Disclaimer: I do not own the characters
in the story they are the property of the CW network and the show “Gilmore Girls.”
Anders hated arguing with Amy, she was
his twin and they were close but about this situation he wanted to believe that she was wrong.
And every second she spent trying to make
him believe otherwise only made him more insecure and he was a guy who liked feeling secure and sure of himself.
Amy felt guilty because she knew she was
making Anders feel bad, but she knew sometimes he just needed to be reminded that he was the master of his own destiny and
that if he wasn’t careful he would always remain in Tristan’s shadow.
In other words Amy felt it was her mission
to keep him on his toes and on top of his game, which was why she now sat in his bedroom giving him yet another warning.
“Tristan is going to try and get
her back and you will have to fight for her.” Amy said determined to make her point.
“I appreciate the concern Amy but
this is one time Tristan won’t win.” Anders said confidently.
“So you’re not even slightly
worried about tonight?” Amy asked her brother.
Anders knew that wasn’t exactly true,
he had even considered not going to the beach bash knowing that Tristan would
be there, but he wasn’t about to tell Amy that.
He knew sooner or later, if they kept dating,
he and Rory would end up in the same place at the same time with Tristan so he had decided it was just better to get it out
of the way.
“I don’t know why you couldn’t
just listen to me. I warned you not to fall for Rory.” Amy said in reprimand.
“I haven’t fallen for Rory – we’re dating, that’s all.” Anders reminded his sister.
“You should try and remember who
you’re talking to…I know you better than anyone else – you really like her.” Amy told Anders pulling
no punches as usual.
“What’s your point Amy because
you’re starting to bug me now.” Anders said as he pulled a sweatshirt out of the closest to take with him.
“Just be careful…okay? Don’t
fall for Rory in this whole dating ritual – not until you’re sure Tristan is no longer an issue.” Amy said
“I appreciate the warning.”
Anders said sincerely. “And if it makes you feel any better…I promise…I’ll be cautious.” he
finished ,giving her a brotherly hug for emphasis.
“To the beach then!” Amy said
hooking her arm with her brothers.
“To the beach.” Anders agreed
walking with his twin sibling out of the room and into a night that he feared could potentially cause problems for him and
Rory paced back and forth in her living
room waiting for Anders to arrive.
She had zero desire to go to this beach
thing, but she knew Anders wanted to be there if only to prove something, so she had relented.
It was a pretty safe bet though that she
was going to see Tristan tonight and because of that she found herself imaging how they would relate to each other.
It wasn’t like Rory was over Tristan
– not be a long-shot. She still had almost nightly dreams about how they used to be and all that they had shared, and
each time she woke up from them the ache in her heart felt like a thousand tiny shards of glass penetrating her skin.
Inevitably she always wondered the same
thing – if Tristan thought about her as much as she thought about him. He seemed so different now, so she had her doubts.
Caught in her thoughts and reverie the
sound of the doorbell scared her and made her jump, the beating of her heart accelerating both with the unexpected intrusion
and the uncertainty about what tonight would hold.
Quickly she grabbed her hooded sweatshirt
and headed towards the door.
It was time to face the music.
As he went about the task of getting ready
for the party Tristan had his doubts too but he preferred to rely on his confidence and he was confident that tonight he would
at least get to talk to Rory – it felt like ages since he’d been able to do that.
If she only knew the truth Tristan thought
as he ran his hand carelessly through his hair to give it that messy look, maybe she’d come back.
He’d done the math and he figured
at best Rory and Anders had been officially dating for maybe five days – he still had a much bigger hold over her…he
was sure of it.
At the beginning of their break-up he’d
given her space in hopes she would get past her hurt and want to work things out, but as the weeks turned into a full month
his sadness had turned into bitterness when she wouldn’t return any of his attempts to get a hold of her.
It was then after a failed attempt at being
with Presley, that he had become a serial womanizer determined to prove to Rory that he didn’t need her – he’d
be fine without her and that he could go back to his old life and be perfectly happy.
Of course that plan had back-fired miserably
only making her despise him even more according to Amy.
If all went well tonight though he would
reinvent himself yet again and show Rory that he was repentant for his past mistakes.
In an effort to seem more approachable
Tristan had opted not to take a date to tonight’s beach party, knowing that if everything went south he’d still
be leaving the party with someone.
He didn’t particularly like what
his life had become, but he had to admit it was getting easier and easier not to care who he hurt, as long as it kept him
from hurting.
Thinking back he did regret some of the
people that he had hurt in his quest to “move on” – most notably
being Presley.
Presley had been a real comfort when he
needed one, but she had ultimately wanted too much, he had been willing to give of himself physically to her but his emotions
he had refused her.
It was a strong and steadfast vow that
he had made to himself that no one would ever have his heart again – not even Presley.
As a result he and Presley were no longer
friends and he did miss her, but safer was better he was sure of it.
Grabbing his keys off of his dresser Tristan
took one last look in the mirror before heading out.
Tonight was going to be an interesting
night – no doubt about it.
As Anders pulled the car into a parking
spot at the beach Rory was surprised to see practically all of Chilton there, apparently end of the school year bashes didn’t
fall victim to the regular status quo of only the pretty and the popular people being allowed.
Amy and Presley jumped out of the car the
minute it stopped leaving Anders and Rory alone in the car.
“So are you ready for this?”
Anders said alluding to what they both knew, that Tristan was on that beach somewhere or would be before the night was up.
“I’m fine…it’s
fine.” Rory said a little less than convincingly.
“Okay…I’m just going
to put this out there…I know I’m not your boyfriend and that you owe me next to nothing…but just try and
stay honest with me. “ Anders said an unreadable look on his face.
Rory was surprised by Anders statement
and a little insulted that he thought she would do anything even remotely intended to hurt him.
“Why would you say that?” Rory
demanded needing an explanation.
Anders knew this was one of those moments
where you could either keep quiet or speak up – he chose to speak up.
‘Because I know Tristan and how determined
he can be and because I know that you haven’t let go of him either. “Anders said confessing his concerns.
He wanted her to reassure him, to make
him feel better…anything other than the single sentence she gave him. “I’ll work it out.”
Feeling there was nothing left to say he
leaned into her and began to kiss her, a kiss which she returned dutifully.
Nothing about the kiss felt right to Anders.
Rory was holding back, denying any emotion or chemistry she might be feeling, the kissing was for lack of a better word perfunctory.
Rory felt like such a phony as she returned
Anders kiss – what the hell was she doing. Her mind was a mess.
She loved Tristan but he had broken her
heart with his lies and deceit.
Anders was the flip side of the coin and
he hadn’t done anything wrong, yet all she could think of as she kissed him was Tristan.
Frustrated by Rory’s inability to
just let go and be a participant in the kiss Anders backed away his ego a little bruised.
“We should probably head down to
the beach.” He said getting out of the car without waiting for her agreement.
Rory knew Anders was on to her and that
she had hurt his feelings and she mentally kicked her self for not being able to keep her doubts in check.
Anders was a good guy and she needed to
keep that in mind before she really hurt him.
As they hit beach Amy had zoned in on Tristan
almost immediately, unlike Presley who had made a very obvious gesture of going the opposite way.
It still hurt Tristan a little to see Presley
so unwilling to be near him but he knew sooner or later they would figure it out.
For now his attention was centered on Rory
and getting her back.
It seemed to Tristan that it had taken
forever for Rory and Anders to finally make it down to the beach and he found his mind doing all sorts of unwanted scenarios
of the two of them all over each other in the car.
The reality would probably have given him
a huge wave of relief if he knew.
Anders set up beach chairs for him and
Rory around the bonfire and invited her to sit down while he grabbed them a couple of beers.
Rory did just that trying her hardest not
to scan the beach for Tristan because she had made up her mind that she was not going to go looking for him. If they ended
up talking, so be it, but she wasn’t going to be the instigator.
Having been at the party a lot longer than
Anders and Rory, Tristan was already feeling that heady buzz of few too many beers, not to mention the one or two vodka shooters
he had done prior to even leaving his house.
He wasn’t drunk – he just wasn’t
exactly sober.
His inhibitions however were loose enough
that he had no problem heading straight over to Rory to stand in front of her.
“Hello there.” Tristan said,
stumbling just a little but quickly recovering as he sat in Anders chair.
“I don’t want any trouble Tristan.”
Rory said a pleading look in her eyes knowing that even now Anders was on his way back to her with the beers.
“Throw me a bone here Rory…all
I said was hello.” Tristan said annoyed now.
“Fine…hello and goodbye because
that seat is already taken.” Rory informed him as if he didn’t already know.
God he really just wanted to rattle her
cage in that moment and tell her to lighten up and stop being such a bitch…anything to get through to her, but he could
tell all her defenses were up so he decided to wait until she’d loosened up a little more and had a little of the party
punch in her.
Until then he decided he could find other
ways to entertain himself.
As the night wore on Anders was beginning
to get very annoyed with Tristan as he sat across from them alternately playing tonsil hockey with Amy while spending the
rest of his unoccupied time staring at Rory.
It was like Rory’s worst nightmare
come to life and even the more than average amount of alcohol she had consumed was doing nothing to lessen it.
Tristan was in full player mode and putting
on his best performance right in front of them.
Two could play this game though thought
Rory as she whispered something into Anders' ear and he willingly nodded before getting up to follow her grabbing one of the
blankets he had brought with him.
What the hell was she up to now thought
Tristan not having missed a single movement she had made the entire night.
Rory hadn’t stopped too far from
the campfire for two reasons, she didn’t want to lose the warmth and she wanted to make damn sure Tristan knew exactly
what was going on.
As soon as Rory stopped Anders spread out
the blanket and sat down pulling her with him. He wasn’t dumb enough to think this sudden change of scenery had nothing
to do with Tristan but he also didn’t care.
He wanted to be closer to Rory and for
Tristan to see them as they had been the week he was gone so he would know that Rory was moving on.
It was the first real public display of
affection between the two since Tristan had gotten back, but before this Rory had been trying to take Tristan’s feelings
into account – now all bets were off as she lay beneath Anders on the blanket sharing a passionate kiss with him.
Around the bonfire people started buzzing
about Rory and Anders and some even began cheering Anders on.
It was too damn much for Tristan…he
was drunk and what little pride he had left was quickly dissolving with his anger.
Belligerent now he alternately walked and
stumbled over to Rory and Anders blanket laying him self down on the blanket beside them.
Surprised Anders stopped kissing Rory and
backed up, it was just the opportunity Tristan needed and he took it.
Placing his hand lightly on the side of
Rory’s face he looked into her eyes and spoke so softly that only she and Anders could hear.
“You’re a heartless slut and
I am an idiot for ever loving you.” He said before kissing her soundly on the mouth to the shock of everyone around…including
It was as if all sound and motion ceased
to exist as Tristan broke the kiss and got up from the blanket and turned to walk towards the parking lot.
He had made it to his car without anyone
stopping him which surprised him; he had half way expected Anders to punch him in the mouth, but as he searched for his keys
that wasn’t what was bothering him it was the fact that after saying those hateful things to Rory, when he had kissed
her, she had started to kiss him back.
Back on the beach Anders was afraid to
say anything because he could tell Rory was on the verge of breaking down…but he didn’t want her to feel alone
in this so he spoke up.
“Are you okay?” Anders asked
his concern evident.
“I have to go talk to him…I’m
sorry.” Rory said wiping the escaping tears from her eyes as she got quickly up and headed towards the parking lot.
Anders didn’t stop her because he
knew he couldn’t.
The force that existed between Tristan
and Rory wasn’t going to go away and until they figured it out one way or the other anyone else who fell for them was
going to have their heart broken.
Worried Amy headed over to her brother
as Rory made her way to the parking lot to find Tristan.
“If you need a shoulder to lean on
I’ve got one.” Amy offered as she walked into her brothers arms to give him a hug.
“ I really did like her Amy.”
Anders admitted to his sister for the first time.
Amy hugged her brother even tighter in
a show of understanding and compassion. It had been a hell of a night.