much about me and
Rory. And I love that about you.
LUKE: You drive me crazy…you know that.
LORELAI: What I’m trying to tell you…the reason I am out here freezing my ass off and getting
frostbite on my bunnyless foot is that…if I’m honest with myself… I do have feelings for you. Real ones…but
my heart…right now…it belongs to Rory’s father. And I am so sorry that I can’t tell you what you want
to hear. But I will always want you in my life. Please don’t forget that.
LUKE: I won’t.
LORELAI: So we’re good?
LUKE: We’re good. Now get your butt home before Taylor has you arrested for indecent exposure.
Lorelai hugs Luke and the pain on his face is evident…until she backs away and once again he gives
her the famous Luke grin. Surly but filled with love for her.
LORELAI: Goodnight Luke.
LUKE: Goodnight Lorelai.
Luke turns and walks back into the dinner and Lorelai high tails it back to the warmth of her house.
Tristan has Rory backed up against her car and is kissing her goodnight. After one last sweet kiss Tristan
takes Rory’s hand in his and kisses it.
TRISTAN: I wish you didn’t have to go.
RORY: Probably not a good idea to get home too late my first time out with you.
TRISTAN: True. I’m already on really thin ice with your mom as it is.
RORY: She’ll come around.
TRISTAN: Would that be before or after the grandkids arrive?
RORY: It’s not that bad.
TRISTAN: I know…it’s a work in progress. So let’s just change the subject.
RORY: A stupendous idea.
Tristan puts his hand on top of Rory’s car.
TRISTAN: So…I thought your mom had a jeep.
RORY: Uh… (looks at her watch) Wow…look at the time. I really should get going.
Rory pulls Tristan towards her and gives him a hug.
RORY: (cont.) Thanks for a really great night.
TRISTAN: You’re welcome.
Tristan steps back and looks at Rory. Rory opens the car door and starts to get inside. Overcome with guilt
she turns back to Tristan…who is standing there with a smile on his face.
RORY: Ok…here’s the deal. I don’t want to start this relationship out with secrets.
RORY: So I’m just going to tell you straight out…Dean
gave me this car.
RORY: My mom said you wouldn’t understand…but I know this is no big deal…right?
TRISTAN: I suppose it shouldn’t be.
RORY: But it is…isn’t it.
TRISTAN: Stop worrying Rory. So Dean gave you a car…of sorts. It doesn’t bother me…in
fact it kind of amuses me.
RORY: Explain please?
TRISTAN: Well I can’t wait for the day he gets to see you and me in it…together. I’m
thinking that might be a fun filled day in the hollow.
RORY: You are shameless.
TRISTAN: Yes…yes I am. Now you need to get out of here…before Lorelai sends the long arm of
the law to fetch you back.
Rory reaches up and gives Tristan a quick hug and he notices her shivering.
TRISTAN: You’re cold. Take my sweatshirt. It’s a long drive back and that definitely looks
to be a non-heated form of transport.
Tristan pulls off his sweatshirt and lovingly puts it over Rory…as he pulls it down over her head
and her face pops through the hood he smiles at her and laughs.
RORY: What?
TRISTAN: Nothing…you just look so *kissable* right now. I like you all bundled up in my sweatshirt.
Rory shyly smiles at Tristan and pulls him towards her…kissing him slowly and with a definite need
to fill the void being without him has begun to make in her heart. Reluctantly the two part and Rory gets into her car.
Tristan leans down to the window.
TRISTAN: Drive safe. God…did I just say that?
RORY: Fraid so.
Tristan puts his hand inside the car and takes Rory’s hair into it.
TRISTAN: What are you doing to me Rory Gilmore?
RORY: I’m not too sure…I’ll have to get back to you on that.
TRISTAN: Whatever it is…I like it.
RORY: Yeah…me too.
Tristan kisses Rory one last time before she starts up the car and drives away. Reluctantly he heads back
to the now Roryless house.
Chris is sitting on the couch when Lorelai comes back through the front door he stands up.
CHRIS: Care to tell me what that was all about?
LORELAI: Long story…so you’re back.
CHRIS: Till tomorrow early afternoon…if you’ll give me a place to stay.
Chris can tell that Lorelai is somewhat distracted.
CHRIS: So did he finally tell you?
CHRIS: Luke…did he finally come clean with you that you are his fantasy girl?
LORELAI: How…how did you know that?
CHRIS: Because Lor…I see the way he looks at you…and at me. He doesn’t like me and generally
that means…they like you. Kind of takes me back to the Justin years.
LORELAI: The Justin years?
CHRIS: You’re old boyfriend…the one I stole you away from.
LORELAI: You were ruthless.
CHRIS: Yeah…and he always gave me that same look Luke does. So it was pretty elementary my dear.
So what happened?
LORELAI: I…I uh…told him I love you.
CHRIS: Really?
LORELAI: Uh huh.
CHRIS: So how did he take it?
LORELAI: (still very distracted) Good…he’s fine with it. I think I’m just going to go
to bed now…I’m really tired.
CHRIS: So…does that mean you want me to stay on the couch tonight…or follow you?
LORELAI: If you promise not to snore…you can follow me up.
Chris walks over to Lorelai and takes her hand in his…they start up the stairs together.
CHRIS: You’re the one who snores.
LORELAI: Oh…you are so…wrong mister.
CHRIS: Guess again. I have your symphonic snoring on tape.
LORELAI: You do not!
CHRIS: Yep…and I will use it to black mail you if need be.
LORELAI: That won’t be necessary. What’s mine is yours.
Chris and Lorelai walk into the bedroom and he takes her into his arms and begins kissing her. Lorelai
responds back and the two lay back down on the bed.
Luke walks into the apartment he shares with Jess…the look on his face says it all. Jess takes off
the headphones he was wearing and places them on the bed.
JESS: Didn’t go so well?
LUKE: That would be an understatement. What the hell was I thinking…listening to you?
JESS: So how bad was it?
LUKE: Let’s just say…it wasn’t one of my top ten moments and leave it at that.
JESS: So you’re just gonna give up?
LUKE: Yes…and you are going to stop with the dispensing of advice.
JESS: You didn’t seem like the roll over and play dead type to me.
LUKE: Stop baiting me Jess…I had no business going there tonight. End of story.
Luke walks into the bathroom and shuts the door. Jess looks at the door and puts the head phones back on.
Lorelai is downstairs in the kitchen…frantically dialing the phone.
Lorelai finishes dialing the phone and starts getting antsy waiting for someone to pick up. Finally Sookie
SOOKIE: (very sleepy) Hello?
LORELAI: Hi Sookie it’s me.
SOOKIE: Me who?
LORELAI: Lorelai…you’re best friend.
SOOKIE: Oh…hi. (yawning) What’s up honey? Besides me now.
LORELAI: I was just wondering what you were doing.
SOOKIE: Lets go with sleeping.
LORELAI: I woke you up…I’m sorry. This is obviously a bad time.
SOOKIE: No…it’s fine. But obviously something’s up with you…or you wouldn’t
be calling me at 1am.
LORELAI: I went to talk to Rory…but she’s not home yet.
SOOKIE: At 1am? Is that what this is about? You’re worried about Rory…cause I am now too.
LORELAI: No…that’s not it. This early morning phone call is about me.
SOOKIE: What’s going on honey? The last time you needed to talk this bad was when your dad was in
the hospital.
LORELAI: It’s Luke.
SOOKIE: Luke? Go on.
LORELAI: Something happened tonight Sookie.
SOOKIE: Something…adult?
LORELAI: Oh…God no. Nothing that monumental. But…he
told me that he has feelings for me.
SOOKIE: Well it’s about time. I was beginning to think he really was the strong, silent type…heavy
emphasis on silent. Not many men can stand by and watch the woman they love get engaged and then unengaged and then single…but
not so single because of the reentrance of an age old flame.
LORELAI: I get the picture.
SOOKIE: Oh…what about Chris? Are you and he still planning to make plans to be something?
LORELAI: Absolutely. But here’s the rub…ever since Luke told me…what he told me…I
can’t stop thinking…what if? You know?
SOOKIE: Not really…no.
LORELAI: Okay…focus Sookie…what if Luke is suppose to be…well more than Luke to me. I
mean it’s not like Chris hasn’t already had more than his share of chances with me…all of which he royally
screwed up.
SOOKIE: So what you’re trying to tell me is that you’ve got a thing for Luke?
LORELAI: No…I don’t know…maybe. The one thing I do know is I do love Chris. But with
that being the case…why can’t I stop thinking about what I might be missing with Luke? Am I really this much of
a relationship train wreck?
SOOKIE: I know…Pick a number.
SOOKIE: Go on…pick a number between one and ten.
SOOKIE: So it’s decided…you go with Luke.
LORELAI: And how exactly was that decided?…I’m a little hazy.
SOOKIE: Luke was eight and Chris was three. Simple…but effective.
LORELAI: Okay…yeah. While the notion is definitely simple…I am so not going to decide my romantic
future based on a random number. I mean how do I even know you’re telling the truth. Maybe you’re Luke biased.
SOOKIE: I can’t believe you would accuse me of switching numbers. I am your friend Lorelai.
LORELAI: I’m sorry Sookie…I’m just going a little crazy here.
SOOKIE: Apology accepted. You want my advice…Don’t discount Luke just yet. He’s a really
great guy.
LORELAI: I knew it…you’re Luke biased.
SOOKIE: Guilty as charged…but he really was the eight.
LORELAI: Goodnight Sookie.
SOOKIE: Night honey. Sweet dreams.
Lorelai hangs up the phone and sits down at the kitchen table with a cup of coffee. Ever so softly the
front door opens and Rory tiptoes in carrying her shoes in her hand.
LORELAI: You can drop the stealth act…you are so busted.
RORY: Mom…hi. You’re still up.
LORELAI: Yes…Tristan called to say you were on your way home.
RORY: It wasn’t his fault mom…it was mine.
LORELAI: Same thing he said…minus the mom part and with him taking the blame. You two really are
meant for each other.
RORY: Does it help that I had a great time?
LORELAI: Not if that great time involved any below the neck kind of activity.
RORY: Okay…well then…Goodnight.
RORY: I was kidding…goodnight mom.
Rory starts to walk away.
LORELAI: Nice sweatshirt.
RORY: I got cold.
LORELAI: And I was not born yesterday. Please remember that.
RORY: I know you were born in 196...
LORELAI: Stop right there…a lady never reveals her true age.
RORY: So sorry my lady.
LORELAI: Thou art forgiven. Now wipe that silly grin off your face and hit the sack…you’re
officially freaking me out.
RORY: I know…I can’t stop smiling.
LORELAI: Please…try…for mommy?
Rory goes over to her mom and hugs her tightly.
RORY: Everything is going to be fine mom…trust me.
LORELAI: Life has a way of mixing things up for us girls…I’ll give it that.
RORY: You okay?
LORELAI: It’s a long traumatic story…and you have a long day ahead of you tomorrow. So I’ll
save it for a rainy day.
RORY: Okay…but I have no idea what you’re talking about in regards to tomorrow.
LORELAI: Paris called…it seems she’s been put in charge of the Valentines dance at Chilton
and she volunteered the entire paper staff to plan it.
RORY: You’ve got to be kidding me.
LORELAI: Oh no…and it only gets worse.
RORY: How is that possible?
LORELAI: She recruited me to chaperone. One minute I was saying no and the next she was thanking me for
my generous service to Rory’s class.
RORY: You’ve been manipulated by the best.
LORELAI: And after all that practice with my mother…you would think I would have learned a little
RORY: At least you aren’t responsible for bringing anything other than yourself.
LORELAI: Mini sandwiches and Sookie is doing a cake.
RORY: She really was on her game today.
LORELAI: Let’s just pretend I was off mine. It makes mommy feel much better.
RORY: Then so it shall be written…you could even say you threw the match for fear of scarring an
impressionable sixteen year old.
LORELAI: And with that final statement…date it and note the minutes…this meeting is adjourned.
RORY: Goodnight mom.
LORELAI: Night little one.
Rory walks into her bedroom and goes over to her phone, picks it up and begins dialing.
RORY: It’s me.
TRISTAN: I was hoping you would call.
RORY: I just wanted to let you know I got home…and to thank you for calling my mom. Scored major
points there.
TRISTAN: Yeah…she seemed almost friendly tonight.
RORY: So did she read you the riot act for making me late?
TRISTAN: No…I just told her you were running a little late and you had just left. She promised to
call to cancel the missing person’s search and everything was good. So what did she say to you?
RORY: She grounded me for a month.
RORY: Yeah…said if I couldn’t play by her rules…I wasn’t going to play at all.
Or something like that.
TRISTAN: You’re lying right?
RORY: More like teasing.
TRISTAN: You get one free tease…the rest are going to cost you.
RORY: I’m sure I could persuade you differently.
TRISTAN: That’s very confident of you.
RORY: Hey…don’t underestimate my powers of persuasion.
TRISTAN: Don’t be in such a rush to get out of the minor leagues Rory…and I can guarantee you
you’ll enjoy your time in the majors.
RORY: Baseball talk…kinky…but effective. Goodnight Tristan.
TRISTAN: Night Rory.
Rory hangs up the phone and lies back down on her bed. She pulls Tristan’s sweatshirt to her face
and inhales…breathing in his scent. Content she closes her eyes and curls up to go to sleep.