Story Summary: Rory and Tristan step closer and closer to the point of no going back.
Disclaimer: The characters in my story belong to the WB show “Gilmore Girls.”
Rory walks into the diner and goes up to the front counter to pick up an order.
LUKE: Hey Rory. What can I get you?
RORY: The usual.
LUKE: You and your mom always come in here and say that, like you expect me to know.
RORY: Don’t you?
LUKE: Well…yes. But that’s not the point. The point is you shouldn’t expect me to know.
RORY: Noted. And consider the message passed along.
As Rory heads to a table to sit down Lane comes in and goes up to the front counter.
LUKE: What can I get you?
LANE: The usual.
Luke throws up his hands in surrender.
LUKE: What is it with you people?
Luke heads towards the back room and Lane seeing Rory heads over to her table and takes a seat.
LANE: What was that about?
RORY: Not a clue.
LANE: So…I went out with Ethan again last night.
RORY: That’s great. How did it go?
LANE: God…Rory…he’s perfect. Which, just means that at any minute he will probably be
dumping me. I mean perfect doesn’t fit me at all.
RORY: You could dump him first.
LANE: Are you crazy? If I dump him then I’m the girl who dumped “perfect” and how stupid
is she?
RORY: I see your point.
LANE: Besides…I really like him.
RORY: So enjoy.
LANE: You know what? That’s what I’m going to do…I’m going to loosen up and let
the good karma in. I’ve been a good girl forever, I deserve some good karma. Right?
RORY: Right.
LANE: So how’s it going living with Tristan?
RORY: It’s good…and bad.
LANE: Bad? You have a Greek God living under you roof and its bad? Please…share.
RORY: We got into a fight last night.
LANE: Oh no. What about?
RORY: What else…Dean.
LANE: That’s rough. So are you still fighting?
RORY: No…it’s okay now.
All the guests have left and Rory and Tristan are going through the motions of setting up to watch a movie.
Not sure where they stand with each other at the moment Rory decides to sit on the floor. She grabs a couple of pillows and
the comforter off her bed and makes a makeshift seating area cozy enough for two.
TRISTAN: What are you doing?
RORY: Exactly what it looks like. I’m sitting on the
TRISTAN: You’re not going to sit on the couch with me?
RORY: You’re welcome to join me down here.
Tristan looks at the little area Rory has set up and realizes this is her way of trying to mend some of
the damage and hurt feelings the night caused.
TRISTAN: Actually…that sounds like a pretty good offer.
Picking up the bowl of popcorn he walks over and sits down next to Rory on the floor. As the movie starts
Rory and Tristan turn to each other at the same time.
RORY/TRISTAN: I’m really sor…
Both Rory and Tristan laugh.
TRISTAN: Ladies first.
RORY: Okay…I’m really sorry about tonight…and about inviting Dean.
TRISTAN: It wasn’t all your fault. I totally overreacted. I mean of course Dean was your first in
lots of things. It’s not like I didn’t already think that. It’s just actually hearing it…somehow made
it too real.
RORY: I know.
TRISTAN: I think…it would have been easier if there had been someone earlier than Dean.
RORY: You mean you would rather I had been like Vicky?
TRISTAN: Okay. No. That is a little too free.
RORY: I can’t change the past.
TRISTAN: I don’t want you too. I guess…In a perfect world I would have asked these questions
earlier and in private.
RORY: That probably would have been the better way to go.
Tristan wraps his arms around Rory and pulls her closer to him.
TRISTAN: So is there anything else you want to tell me?
RORY: Actually…yes.
Tristan cringes a little…but prepares himself to hear more Dean stories.
Rory turns to face Tristan.
RORY: The firsts I have left…they’re all yours. And some of them are pretty huge.
TRISTAN: Really? Dean never hit it out of the park?
RORY: Never even got to third base.
TRISTAN: You know I never really thought you slept with Dean. Right?
RORY: I know. You were hurt. But the most important thing to me is that you trust me.
RORY: Good…because the way we started…if we don’t trust each other…this will fall
apart. And I don’t want that to happen.
TRISTAN: It won’t. I’ll deal with my Dean issues.
RORY: I don’t want to keep any secrets from you.
TRISTAN: I’m okay that you didn’t share every aspect of you and Dean. I think sometimes it’s
easier not to know the truth.
RORY: If you’re referring to your stable of past women. I know there were many before me. I don’t
need to know all the details.
Tristan is clearly relieved by this.
TRISTAN: There may have been some before you. But this…us…is definitely my first time in a
real relationship.
RORY: Good answer.
Rory leans into Tristan and they begin the ritual that always brings them closer…molding into one
LANE: So happiness once again in the land of Tristan?
RORY: Yes. I would say so.
Luke walks over and hands Rory and Lane their orders.
LANE: I should probably get this home before my mother sends out a search team.
RORY: Okay. I’ll see you soon?
LANE: Absolutely. You’re still my best friend.
RORY: I’m sorry about not having a lot of time lately.
LANE: It’s cool. I’ve been pretty busy too.
RORY: Thanks for saying that, and for listening to me.
LANE: Hey…what are friends for.
Lane walks with her order towards her house as Rory heads the other way towards hers.
Ethan comes out of the bathroom drying his wet hair with a towel.
BEN: You got in late.
ETHAN: Yea…I was out with Lane.
BEN: So how’s that going?
ETHAN: It was…good. She’s a lot of fun when she loosens up. Her mom is a pretty major obstacle
BEN: She doesn’t like you?
ETHAN: She doesn’t even know about me. Lane had to sneak me into her house and up to her room last
BEN: You were in her room?!
ETHAN: Lighten up dad. Nothing happened. We talked, listened to music…and stuff.
BEN: It’s the “and stuff” that worries me.
ETHAN: You know…you probably shouldn’t ask the questions you aren’t prepared to hear
the answers for.
BEN: It was so much easier when you were twelve.
ETHAN: So how’d it go with Lorelai?
BEN: Great.
ETHAN: So you like her huh?
BEN: Does that bother you?
ETHAN: Nah…she’s cool.
BEN: Glad you approve.
Tristan is putting the comforter and pillows back on Rory’s bed when Lorelai comes in.
LORELAI: Thanks for picking up the little carpet party in the living room.
Tristan smiles at Lorelai’s attempts at communication.
TRISTAN: You’re welcome.
LORELAI: Rory would have probably just left it there…come to think of it…I probably would have
too…until in got in my way. Anyway…do you know where is she?
TRISTAN: She went in to town to pick up some breakfast.
LORELAI: The Saturday morning usual I’m hoping.
Tristan throws the last pillow on the bed as Lorelai watches him.
TRISTAN: Um…Do you mind if I use the shower?
LORELAI: It will be a long two weeks if you don’t.
TRISTAN: Yea…I guess it would.
LORELAI: For the next two weeks this is home. Anything that might be a normal…function in your life.
Please feel free to continue without my permission.
TRISTAN: Okay. Thanks.
Tristan grabs some clean clothes and heads for the shower.
LORELAI: Shampoo and everything else you might need is in there. I’ll get you a couple of towels.
TRISTAN: Thanks.
Tristan heads into the bathroom and turns on the shower. Lorelai hands him the towels closing the door
behind her.
LORELAI: Happy showering.
As Lorelai walks back into the kitchen Rory enters.
RORY: I have coffee, your favorite donuts and bagels.
Lorelai takes the bag from Rory.
LORELAI: Yes! A carb fest. You are my favorite daughter.
Opening the bag a look of confusion crosses her face.
LORELAI: (cont.) Actually you have some crusty looking toasted things, and a purplish jammy looking thing
and some rice.
Rory takes the bag from her mom and groans.
RORY: Luke gave me Lane’s order. I’m sorry. I’ll take it back.
LORELAI: You know what? That’s okay. I’ll go. It’s a nice day outside.
RORY: You seem awfully chipper. What happened last night to make you so spunky?
LORELAI: Nothing. Ben and I had a really nice date.
RORY: So are you two…together?
LORELAI: I don’t know…it was just nice to finally be focusing somewhere else besides on your
RORY: If you start dating Ben…are you going to tell Dad?
LORELAI: Eventually. Let’s not rush into anything until I know this might actually be going somewhere.
RORY: If it helps…I like Ben.
LORELAI: Yes…that definitely helps. Thank you.
Lorelai picks up her purse and starts towards the door.
LORELAI: Oh…one thing. I want it duly noted that I am leaving you in this house with a naked guy
in the shower. This is not exactly baby steps. That’s how much I trust you.
RORY: Thanks mom.
LORELAI: Okay…I won’t be gone long. In case you were wondering.
RORY: Not really.
LORELAI: Okay…I’m going.
Lorelai walks backwards out of the kitchen hesitating several times.
Lorelai finally turns around and walks out the front door. Rory starts to head into her room but stops
at the bathroom door and taps on it.
RORY: It’s me. Just uh…just checking to make sure you have everything.
TRISTAN: (OC) Sorry. I can’t hear you over the water. I think the door is open.
On the other side of the door Rory hesitates knowing this is exactly what her mom trusts her not to do
cautiously she opens the bathroom door. It is hot and steamy as she walks into the bathroom and immediately the door closes
behind her and Tristan clad in just his boxers and undone jeans grabs her from behind.
RORY: Tristan!
TRISTAN: What? You were the one trying to sneak a peek.
RORY: I was not! I was just making sure you had everything you needed.
Tristan turns Rory to face him and presses her up against the bathroom door.
TRISTAN: Now I do.
Without warning Tristan begins his sensual assault on Rory with his mouth and hands., taking but mere minutes
to have her writhing beneath his expert touch. Rory lets out a small moan as Tristan pulls her closer to his naked chest and
runs his hands lingeringly down her backside and up under her shirt to touch her naked flesh.
Bringing his mouth around to Rory’s ear Tristan whispers into it, his voice husky and filled with
pent up desire.
TRISTAN: I want you Gilmore.
Rory sighs knowing this is what she wants too.
RORY: Soon…I promise.
Spurred on by Rory’s communication of her equal desire Tristan begins kissing her again…drinking
in the taste of her lips and body.